Global Money Week Series: CBN Heads to Historic Methodist Girls High school .. Teaches youths importance of Setting Financial Goals

The globally revered Oxford dictionary vividly described financial goal or financial target as "an objective which is expressed in or based upon money. Examples include debt reduction, sufficient wealth to retire , minimisation of tax or save to meet some desires"

And based on that fact, the Nigerian apex bank CBN in continuation of the money week celebration last night made a historic stop at the great Methodist Girls High School Yaba Lagos to preach the message of hope to youths on need to imbibe financial literacy

The CBN' s  director general Fss who could not make it to the event due to exigency of work, sent his goodwill message to the students and encouraged them to be the best in their studies. 

He encouraged them to set financial goals for themselves and start saving now so they can become financially responsible adults and economic citizens. 

Hajiya khadijah kasim, Deputy Director and head of  Consumer Education Division of the Consumer Protection Department carried out the lessons on behalf of the DG. 

Financial Education topics were presented to the students. She made the lessons very interactive to the delight of the students. 

No doubt CBN is leaving no stone unturned in her bid to build future leaders that will exhibit extreme financial  discipline in their day to day manners of living

* Special CBN/ Global money week repot by Mike Cerutti OSAGIE of
Cerutti media outlets



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