On Brands , Panache & High End Price Tags :BENNY OBAZE SPEAKS
* The grand return of High Chief HON Benny Obaze
* Says todays men on rise are future moguls and must not get scared of high luxury goods prices
Without any iota of doubt, THIS man of immaculate taste, style merchant,politician and humanitarian is not one to see granting any interviews randomly
He allows his success and business speaks for him
As CEO/Founder of Bevista Jevista Rivista he was asked how he feels when young men on rise(future millionaires that is ) get sacred to visit his style palaces on account of high upmarket prices of his goods
He reverted stoutly " THEY must not get scared with our brand, a thing of luxury is not cheap and cheap things are not good
"Be that as it may, we admire young men and women of high confidence, high price must never scare a man with confidence for you may be down today and next day fortuner can change, we welcome all young and ambitious people to our 3 companies and be assured that once you,good discount is assured" Chief Obaze, who doubles as a high end politician told our brand unit last last
* - Special focus brand report by Cerutti Media
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