International Honour :Rare Accolades For Nigerian Born Legendary Designer In America....As Mayor Ted Green of East Orange city council Pours Encomium On Dhabri-Khenchy

 Rare Accolades 

" Do you see a man skilled in his trade? He will serve kings; not ordinary mortals'

This eternal quote by King Solomon best suits the Young Africa's legendary designer living in USA in person of Imo State born Dhabri-Khenchy

Only last week he was publicly giving a loud ovation by the good people of East Orange council in New Jersey USA

Led by Christopher Awe( Council chairman 2nd ward ) and Sir Ted Green, the City's Mayor,the Americans thanked the Nigerian Born Legendary Designer For supporting the city via donations of several hundreds of African inspired face mask and other accessories to help in the fight against the deadly pandemic called Covid-19

Says Mayor Green " We are proud of your good intentions to help fight covid-19, we love the mask you produced and presented with touch of africa and pray for your success and global growth"

On his part , Dhabri-Khenchy posited that ' I feel so honoured by this reception of gratitude, East Orange council is my second home and I will always give back to her, what I have just done is a tip of iceberg, in future we will be teaching young Americans as a whole the nitty gritty of being a professional Designer.. Americans gave us so much ,we must reciprocate and give her back " he assured..


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