Special Focus Report : Of the Widowhood Challenge in Africa & How the Felix King Foundation Is Helping Widows Enjoy Decent Life & Dignity


“It's never too late to start over for any  widow !”
Lynne Gentry, Reinventing Leona


By Mike Cerutti Osagie

(Africa’s most Outstanding Humanitarian writer)

 The highly revered advanced Oxford dictionary described a widow as *  A woman who has lost her spouse by death and has not married again.

These are no doubt very special breed of people that ought to be treated in a most tender and caring manner 

 And the Holy Bible was most emphatic on how the widows must be treated by all and sundry

 Several points are raised in the Holy  book as regards how widows must be seen and treated but most worthy of mention is the one which advised us that...

 "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep one unstained from the world- in essence it advised us to honor widows who are truly widows.

 And if there is one organization in the African continent that is truly living to this command; that organization is none other than the Felix king Foundation ( FKF)


Year in year out The FKF is always coming out with one form of empowering programs for widows and the other FOR widows and it is not a mere boastful talk that at The Felix King Foundation, poor widows are supported with business start-up finance , training, and networking opportunities so that they are able to provide education for their children, put food on their table, provide medicine and clothing for their family, and most importantly , her dignity.

 Only recently, the foundation, armed with a firm commitment  to delivering real results that create transformational change for rural women – especially widows came up with a special program tagged " BETTER LIFE FOR RURAL AFRICAN WIDOWS" aimed at seeing to the progressive wellbeing of  vast majority of Africa's widows’


 We gathered that  The Felix King’s ‘Better life for rural African women’ focuses on the relegation of rural African women, affecting national and community development and the invisibility of positive actions towards causes favoring rural African women. The objective of scheme is to reduce the burden of widowhood and single-motherhood in rural African countries by providing income-generating opportunities in agriculture, cottage industry and education training and networks for women, with focus area being in 





With participating women encouraged to unite under the club 5000 platform which serves as a cooperative club (meeting group/society) to gain access seed capital grants and extension services and technology

Now ,with the dawn of the new year 2021,the Felix king Foundation is now out again with a new empowerment programs for widows across Nigeria in particular and Africa as a whole


The World industry leaders international magazine gathered that the next Felix king empowered widow will enjoy free training on garments and sewing machine provision and eligible and vulnerable widows are invited to register via the * Felix king Foundation website



No doubt, in a continent ,where less attention is often placed on the plights of widows, the tireless humanitarian efforts of the Felix king Foundation must be commended for their tireless efforts and we pray our Government and other big brand multinational organization takes a clue from the Felix king Foundation and seek ways to support and empower today's widows who often times, after the death of their husband's ( breadwinner) are made to forcibly play the role of husband and wife on one stride


Big kudos to the Felix king Foundation who have consistently being on the side of poor widows and have often supported them with business start-up finance, training, and networking opportunities so that they are able to provide education for their children, put food on their table, provide medicine and clothing for their family, and most importantly, maintain a high sense of her dignity and honor


·         An official of the organization told us that....

Our programs to help women have a better life are built on 4 pillars premise: When women succeed as entrepreneurs, fully participate in the economy, prosper in the workforce, and have their dignity intact as women, the communities will enjoy greater prosperity and peace.

Across communities we operate, we’re driven by the commitment we owe to God despite the huge challenges. Whether it’s creating economic opportunity by providing business  seed funding  and training for female entrepreneurs in Africa –  through The Startups Africa initiative, helping widows and rural women with trade grant and skill acquisition through The Market Moni  initiative, providing educational enhancement scholarships for children of widows, increasing opportunities for  Widows in Farming program ( WIFARM ), Medical support for children or championing the campaign in communities on the importance to respect the dignity of women and their children due to cultural biases  to enhance community growth, we get our satisfaction by the successes we achieve through these efforts: making the world better for women and the children.

What started as just an effort by one man – Dr.Felix King Eiremiokhae, with the support of his wife Aderonke, to help one widow who’s story was so heart melting grew into a foundation, committed to help widows and female entrepreneurs with seed funding ,training and mentorship.

With the “Goal 36,000 women by 2029”, the Felix king Market Moni  initiative and The startups Africa project are projected to be the biggest market support grant platform for  widows and active disadvantaged rural women , and the most sort after hub for female entrepreneurs in tech start-up and small business in Africa respectively. Today, over 4,000 women live their better life story, and we are determined to reach and impact 36,000 women by 2029.

The Foundation is inspired and propelled by message of love, faith, and hope as propagated by the life and teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Funding by the Felix King foundation has been solely provided by Felix King through contributions done by his companies (Oracle Experience limited and Mabisco). From January  2019, the foundation will open an online volunteers and activist network that will offer flexible action opportunities for people to participate and improve the lives of women and children.

Our Operations Module

  • Felix King Foundation is an operating foundation and does not give grant to other charitable organizations.
  • Funds are spent directly on projects that will better the lives of disadvantaged widows and that of their children
  • These programs are; The Market Moni for widows and rural women, The Startups Africa for female entrepreneurs, widows in farming (WIFARM) grant, skill acquisition, Educational scholarships, social welfare ( food), medical support.

Guiding principles

  • Let’s do this together
  • Every woman deserves the right to succeed.
  • Succeeding as a woman in Africa is not easy. Women had to work twice as hard to succeed . – AND IT SHOULD NOT BE SO!
• Osagie , the Africa's most outstanding Humanitarian writer is also an author, brand, image & reputation Advisor
He can be contacted via: chiefcerrutti@gmail.com
Or WhatsApp Exclusive #
+ 234 7042631895



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