A STORY OF RESILIENCE....Tiger Woods,a True Champion

Woods: Recently Operated on Knee; But thinking of Early Return To Action • A Cerutti Media Group Human Angle Story of The Day ~ The respected Oxford advance dictionary described Resilience as ^ The mental ability to recover quickly from depression, illness or misfortunes° And that is the only apt way to describe the story and mindset of global brand super star Golf icon, Tiger Woods Only last night Woods announced that he had an arthroscopic procedure on his left knee last week but expects to return to play in a PGA Tour event in Japan in late October. He announced that the procedure was performed by Dr. Vern Cooley and was to repair minor cartilage damage. Woods released a statement from Cooley, who said: "I expect Tiger to make a full recovery. We did what was needed, and also examined the entire knee. There were no additional problems.'' Woods had reconstructive ACL surgery on his left knee after his 2008 U.S. Open victory. This is be...