Cambodia support group Resurrect in Nigeria...Ezesinachi speaks on Power of Friendship & True essence of CCG
•Destiny Sunrise Ezesinachi a young and upwardly Mobil international business man, humanitarian and community leader have spoken on the importance of regular meetings by old friends and associates
The Cambodia Connect Group has just recently held Thier annual get together,he told us importance of old friends being in touch
"This club is called Cambodia Connect Group CCG of Nigeria.
The aims and objectives are : To love one another
To Assist each in every ramifications of their reaches
To protect each other
To unite all Cambodia burgers who has left Cambodia for good
To be a brothers keeper
" I have done extensive research and I found out that ...." Friends prevent isolation and loneliness and give you a chance to offer needed companionship, too. Friends can also: Increase your sense of belonging and purpose. Boost your happiness and reduce your stress" he stated
Chief Destiny Sunrise Ezesinachi said the Cambodia support group is determined to see that the meaning of true friendship is practicalized
Asked the long term benefits of old friends being in touch, he disclosed..
"Friends Are Good for Your Physical Health
It turns out that healthy relationships actually contribute to good physical health. Having a close circle of friends can decrease your risk of health problems like
"Having strong social ties can also decrease feelings of loneliness, which evidence shows can take a toll on your longevity. According to a 2010 review, people with strong relationships have half the risk of premature death from all causes.
"Social isolation and loneliness are linked to a variety of health issues such as high blood pressure, substance abuse, heart disease, etc
" I believe that happiness is contagious among friends. One study of high school students found that those who were depressed were twice as likely to recover if they had happy friends. Likewise, kids were half as likely to develop depression if their friends had a "healthy the Cambodia Connect Group aims to preach and practice value of true friendship"
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18 th January 2023
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