Rich Vs.The Poor: Five Bitter Truth About Oxfam Findings & The Five Nigerian Billionaires That Can Help End Recession

Oxfam recently made result of their study about the wild gulf of differences among the rich and poor in Nigeria

While we get set to unleash the five bitter truth of Oxfam report - we felt it is most appropriate to give our mammoth readers true insight of this great global brand


The  name  Oxfam , is one name that needs little or no formal  introduction when it comes to topical issues bothering on the parallel line between the rich and the poor

But beyond that, Oxfam is also an international confederation of 20 organizations working together with partners and local communities in more than 90 countries.

One person in three in the world lives in poverty. Oxfam is determined to change that world by mobilizing the power of people against poverty.

Around the globe, Oxfam works to find practical, innovative ways for people to lift themselves out of poverty and thrive.

They save lives and help rebuild livelihoods when crisis strikes. And the  campaign so that the voices of the poor influence the local and global decisions that affect them.


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