Personal Finance Today : Lady Cassandra Martina Proffer Few Tips

#To be emancipated we must talk   &  teach personal finance

By Mike De Cerutti
( A post to study, save & share SSS)

A lot has no doubt been said of late about businesswoman, motivational speaker, real estate developer cum Evangelist, Amb Evgl Cassandra Martina

Her sermon today took a different tone, she delved into personal finance, it was strange

For starters, Personal finance is the financial management in which an individual or a family unit performs to budget, save, and spend monetary resources over time, taking into account various financial risks and future life events.

She regretted that personal finance is not being thought in schools, Churches or mosques " How can youths be so great and emancipated if they don't learn or know of personal finance?"

She argues " Having basic personal financial skills is one of the most important things you can do to live a healthy, happy and secure life. Your level of understanding around the fundamentals of budgeting, saving, debt, and investing will impact every part of your life and can mean the difference between prosperity or poverty,"


She implored, " Many lost their initial break because of lack of personal finance IQ, it has today made many poor and corporate beggars, let's be wise "


• Beyond being a  business monument, the Cassandra Ventures CEO is also G.O of divine vineyard ministries of God international, where she spends  her time, resources etc extolling God's amazing wonders

More on her next week

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" It first seems impossible, until it's done and over with"- Dr Nelson R. Mandela


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