Picking up from last week.
Jesus entered the boat that belonged to Simon and he began to preach and asked Simon to Thrust a little from the ground. I understand that, when you are starting out in life or any vision you start a little, thrust a little from the ground , it's OK to put out a little yet not without faith. Faith will make you believe God for something big. Though your beginning was small but your later end shall be great . Faith will make you radical and
ready for something big.
There are three kinds of people you will always find on your way to destiny, one of these three kind is you. And each time God wants to do something, you will find this three kinds.
One of them are those that wish things to happen. They want something but they stop at wishing. They wish miracle to happen, they wish pie could fall from the sky. They wish to have great marriage, great business, they wish to have great ministry but they are not ready to spread their nets. You must be ready and proactive and take a step.

The next type of people are those that watch things happen. They are spectators, they want something but they are not ready. They watch new visitors come to church and believe the same message and the same man of God and get their testimonies. The sons of the prophet watched Elisha travel the road from Bethel to Jericho and to Jordan and get his double portion and they tried to discouraged him. He rose above that situation and went all the way.
The last group of people are those that make things happen. Those that step out at the word of God.
When Jesus asked Simon to launch into the deep, he said we had toiled all night and caught nothing. This is the same word God spoke over Adam in toil you shall eat of the land.
He toiled and caught nothing but thank God, any time God used your gift, your sacrifice, your service he will not leave you empty. He used Simon's boat and God gave him a harvest.
Simon said at your word I will lay down the net. And when they had done this, they caught so much fish that their net was breaking.
At your word, Simon would later ask Jesus for a word to walk on the water because he saw what the word can do. At your word I will lay down the net.
A carpenter asked a Fisher man to lay down his net for a catch.
Let me stop here today.
May you be blessed beyond measure and this week yield results for you. Peace of God be with you. UDO!
Bishop Justin Nwokeji Jr

Finger of God ministries Int
No 35&37 Albow Rd Rugby Milnerton Cape Town South Africa.

See you at the FOG Power Station.


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