MONDAY PEAK MOTIVATION: Steve Weatherford,(former NFL SUPER BOWL CHAMPION) Speaks To You On Power Of Visualization


By Chief Mike Cerutti Osagie

-Success Minded Wordsmith Of The Rich & Legitimately Successful 

A Lot of people get depressed, moody and downcast, when they are broke or passing some unlikely phases in life.

 Unknown to them, moods are like the weather, and can be predicted for after the rain comes the bright sunshine, such is how our moods come and go

 As part Of our peak Monday Motivational Series, WORLD LEADERS today presents a recent encounter success connoisseur , Larry Senn had Steve Weatherford,

(former NFL SUPER BOWL CHAMPION) his finding must make you get out of any foul mood and hit the road Steve submitted one of the greatest key to success is the art of effective visualization and positive thinking for people who are at top of their game used this method as key weapon, he then recommends for you today what is referred to as positive self talk- that is talking to yourself everyday and visualize the day going absolutely perfect in detail In His explicit words 

" You have to see things happen in your life before you can do it, that is visualization and I learned that as an athlete, don’t ever go out onto the field of competition thinking about what you don’t want to have happen, because once you let those negative thoughts into your mind, they can more easily manifest"

In life, we must realize that our brain is our most powerful muscles and must be constantly put to positive use.PR Practitioner  and Life Coach, Dr Phil Osagie
Once Told An Audience In A Preaching Session" God did not give us brain for decoration, it’s for constant use for our brain is like car engine that gives out her very best when placed to embark on long journey, for no car like to idle away"

That Is All for now, till next Monday, keep visualizing

* Mike Cerutti Osagie Can Be Reached For Massive Media Project Or Exclusive Speaking Engagement Via:


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