Mother Theresa was right in her quote:
 “if you cannot feed 100 people , feed just one”

There was shout of joy at the Abakaliki Township Stadium, Abakaliki last night  when Governor David Umahi of Ebonyi State  announced the birth of a baby during a state launcheon party for elders and widows in the state  by his administration.
The baby arrived just minutes before  the governor called out about 1,710 widows to be empowered by the government  as part of the efforts to lessen their burden.
An elated Umahi drew his wife, Rachel close to him and named the new born girl, Rachel Mgborie David, a combination of the names  of his wife and himself.
Umahi, according to a statement on Friday by his Chief Press Secretary, Emma Anya,   advised that the  mother of the baby girl , Regina Patrick, should   add the  name of her late husband  as the surname of the baby.
Immediately, he announced a donation of N1m to   baby Rachel and directed his  Senior Special Assistant on Religious Matters and the Chairman Christian Association of Nigeria, Ebonyi State chapter, Very Rev. Father Abraham Nwali,   to open  an account for the baby  with the money.

Regina Patrick,one of the 1,710 widows drawn from  the all the political wards in the state, lost her husband six months ago. 
Umahi said,  "There is  a woman whom I was told  gave birth in this celebration ground and as I was deliberating with my wife on how Jesus wife should be pregnant, they said  she took in before her husband died    six month's ago.

"We  will give that child a name. Her name will be  be four, Rachel Mgborie David plus her late dad's name. Rev Father  Nwali will use the sum of N1m   to  open an  account for the child." 

The governor also offered scholarship to her from secondary  school to university levels, saying, "If it pleases God that we are in power after her schooling, wherever we are, we will make her enjoy scholarship for secondary and university".

The  Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Matters, Barr. Samuel Okoronkwo, who coordinated the programme,which is part of the activities marking Umahi's two years in office and the 2017 Democracy Day celebrations, was  full of gratitude to God for his mercies. He said that the widow  and the baby were  taken to the hospital.

In  an Interview   on Friday  at the Federal Teaching  Hospital,   Mrs.  Patrick from Amagu Izzi in Abakaliki Local Government Area, said that both her and her baby were in stable condition.
She  explained that  she did not get any sign of the baby's arrival when she arrived Abakaliki  until  2pm  when she started noticing some changes  and  decided to rush to any nearby hospital.

The lady    was full of praises for  the governor and his wife for their  kind gesture and prayed God to promote them to a higher level.
She said, "We went to the stadium because they told us to go there that governor wants to see the widows and it was  by 2pm  that I started having pains. I was    was trying to go to hospital but  when we  were about to come out  , there was big traffic  and I gave birth there. 
"They told me that governor and his wife  gave my  baby   N1 million and gave her scholarship. I am so happy because of how God   remembered me  through the governor and his beautiful wife. I am thanking him and his wife and  I am praying that God will elevate  them more.".

While she confirmed that her husband died six month's ago, she revealed that she has five children. Her first son, she said, was electrocuted  not too long ago.


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