
"Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings" is a very pragmatic word of life by  the great Salvador Dali

Such  is how  Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas  can be painted. Intelligent, refined, exposed and daring, she is a delightful read any day , any time  and in any part of the world

IN this global MUST READ Piece, made available to WORLD LEADERS ONLINE, " The  Madam Prof"
was most incisive in this epistle

POLITICAL THEORY - Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas affirm that Great Sins Visited England Because Sons Of Great Britain Stained Their Hands With Blood By Killing An Innocent King In 1649 Beheaded. The Great Britain As A Kingdom Was Cursed By The Gods Of Thetis the Sea Goddess Of Tribinita. The demise of King Charles I in 1649, led to the cursed upon the England but again the World is in on the verge of destroying itself as the American are the Avengers rebelled against the Kingdom to make a destructive Sovereignty upon themselves. KING CHARLES I, FINAL STATEMENT BEFORE EXECUTION “An Unjust Sentence That I Suffered To Take Effect, Is Punished Now By An Unjust Sentence On Me. He Declared That He Had Desired The Liberty And Freedom Of The People As Much As Any, “But I Must Tell You That Their Liberty And Freedom Consists In Having Government … It Is Not Their Having A Share In The Government; That Is Nothing Appertaining Unto Them. A Subject And A Sovereign Are Clean Different Things.” He Continued, “I Shall Go From A Corruptible To An Incorruptible Crown, Where No Disturbance Can Be”./

DEFINING CONSTITUTION - We hold these truth to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain Inalienable Rights, which among these are Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights that governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of those ends, it shall be the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundations upon such principles, and organising its powers in such form, as shall seem to them most likely to effect their safety and happiness - By Thomas Jefferson (3rd US President 1743 - 1826).
Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas Mantle Statement, “The British Democratic Government Institution is not formidable enough to hold their Sovereignty” and hence Democratic Parliament is doom to collapse as the demise of the Kings Charles I, instigated the breakout of British American Civil War in triumph of the Nations of American’s Independent break away from United Kingdom; Hence British on American assignment rejected returning Home since the Kings Charles death and Democracy as Government was conceptualizes enforcing the British Monarch King Charles II to sign and accept Constitutional Monarch automatically this values breached Kings Charles assertion of the Divine Right of Kings. The ASSIGNMENT and TASK and EXECUTION of its Justice Protocol Observance as a result of Britain withdrawal from EU Club is enforceable on the Police Commissioner and his Office intervention in and conjoint collaboration with State Security Services to hold United Kingdom on the break to collapse and secure her Sovereignty. UK involvement in Political Cold Wars will turmoil Britain Reconnaissance of reborn to her Self-Governing without outside intervention and in turn assist the Politicians sorts their State of Insanity in deciding outcomes of way forward with interest on Self-wants. DEMOCRACY DEATH AND ACT OF POLITICS BIRTH; She declares in our pursuit to be enforced by 2021, the New System Of Government is invoked by The Commonwealth Liberation Party for Practice and effectisation by Queen and Country and her Commonwealth for British Heritage. Watch Full Video on Alexia Thomas Television at: http://www.alexiathomastelevision.net/democracy-death-and-act-of-politics-birth/. In adversary Parliament will agree, Democracy is less than 600 years old and has failed the People and Country and the World.
Despotism can only exist in Darkness and there are too many lights now in the Political firmament to permit it to remain anywhere as it has heretofore done, almost everywhere - By James Madison (4th US President 1751 - 1836).

