What do you give a man that has much on his stride? 5 BIRTHDAY CLASSIC QUOTE FOR DAKOVA Do not dwell on how old you are but how much you have achieved and how much you can achieve with the time you have left in this world. Always see every day as a chance to start afresh and make it count by living it as if it is your last The sagacity of old age increases with the number of candles found on your cake. The fact that you are getting older should not be burden. I can never remember how old I am anyway. Relish ignorance or at least pretend stupidity when someone asks your age! There is nothing better than someone who ages gracefully. Take the time to enjoy your old age with elegance and vitality. Today,(31st August 2016) is my friend, benefactor, close confidant, coach etc birthday,am gad to have met him in my short and life on earth I can write 20 pages tribute on king DKV..........Here is man that means a lo...