ESG rating of Rosatom was upgraded to ESG-2 (ESG-В) by AKPA

AKPA Rating Agency has upgraded the ESG rating of Rosatom from ESG-3 (ESG-В) to ESG-2 (ESG-В) which corresponds to a very high level in environmental protection, social responsibility and management. Six main divisions of Rosatom – the Mining, the Power Generating, the Sale and Trading, the Fuel, the Engineering and the Machine Building – have taken part in preparation of the information for the ESG rating. The revenue of these divisions amounts to more than 70% of the consolidated revenue of Rosatom. Polina Lion, Director of the Sustainable Development Department of Rosatom, commented: “It is important for us that AKPA considers documents, sustainable practices and indicators of individual divisions, and not only the consolidated data for the State Corporation in general. This enables us to better understand the areas for enhancement of the sustainable component in the organizations of Rosatom, to implement the particular ESG requirements not only at the strategic but also at th...