World Industry Leaders Magazine Personal Finance This Week .... Brought to you in Association with Africa's Global Bank , UBA


Maintaining A perfect Budgeting plan for your Christmas...

With barely three weeks to the 2023 Christmas day celebration, many  people are bound to face the same challenge they  each year - making Christmas magical on a realistic budget. With the holiday season on our doorstep, World Industry Leaders Magazine tracked a young enterprising personal finance  advisor Mr Amos Famous who offerred some few vital   tips for a budget-friendly Christmas: Enjoy the excerpts


• Track Your Spending: It's a few days yuletide so be wise with your money...and one of such ways is to make a record of every purchase during the holidays? The food, decorations, parties, gifts, travel and more? Tracking your spending is a vital step for any budget-friendly Christmas. Create a simple spread sheet and enter all of your receipts at the end of each shopping trip. You can separate spending into categories and/or for gift recipients 

 Track your spending by entering amounts on an Excel spreadsheet, or a simple spiral notebook...whichever is best for you.

*Set a Budget: You've heard it a million times: It's tough to stay within a budget if you haven't set a budget. Keep in mind there is no need to "go without" for the next 11 months in order to have an extravagant Christmas. To help you stay within budget, keep receipts handy should an item you've already purchased drop in price before Christmas. Most stores will adjust the price and refund the difference to you.

*Consolidate Gift Giving: If you are buying gifts for every member of your extended family and associates, discuss the option of drawing names, buying "family" gifts, or putting a smaller amount of money  limit on presents. Chances are other members of your extended family are wanting a budget-friendly Christmas too.

*Make Gifts More Meaningful: Before heading out for the Black Friday deals for example, create a well-thought-out-list of three or four meaningful gift ideas for each child. Recently, I asked a youth if she could remember just three gifts she had received for Christmas the prior year. I was surprised that she couldn't even list two gifts among the dozens she had received! The moral of the story is, don't fall for the Black Friday marketing trap. Getting a great deal can be a waste of money if the gift only leaves a lasting impression on your checking account.

*Take Advantage of the time we are now and if you have extra money somewhere, get the gifts you want to be for good friends or family members now before it get to the last minute ( injury hour) where everything will be very expensive and sellers out to exploit the buyers

*According to financial expert Mr Famous, by  following these  budget-friendly Christmas tips, you can help make the "joys of the season" a positive memory for both yourself, family / associates and your finances for the year  will be be in the red 

~ We thank him for these valuable personal finance tips

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