Special Tribute : Rev Dr . Julia Fortune Celebrates God For Her Victory over Deadly Cancer

 She means different things to different people and her humanitarian deeds is well noted globally

Rev Dr ( Bishop - Elect ) Julia Fortune the Nigerian Born African American who is celebrating her historic landmark birthday today has declared it a moment of praises to her maker God who delivered her few years ago from the deadly pandemic called Cancer


She tells World Industry Leaders Magazine her victory over cancer 

" It is victory from God  when my high speed, high stressed life led me straight down the path of a cancer diagnosis.  Looking back I'm really not surprised, I was working too many hours, commuting in traffic, I was out of shape, eating and drinking all the wrong stuff.  Then I was slapped with two

devastating words...Breast cancer - two of the most feared words any woman wants to hear, and here I was at the height of my career being given life altering news, if not what some called a flat out death sentence, but to me it’s not!!. 

"My doctor told me that with the proper protocol and treatments there would be a good chance of survival, but I would have to continue the drugs possibly for the rest of my life.  Then he uttered three words that shook me to my core, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. In other words, cut, burn, and destroy - the cure all for every type of cancer, or so every oncologist on the planet will tell you.  

"I decided to have an Oncotype DX test performed and was told even with the chemotherapy that the chances of the cancer NOT RETURNING was only 5%.  That meant I would be putting deadly chemicals into my body and there was a 95% chance that it was useless. This also meant that chemotherapy has no effect on the type of breast cancer I had. So why would I put myself through all this if, with all the doctors had, I would have a 5% survival rate? Why would any one?  Really it boils down to lack of proper knowledge.


"I put my Masters degree in education to work and found that doctors are not in the business of making you well, if they did, they would be out of business.  No, the doctors are in the business of selling, whoops!  I mean prescribing, you drugs to make you almost well, so you have to come back. I studied alternatives to "orthodox" medicine such as naturopathic, homeopathic, and certain Eastern medicines.    Based on my research I wrote a book, Chronicles of a Cancer Survivor, that told the story of my journey and how leaving orthodox medicine behind, save for a mastectomy and reconstruction. I saved my life and was declared cancer free in 2009.  Since then I have earned a Masters degree in Healthcare Management and have been lecturing on the benefits of healthy lifestyles and Wellness programs"


Passion: If it is success that one desires and they are without passion, the chances of success are slim indeed.  Passion is the 110% investment that is absolutely necessary to keep the motivation and drive to see any concept become a reality.

Serving Others: The truly admired, the truly esteemed, the truly successful are those who find the ability to serve.  The American comedian Dick Gregory once stated, "One of the things I keep learning is that the secret of being happy is doing things for other people".  

Persistence: All successful people are persistent, really.  Leave it to a baby to illustrate persistence; when they're first learning to walk they fall down.....a lot, but they always get up.  No matter how long it takes or how many times they fail they always get back up.  People don't realize that Thomas Edison, who invented so many things including the light bulb, didn't just pop the light bulb out on the first try; it took years and many failures to come up with the finished product.  

Focus: The ability to focus gives passion and persistence the backbone needed to complete the task.

Communication: You can have all the qualities listed above but if there not the ability to effectively communicate and build interpersonal relationships, what have you gained? 


In one word: Jesus.  I have been a Christian all my life, but it took a cancer diagnosis to bring me to my knees and draw closer to Him.  My philosophy is echoed in Mark 12:30-31; "...Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with your entire mind and with all your strength".  The second is this, "...Love your neighbor as yourself ". There is no other commandment greater than these.


* A huge happy birthday to the great wellness expert, Rev Dr Bishop Elect Julia Fortune 

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