Historic Landmark Reached ....As Julia Fortune Ordained As Professor of Christian Education & Divine Healing

" Blessed are the peacemakers for they will see God" - Beatitudes

• The revered Advance oxford dictionary described Landmarks as * significant stage or event in the development of something or someone i.e an event or discovery marking an important stage or turning point in one's life 

 And that is the stage reached by the Texas USA based Woman of God, business mogul and Tireless Giver of hope - Bishop (Professor) Julia Fortune- who was weekend bestowed with The Prestigious Professor of "Christian Education & Divine Healing”from the West African College of Missionary Bishop’s( WACOMBS)

At their 2023 convention , Bishop (Professor) Julia Fortune was found worthy of the honour at the   WACOMBS NATIONAL CONFERENCE, where  ArchBishop OLUSEGUN ROBERTS presented her with the prestigious   certificate of office .

Though not physically  present at the historic event, she was represented  by one of her  best friend and sister from high school, Mrs Adetomike Odutola who was there 'live' to receive the award on her  behalf.

And speaking exclusively to World Industry Leaders Magazine last night  on phone from her Texas, USA base Bishop (Professor) Julia Fortun thanked the WACOMBS Body for the great honour; blessed her family / friends for believing in her vision and at the end of the day, gave God all the Glory

In her words...

" I sincerely believe that the Lord is preparing me for greater exploits. He sees and knows that I have completely sold my soul to Him!

" I believe this award will launch me to another level of higher responsibility to our sinful world.

" I have empathy and compassion for those that hurting, broken hearted, afflicted, the sick and other less privileged, I won't stop giving all my very best to our Lord God" she divulged

Bishop (Professor) Julia Fortune 

A brief profile

Bishop (Professor) Julia Fortune is  an ordained Minister of God. An Entrepreneur and a Businesswoman.

She has a Bachelor of Arts in Education & Theatre Arts from the prestigious University of Ibadan, Master of Arts in Education Technology from California State University, San Jose, USA, and Master of Science in Healthcare Management from the University of Maryland Global Campus, USA.

She attended Zoe Ministries School of Prophets, USA where she received teachings on ministerial ethics, ministry of the word, ministry of prayers, and prophetic and revelatory teachings.

She attended The Overcomer Bible Institute (TORIC) under the leadership of the General Overseer.




She received a Doctorate award in  Ministry from the West African College of Missionary Bishops(WACOMBS)

She is currently a graduate student in Biblical Studies with the Trinity Graduate School of Apologetics and Theology (TGSAT)

She was ordained a Minister of God in 2015 and 4 years later ordained a Reverend.

She founded the Total Body Wellness Foundation in 2012 and provided cancer awareness, counseling and education to various communities in Lagos State.

As a health columnist, she provided well over 30 published free weekly articles on health, diseases and natural health remedies to a few major newspapers in Lagos State.

 She is currently the founder and general overseer of “Julia Fortune Global Outreach Ministry,” 

which is scheduled to begin operation in the 2nd Quarter of 2023 (delayed due to the pandemic) with the following goals:

• To offer humanitarian services to the less privileged members of the society in Africa and worldwide. 

She is the Executive Chairman of Jukes Consults Limited - (an integrated financial engineering, offshore capital raise, advisory, brokerage, project & trade finance consulting firm)

She is a celebrated “Non-Fiction” and “Fiction” author with her books titled “Unveiling The Spirit Of Politics In The Church”,  “Winning in Life By Prayers” “Chronicles of a Cancer Survivor” and “The Unbroken Spirit”. 

She  is married to a Godly and supportive man; Chief Jay Babawale Johnson (the Aare Sobaloju of Eti-Oni, Ilesa). They are blessed with children and grandchildren.

Congrats once for the new HONOUR; Professorship in Christian Education and Divine Healing”*

©Exclusively Published by  world industry leaders magazine


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