Weekend Classic : London based Bose Adebayo Speaks of Her Impression of New Lagos.....& How Nigerian Leaders Let the masses down

 She is Many things rolled into one.Yes , Ambassador Princess Bose Adebayo

 the London based unionist, who was actively involved in the historic pre and post June 12 ,1993 election is also a director at the O' Khafe brand international was recently in Nigeria for a deserved break and on return to her UK base a group of friends in an evening outing wanted her to tell them her vivid impression of the cosmopolitan city called Largos

In a weekend chat with Cerutti Media subsidiary platform, Richlist magazine she postulated thus:

" The moment I arrived back to my London base some friends who have not been home for a while wanted to hear my story of the new Lagos

" My revert was simple....Lagos is still the economic and financial capital of Nigeria, therefore Lagos can be very expensive depending on your life style and your family.

 Lagos like any other financial capital  has it's fair share of developments in all sectors of the economy be it in finance, human capital or housing.

"  Lagos is very expensive to live in though blessed with beautiful and world class  hotels and apartment accommodations. These hotels and apartments don't come cheap! Most residents of Lagos need the survival instinct to live and endure the hustle and bustle of Lagos.  

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" You will agree with me that in life,Your social circle influences your social life of  the "owambe" parties of Lagos.

And don't forget, Lagos is blessed with a lot of tourist attractions and beautiful beaches.  However, one must be security conscious when moving around in Lagos and other parts of Nigeria all the time"

Asked her view on the current harsh economic state of Nigeria, she posited

"  On Nigeria, it's so sad..this is  it not the Nigeria I grew up and the type of Nigeria I will like my generation to live in. Too much poverty in the land and  all I can say about Nigeria is summed up in two songs 

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* 1: "Time Hard"  

* 2" Starvation" by the PIONEERS

" I can also boldly tell you that I am highly Disappointed in the political class and the citizens who are easily manipulated by their "Leaders".They live flamboyant lifestyle, travel round the world ,earn big but the masses are suffering; it is rather unfortunate"

On her advice for the Nigerian youths, Princess Bose Adebayo summed

" The youths should be resilient, don't give in to bullying from the older generations who enjoyed the best of Nigeria and don't want to hand over a great Nigeria to the youths.  If they wish to "japa" , they should do that ASAP let them explore the world for "the world is their Oyster" as Sir William Shakespeare  noted in his work " 'The Merry Wives Of Windsor '

~ We thank Ambassador Princess Bose Adebayo for the brief telephonic chat from her London base..

© The Richlist Magazine 

Reported by Mike Ceruti Osagie

Head Wordsmith

Cerutti Media Group

E: chiefcerrutti@gmail.com

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