ALLEGED "STONES" IN SOME MADE IN NIGERIA RICE : Front line Rice Producer, LAZ Nwaorie, commends Buhari Led Government; Warns Local Farmers To Up Their Game

A FRONT LINE Rice producer in Nigeria , Dr Laz NWAORIE Chairman /CEO of Lajetsco Abakiliki world rice last night reacted swiftly to some cry by some Nigerians that few of our home grown rice still comes with stoners
And again, though a good number of Nigerians are complaining and blaming the Federal Government forImage result for BUHARI AND NIGERIA RICE closing the country's borders, rice cooperatives, big-time farmers, including DR Laz IS  full of praises for the order.
Abakiliki based mogul  have said this is the first time the government has taken a very bold step in ensuring that local investors and farmers get real value for their investment.
HE is  therefore calling on the federal government to permanently keep the borders closed so that Nigerian processed rice can also be made popular and its acceptability among the people sustained.
Dr LAZ commended President Muhammadu BuhariImage result for nigeria rice thwart the government's order.Image result for nigeria rice
for taking the bull by the horn in banning the importation of rice. He urged law enforcement agencies to deal ruthlessly with rice cabals that dare to
ON cry that our rice still comes with stones, Dr laz warned " Soon those rice manufacturers who refused to take careful and meticulous time to drain their rice to meet world standard will soon be chased out of market, people, especially Nigerians will never compromise quality, the ball is in their hands just like success /failures depends on our mindset and hard work" he told US last night in Abuja

* A Special Cerutti Group Production for WORLD LEADERS


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