RichList Magazine Personal Finance This Week... Brought to you in Association with Africa's Global Bank UBA


" You can't talk proper financial Growth Without  Astute Time management discipline" -   London UK based Bose Adebayo

• Respected for her works in  community services and humanitarian deeds, London Based Nigerian born global youth leader Ambassador princess Bose Adebayo last night aired her opinion on how the young ones can quickly and legitimately rise up to the acme of their calling

In a telephonic conversation with the RichList Magazine ( personal finance segment) she was most emphatic

" It's a new year again...time to start all over and win big at the end of the year 

" My advice is be financially stable I think you must be very time discipline. Permitting everything and everyone to have access to your time and mind is an open invitation to future struggle and disorder

" It's time to face your job squarely and endeavor to reduce your love for excess movies/ TV addictions

• Time to say no to such evils as procrastinating things to be done now; say no to wasteful spending of money and time; say no to laziness; indiscipline, Temporal pleasures

" And chief of all endeavor to make this year your best savings matter how little, go to pos or bank and save

" And finally let me tell you what  one speaker said in a conference in Chicago I attended last year

" He said ... sadly many voiceless, classless, insignificant frustrated old people misused their youthful stages of life by lacking of time and money management

" Be wise today and as the great Albert Einstein said..." The example of great and pure individuals is the only thing that can lead us to noble thoughts and deeds" So learn to be with or learn from those who have triumph in this highly competitive life we live in "

~ Thats Princess Bose Adebayo for you  √

Happy new year of better endings..

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