Future Election Warning: " Any Good Performing Government Need Not Think Of Rigging " - Governor Umahi

The Ebonyi State Governor, Engr. David Nweze Umahi, has told all and sundry that there will not be any room for those planning to rig elections in future

In same light, Governor Umahi said that Peoples Democratic Party has no reason to rig any election  in the state, restating  that PDP was the party to beat in the state.

He spoke against the backdrop of insinuations  in some quarters, especially the opposition,  that he appointed   Senior Technical Assistants and Technical Assistants to rig elections.

He said, "Honestly, we made no mistake in appointing our TAs and STAs. They have become the backbone of our administration. When we appointed them, somebody said we appointed them to rig elections. We have no reason to rig election because we compete with nobody for we came in the name of the Lord."

Umahi, according a statement on Sunday by his Chief Press Secretary, Emma Anya,  ordered that all the  councillorship aspirants disqualified without cogent reason should be rescreened   to provide a level playing field  for all contestants.

The governor also ordered that male aspirants vying for councillorship position in  wards  designated  as female wards should be allowed to stand for election to ensure peace and harmony at the grassroots  level.
  "I have ordered that all the people that were screened out, the councillorship aspirants should be rescreened. All those who were screened out must be rescreened. For anybody to be screened out there must be tangible reason for the person to be screened out. 

"We want to do everything to have peace at our ward level and if your ward was designated to be woman ward and some men have bought form there, they must not be screened out they must be allowed to stand election," Umahi added.

He warned against imposition of candidates on the people, adding that the electorate  should be allowed to choose candidates of their choice.


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