There Is Nothing Constitutional In A Constitution, It Is Simply A Bigot Of Politics Where Few Men Syllabus An Oath Of Destruction To Brutalised Inferior Men By Legal Rebate To Suppress Sovereign Men’s Will – By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas …./ Politics of the 19th Century has been drawn in a shallow Mud, so the Re-vitalisation of Truth is a Transitional 21st Century New Political Ideology of the Act of Politics meaning Act of Politics to replace Democracy and Bill of Politics to replace Constitution.
  1. The British Armed Forces Who Are The Pride Of Britain Are Breeder For Purpose To Stop The Enemy Invaders - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  2. The Pride Of Britain Are Not Meant For War, Rather But To Defend Great Britain Against Territorial Combat - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  3. The Pride Of Britain Gave Birth To The British Armed Forces And Also The Pride Of Monarchy Gave Birth To All Armed Forces Within The Commonwealth Nations - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  4. THE AIM OF THE PRIDE: Justice The Will Of The People, Freedom The Right Of The Nation, Liberty The Songs Of Grace, A Match The Union Cult For Death, For Savage, For Defence And For Protection - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  5. The Pride Of Britain Is Initiated For The Purpose To Fight Enemy Invaders From Conquering The British Land And Destroying The British Heritage - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  6. THE VAIN BATTLE - Vain Battles Are Fought When A Nation's Armed Forces Forgot The Act Of The First Battalion Quest. The First Battalion Quest Is When The Aim Of The Fight Is Unethical - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  7. THREE PLURIGHT LED TO THE FORMATION OF THE ARMED FORCES: To Defend The Nation - To Protect The Nation - To Guide The Nation - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  8. THE PRIDE OF BRITAIN FORBIDDEN ACT OF LAW - First Battalion Quest, Battle Of Dame, Battle Of Savage, Battle Of Mirage, Battle Of Union - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  9. The Pride Of Britain Forbidden Act Of Law Is Against The Fundamental Ethics Of The British Armed Forces. And Other Armed Forces In America And Commonwealth Countries - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  10. The Forbidden Act Of Law If Not Complied With, Will Lead To A Cartelistic Flaws And The Consequence Is Deaths Honour In Disgrace And Death Honour In Shame - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  11. This Fury The Spirit Of Gods Of The Land As The Blood Of Their Sons Is Forsaken For An Enemy Distrust - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  12. DEFINITION OF THE FORBIDDEN ACT OF LAW: First Battalion Quest Is When The Pride Of Britain Fight A War That Is Unethical - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  13. Battle Of Dame Is When The Pride Of Britain Finds Themselves Fighting A Guerrilla War Within An Enemy Territory - Myth Authored By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  14. Battle Of Savage Is When The Pride Of Britain Are Captured In A Foreign Land And Made Prisoners Of War - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  15. Battle Of Mirage Is When The Pride Of Britain Fights A War When The Propaganda Is A Decoy - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  16. Battle Of Union Is Fought When The Pride Of Britain Fights An Enemy In Their Territorial Ground With The Aim To Rebuild Their Future - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  17. The Pride Of Britain Forbidden Act Of Law If Defaulted Without Drawing A Line Will Result In Deaths Of Several Casualty Of British Citizens In Armed Forces - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  18. The Reality Is The Forbidden Act Of Law Initiated In The 15th Century Is To Protect The Sons Of Britain Not To Die Carelessly For A Non Noble Course - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  19. GUERRILLA WAR AND AMBUSH TACTICS: Pride Of Britain As A Unified Body Cannot Fight, Should Not Fight And Must Not Fight A Guerrilla War Within An Enemy's Territory - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  20. The Consequence Of Fighting A Guerrilla War Is An Enemy Territorial Ground Will Result To The Pride Of Britain Being Ambushed And Killed - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  21. Pride Of Britain Should Only Fight A Noble War If The War Is For Defence, For Justice And For Guard - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  22. THE IRAQ: The British Armed Forces And American Armed Forces Have Proved They Have Substance For A Target Which They Can Never Be Defeated - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  23. The Invasion Of Iraq To Topple The Saddam Government Was Fought With Two Elements And The Second Element Was A Default Element Which Betrayed The Forbidden Act Of Law Of The Armed Forces - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  24. Battle Of Union Is Against The Pride Of Britain. Fight An Enemy And Rebuild. This Is Like The Drunk And The Beer. The Error Is The Enemy Needs To Rebuild In Misery As The Destruction Is A Mark Not Call For A Contest - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  25. WAR IN AFGHANISTAN: The War In Afghanistan Has Breached The Forbidden Act Of Law Of The Armed Forces - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  26. First Battalion Quest Is When The Pride Of Britain Fight A War That Is Unethical - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  27. Battle Of Dame Is When The Pride Of Britain Finds Themselves Fighting A Guerrilla War Within An Enemy Territory - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  28. Battle Of Union Is Fought When The Pride Of Britain Fights An Enemy In Their Territory With The Aim To Rebuild Their Future - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  29. The Consequence Is A Catastrophe As Sons Of Britain Will Die Continuously As Their Wives Will Be Widows And Their Children Will Be Fatherless - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  30. The Nation Will Mourn For The Heroes A Death In Shame Not Because Pride Of Britain Fought A War To Defend The Forbidden Act Of Law, These Consequences Is Death In Foolishness A Sacred For The