UK Political Party Unveils British Commonwealth National Card...Members of Commonwealth Nations, Citizens advised to Apply
*British Commonwealth National Card Enhances Automatic British Subject Status, Protection *Enforcements of Commonwealth Citizens' Protectorate Rights of Residence, Unlimited Travel Restrictions in UK and Her Territories *Holder of British Commonwealth National Card Privileges: 'Global Social Interaction, International Relations, Travel Clearance' *“54 Sovereignties Brought together under a Treaty Enforceable by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948”-Prof Alexia Thomas, Chairman, The Commonwealth Liberation Party *TO APPLY FOR BCN CARD: Visit *QUOTES: “Any loss of identity prompts people to seek reassurance and rediscovery of themselves by testing, even by violence. Today, the electronic revolution, the wired planet and the information environment involve everybody in everybody to the point of individual extinction” -Marshal McLuhan *“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it ...