Meet the International Businessman Called Emmanuel Oluoha & His Multiple stream's of Income Top Tips

" Cast your bread upon many waters for thou shall find it many days after " ~Ecclesiastics of King Solomon Special tribute by Mike Cerutti Osagie A lot has no doubt been said of the international businessman called Emmanuel Oluoha, who no doubt means different thing to different people For example, he has always love the good life and was nicknamed " Boogyman" while growing up and he ended up setting up a very vibrant night club called ARMNI Lounge But that is not his only line of business, he thrives on multiple streams of income For the records ; having multiple streams of income means that a person is receiving income from several residual or passive income streams at once. Residual or passive income is income that a person earns without directly putting in work. ... These are often referred to as multiple streams of income. And that is Oluoha for you ..he is into pharmaceuticals and is chairman/ CEO Klat Ltd producers of Ginklat He loves good luxurious style o...