Enemy - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  31. The Avril Lost To The Wind "Death Of Brotherhood Buried In Honour Of Motherland." - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  32. THE FLAWS OF WAR: Many Nations Have Risen And Fallen And The Risen Nation Fell Because They Expose The Strength Of Home To Enemies Whose Children Are Anomalies And Will One Day Quest For Their Father Land - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  33. Weaponry Technology Are Made, Produced And Used For Defence. The Flaw Of Exposing A Nation's Weaponry Technology Or Selling A Nation's Weaponry Technology Is The Greatest Error That Will Befall Any Great Nation - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  34. The Consequences Of Exposing The Secret Of A Nation's Weaponry Jeopardize The Strength Of That Nation - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  35. The Sales Of Ammunitions By Any Nation To Enemy Territory Or The Issuance Of Ammunitions To Enemy Territory Is Vain Approach As Is Like Selling One's Birth Right - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  36. All Nations Have The Power To Revolt Because They Also Have Vision For Greatness - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  37. The Selling Of Weapons Must Be Banned And Must Be Stopped For The Purpose Of National Security - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  38. The Third World War Looming - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia Thomas
  39. Going To War To Prevent War Was The Most Stupid Thing I Ever Heard – By The King Blues
  40. Every Man, Woman And Child Is A Partner - Myth By Her Knowledgeable Prof. Alexia A Thomas
  41. I Hate War For Its Consequences, For The Lies It Lives On And Propagates, For The Undying Hatreds It Arouses, For The Dictatorships It Puts In The Place Of Democracies And For The Starvation That Stalks After It. I Hate War And Never Again Will Sanction Or Support Another – By Harry Emerson Fosdick
  42. The High Stage Of World Industrial Development In Capitalistic Production Finds Expression In The Extraordinary Technical Development And Destructiveness Of The Instruments Of War – By Rosa Luxemburg
  43. I Saw My Success In The Mirror And Shattered It In Order To Set It Free – By Lionel Suggs
  44. Any Intelligent Fool Can Make Things Bigger And More Complex... It Takes A Touch Of Genius And A Lot Of Courage To Move In The Opposite Direction – By Albert Einsten
  45. In Democracy, It's Your Vote That Counts; In Feudalism, It's Your Count That Votes – By Mogens Jallberg
  46. War Means Blind Obedience; Unthinking Stupidity, Brutish Callousness, Wanton Destruction And Irresponsible Murder – By Alexander Berkman
  47. Powerful States Can Maintain Themselves Only By Crime, Little States Are Virtuous Only By Weakness – By Mikhail Bakunin
  48. I Never Teach My Pupils, I Only Provide The Conditions In Which They Can Learn – By Albert Einstein
  49. War Is So Unjust And Ugly That All Who Wage It Must Try To Stifle The Voice Of Conscience Within Themselves – By Lev Tolstoy
  50. Mankind Must Put An End To War, Or War Will Put An End To Mankind - By J.F. Kennedy
  51. A Man Cannot Lay Down The Right Of Resisting Them That Assault Him By Voice, To Take Away His Life – By Thomas Hobbes
  52. Nothing Will End War Unless The People Themselves Refuse To Go To War – By Albert Einstein
  53. In Modern War You Will Die Like A Dog For No Good Reason – By Ernest Hemingway
  54.  I'm Fed Up To The Ears With Old Men Dreaming Up Wars For Young Men To Die In – By George Mcgovern
  55. It Is Only Those Who Have Neither Fired A Shot, Not Heard The Shrieks And Groans Of The Wounded Who Cry Aloud For Blood, More Vengeance, More Desolation. War Is Hell – By William Tecumseh Sherman
  56. Wanton Killing Of Innocent Civilians Is Terrorism, Not A War Against L – By Noam Chomsky
  57. War Against A Foreign Country Only Happens When The Moneyed Classes Think They Are Going To Profit From It – By George Orwell
  58. All War Is A Symptom Of Man's Failure As A Thinking Animal – By John Steinbeck
  59. Strike Against War, For Without You No Battles Can Be Fought! – By Hellen Keller
  60. Sooner Or Later, The People Of This Country Are Going To Realise The Government Does Not Give A Fuck About Them. The Government Does Not Care About You Or Your Children Or Your Rights Or Your Welfare Or Your Safety... It Simply Does Not Give A Fuck About You. It's Interested In Its Own Power, That's The Only Thing. Keeping And Expanding It Wherever Possible – By George Carlin
  61. The War Against Terrorism Is Terrorism – By Woody Harrelson
  62. The Punishment Of Deaths Is The War Of A Nation Against A Citizen Whose Destruction It Judges To Be Necessary Or Useful – By Cesare Beccaria
  63. A State Of War Only Serves As An Excuse For Domestic Tyranny – By Alexander Solzhenitsyn
ETHICAL MYTH - Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas recognizes the Scars, Wear and Tear that Men, Women and Children have endured from Generation to Generation due to Government Despotic Laws. Her Clinic of the Orthodox School of Thoughts is instituted to recreate the New World of her Preposition. She Quotes: —- “Nature Is Unfair To Create Some Educated And Some Illiterates, Nature Is Unfair To Make Some Predators And To Make Some Preys, Nature Is Unfair To Make Some Rich And To Make Some Poor, Nature Is Unfair To Create Black People And To Create White People, Nature Is Unfair To Make Some Tall And To Make Some Short, Nature Is Unfair To Make Some Fat And To Make Some Thin, Nature Is Unfair To Make Some Smart And To Make Some Dull, Nature Is Unfair To Make Some Men And To Make Some Women, Nature Is Unfair To Make Some Ugly And To Make Some Beautiful, Nature Is Unfair To Make Some People Die; Therefore Who Is Nature? Be The Thinker And Not The Looker!!!/ —- A Man Has A Mind. A Man Has A Brain, A Man Has Conscience, A Man Has Moods, A Man Has Anger, A Man Has Empathy, A Man Is Evil, A Man Is Wicked, A Man Knows The Rules By Reading And Understanding, A Man Observes Protocol By Observing The Doctrines. The Slates Of Teachings Is A Mandate, Government And People Obey As Directed. She pronounces that her Party The Commonwealth Liberation Party (TCLP) are the Brigadiers Steering the Affirmation of the Battle Of Armageddon.


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