Edo 2020 Grand Elections : Property Developer & Proudly Edo Born Lady, Dr Eunice Efole Gives 5 Reasons Why Obaseki is Best Choice For Now


Edo Princess, Dr Eunice Efole needs little or no introduction before taking her place of dignity in the society today

Famous for her business acumen, properties developer, multiple style and charity award winner, she recently bagged an Honorary Doctorate Degree from the prestigious European American university EAU of Dominican Republic

In this special interview, she bared her mind on the forthcoming Edo Governorship Elections warning that " We must let the people of Edo state decide who they want as their governor and  their representatives. Someone with a track record of performance in governance must be encouraged to continue.

" And the idea of using the federal might to reign in the election  must be condemned and  the wishes of the people must be  taken into consideration and fair play of the  electoral laws of the land must prevail " she appealed

Any intimidation of any kind must not be encouraged. 

We caught up with her and asked....

 Q: You have never  hidden your admiration for Governor obaseki 

Why is he the best for Edo state 

And what are his Five virtues you saw in him 

" Yes ,he is my choice among the pack, and his track record during his time with oshiomole as governor and also as a governor himself for the past four years of his government speaks volumes of him .They are visible for people to locate.

Even his adversaries knows about his performance in the  Edo state .

They sang his praises for all to hear severally . This is on record. Why want to use force of the federal might to un-seat  a performing governor just because you had a personal issues with him .

And l tell you, all  the rigmarole doings by his adversaries are been played out each day leading to the up-coming governorship election.

Obaseki political pedigree in

governance so far in the state is etched in the memories of the citizens of Edo state.

Q: Tell us his few virtues

A: The five political virtues I like about him are as follows ;

1) Obaseki wants the best for the people of Edo State and is determined to stake his life to achieve it 

2) He Obaseki has had a track record of performance so far in the state 

3) He is eminently qualified to run again as a governor inspite of the clog in the wheel of his progress so far to truncate his ambition for a 2nd term as governor of Edo State.

4) He is his own man with convinced conviction to rule and run the affairs of a State like Edo .

5) The majority of the people of Edo state and the traditional ruler and chiefs in Edo state can attest to the fact that  there has been noticeable peace and progress in the state during his four years tenure as a governor

Q: Will federal might truncate his ambition ?

A: Yes and no 

Yes if God Almighty who rules over the affairs of man allows it. 

And no if they will for once in their lifetime play by the rules of the game .

The body language of the federal might so far is not encouraging at all. They want to take  power from him hook line sinker. 

They want to achieve this to the detriment of the  people of the state.

I pray God Almighty who knows all of man’s doings will intervene in this matter so that truth and justice must prevail in the coming election

Q: If Obaseki wins, what's your advice for him?

Q: Politics should be about people not about some group of party people . 

The focus should be about the larger good of the state . 

Focus your energy and interest for the larger good of Edo people not just about party members . 

Serve the people . Enormous reward comes from serving the the people

~ That is technocratic Dr Efole for you, we thank her for this brief encounter


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