“Hannah conceived and bear a son and called his name Samuel,saying, because I have asked him of the Lord at Shiloh”-(1 Samuel 3:20)

A Special report by best selling wordsmith, 
Chief Mike CERUTTI Osagie
T:+234 70 42631895

It is with delight that we, @ WORLD INDUSTRY BLOG/CERUTTI MEDIA diligently announced to the world that the much anticipated Winners’ Chapel International Shiloh 2016  Shiloh 2016 will be kicking off in few hours from now

For the benefit of those who are not aware, we  humbly wish to disseminate   this vital information  to all lover of   Winners’ Chapel International  which every one of you have  been absolutely waiting  for. On this announcement, were are glade announce to all interested participant to be fully prepared for this year Shiloh 2016  tag  “My Case Is Different”.

Not so long ago, the distinguish Father of faith and  general overseer of winner chapel international Bishop DR David O Oyedepo sereleased the theme of this  year’s Shiloh.  the  themed of this year Shiloh 2016  is “My Case Is Different”.
As it were Shiloh is a Prophetic and Christian Programme that is carried out  by Winners Chapel International  A.K.A Living Faith Church (Winners Chapel) . This programme is been organize for members and non-remembers around the globe, it’s actually a good place where  all the members and  lover of winner chapel international   gather  together annually to worship and seek the face of God. This will take place live and direct at Shiloh ground Canaanland, Ota, Lagos State.  Please note, the programme is not only organize for winners member only i.e any body can be part and parcel of this unique program

It’s very important to inform all interested participant that  Bishop David Oyedepo and other anointed men of God preach the word; make prophetic declarations and diverse ministrations and God moves in mysterious ways.
Here Are The Shiloh 2016 Date,Shiloh 2016 Venue and Shiloh 2016 Theme

Shiloh 2016 Date
The date for Shiloh 2016 is December 6 – 13, 2016
Shiloh 2016 Venue
The Venue for this programme is Shiloh ground Canaanland, Ota, Lagos State
Shiloh 2016 Theme
Here is what the man of God, Bishop David O. Oyedepo had to say as he declared the prophetic theme for the Shiloh 2016:

Today all over the world, we see the end-time prophecy of woes, terrors and horrors being fulfilled before our very eyes. Jesus speaking of these times said, “And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things, must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.” – Matt. 24:6-8

But God has ordained to exempt His people from the evils of this hour – 1 Pet. 2:9/ Ps 91:1-16
These prophecies notwithstanding, we discover from scriptures that:
The last days, are prophetically the greatest days of the church of Christ on earth – Mic. 4:1-2/ Ps 87:1-9
God will be raising an army of saints that will make a difference in the midst of these horror – Joel 2:1-11/ Obd. 1:21
The present economic meltdown shall continue to grow worse, but God’s covenant people shall not feel the heat thereof – Mal. 4:1-4/ Ps 112:1-10
But for every one who is walking in the covenant of abundance, when men shall say there is casting down, we shall be saying there is lifting up – Job. 22:21-29/ Ps 33:18-19/ Ps 37:18-19
In these last days, God will be putting a difference between those who are serving Him and those who are not – Mal. 3:17-19/ Job 36:11/ Gen. 47:15-27
Furthermore, we understand from scriptures how God exempted the children of Israel from the plagues that came upon Egypt, which includes exemption from:

Shiloh 2016 Morning Session – Bible Study:

All interested person should note that the morning session will commence by 7am and  end up by 11am. It would contain 3 series of Bible teachings.
Shiloh 2016 Afternoon Session – Healing School:
Please note the healing school session of the Shiloh 2016 would start everyday throughout the programme by 11:30am and run through to 1:30pm.
This session commence immediately after the morning Bible Study session in Canaan land.  interesting to know that the healing school session is an opportunity for the for sick to be fine . Do you have sicknesses, ailments or diseases? Has your doctors and consultants told you that there is no solution to your case?Then this Shiloh 2016 healing school session  is been organize for you
Shiloh 2016 Business Summit
this session is for all business man and woman  struggling in his or her  business and those who always wished and prayed for a financial breakthrough in your area of business? If yes, then this session is for you.
The business summit  starts 11.30am  and end up by 1.30pm daily. Businessmen and women looking to make financial means through the right way should be a part of the Shiloh 2016 business summit session as this year’s programme is expected to bring more favours.
Shiloh 2016 Youth Alive Forum

For those youth whose age is 18 and above,  this session is for you. The Shiloh 2016 youth alive forum session starts from 3pm to 5pm daily.
Shiloh 2016 Evening Session – Teachings
The evening session starts by 7pm and ends up 10pm. And God’s servant, Bishop David Oyedepo will be ministering all through live and direct
Those who are not able to make it to Canaan Land due to some circumstance  can watch via live telecast at any Winners Chapel branch worldwide or via this link:

Here are the brief history of Shiloh
1999: Encounter With Destiny
2000: Heaven On Earth
2001: From Glory To Glory
2002: What Wisdom Is This?
2003: All Things Are Possible
2004: Showers Blessings
2005: Possessing Your Possessions
2006: Destined To Win
2007: More Than Conquerous
2008: Manifestation Of The Sons Of God
2009: Hour Of Restoration
2010: Breakthroughs Unlimited
2011: Waves Of Glory
2012: Double Portion
2013: Exceeding Grace
2014: Heaven On Earth
2015: From Glory To Glory
2016: My Case Is Different
Shiloh 2016 News updates – Watch Live Streaming
It’s possible to search on   Shiloh 2016 time, Shiloh 2016 theme, Shiloh 2016 date, Shiloh 2016 from glory to glory, Shiloh 2016 dates, Shiloh 2016 cmc, Shiloh 2016 winners chapel, Shiloh 2016 singer e.t.c


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