Today's Leaders Corner......Igbo King, HRH Nkatauwu Speaks Passionately To Youths on Top Ten Keys to the Top.

Only recently, the National Integrity Award organization bestowed His Royal Highness ( HRH) Igwe  Nkataukwu a huge rewarding plaque as the best traditional ruler of the year

At a mini but colourful ceremony in his expansive Palace in Ejigbo , the business Mogul, global youths leader and hotelier later granted the best selling writer Chief Mike Cerutti Osagie an exclusive interview where he gave out ten tips to the Youths they can effectively use to the top of their goals- enjoy the except & stay glued to this space 

#Tip number 1: Be passionate in all you do 

In the words of the flamboyant traditional ruler

" After prayers and reverence of God, one must be hardworking...but be warned hard work is nothing without passion"

 NO one, he stressed can make it to the top of his trade if he is working hard with no passion for his work or trade.

The corporate traditional czar emphasized that doing a job and being passionate about the work that one does are two parallel lines.

So pathetic he emphasized that today, many people struggle to find passion for their jobs or their work and worry that they're not happy in their careers. 

"To win big in the 21st century, one must be very passionate about what he does, it is not all about money here, before embarking on a trade or some vocation,efforts must be made to ask self what is your true passion?

What do you love to do like a hobby that you can convert to wealth? I always advice all those who easily gets confuse career wise or choice of what to do, to find a solitary place and search their heart deeply, after which they must make a list of for example top ten things they love to do in their spare time

There is no one on earth that do not have a passion he enjoys doing, that passion can be converted to cash by smart thinking,

because having an understanding of the type of activities that you enjoy will easily and effectively transmute you into the a career that can put big money on your table, and incorporate you to a future champion It must be emphasized that one’s passion which should naturally leads to ones job should be one that will effectively one reach one’s goal, and the gains of it on

the long run, here we can say apart from job satisfaction , one must consider financial freedom, that can make one effectively

Your passion for your work is the only thing that can help you a better future, as I try to shy away from that word, saving for the

rainy days, instead of passionately working to save for the rainy days, get a passion that can save for a joyous day or the day

that you will win your financial freedom, and natural, since our

God is just God of intention, that is what you will get. Your passion or motivation to make it big in your career or chosen profession is very vital. If your motivation in your career comes from not very solid self choice but from other aspects like fear,anger, need to work cause others are working or just because you need money, such job will never bring you happiness

Hence at ever giving time, you must ask yourself if your desires

or skills are being fully utilized, if not then you must do what property magnate, Donald Trump like to advice: FIRE YOURSELF, and go start all over by writing down what you would love to do for living regardless of money, location or education limitation, but chief of all , anyone that hopes to make it to big league, top premier stage must not be shy to get a mentor to act as his guide or coach, they are seasoned,learned and more expose, a coach or mentor will effectively .guide you from making or avoiding mistakes they must havemade in life, was  his stand

~ Trust only God..good wealth comes from God

© Osagie Cerutti is a professional wordsmith who is also deeply involved in several humanitarian endeavors. He has won several award for his past deeds & he is the publisher of the newly released international magazine brand called RichList

He can be contacted via


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