*Woman of NOBEL Character’


Published By MIKE Cerutti Osagie
Copyright @ CERUTTI MEDIA & BOOKS Inc. 2016
All right reserved. No part of this publication may be recorded, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publisher



In commemoration of the untimely and sad exit of our sister, mother and special friend, the CERUTTI  MEDIA GROUP(Books production Unit) felt it is only appropriate to present to the world, a token gift as souvenir as mark of respect /love to Bishop Dr  Mrs. Grace Osagie Ali

It is our hope and aspiration that today’s young ladies-and even men-will learn one of two things from her virtues, in future, the book will be a case study for even generation yet unborn



Dr. Grace O. Alli was born on the 15Th of February of 1964 to the family of late Chief Blessed Osagie Osaghae and Mrs. Patience Titi Esene who both hail from Ekpoma in Edo state in Nigeria. She was the first daughter and the fourth of eight children. She
attended primary school and also attended the famous St. Louis secondary school in Jos
Plateau state, upon graduating she proceeded to attend the Bauchi polytechnic were she obtained various degrees in estate management upon completion she served her country in NYSC (National Youth Service Corps) in Maiduguri, Borno state.

Dr. Grace Alli gave her life to the Lord in the early eighties at the church of God
mission international and later continued her Christian service at the Living Faith
Church of God serving as a member of the choir (the faith lifters). On the 28Th of
November 1992 she married her husband the Arch Bishop Alli John Alli and they were
blessed with three wonderful daughters, Jochebed on October 5th
1993, Jediael on March8th 1992, and Jerahmeel on the 1stof November 2000. and much later a fantastic grandson Emmanuel whom she often referred to as her bundle of joy.
Dr. Grace Alli was Teacher, preacher and an author of various books including her Best seller there is a way out of the trouble. She was ordained as Pastor and later a
Bishop in the Lords Church alongside her husband. As a missionary she planted various
Churches in Nigeria, South Africa and later the United States of America. As a result of
Her Call Dr. Grace travelled adhesively ministering the gospel of life. Dr. Grace along
Side many others obtained a doctorate degree (Dr.) from the Smith Christian University Fort Lauderdale, Florida in 2011. She has also served in various capacities in the Church
Until her last assignment which was the birth of All Grace Ministries in Fort Lauderdale In February of 2013.
Dr. Grace was true woman of wisdom, who was tremendously blessed she was Born February 15th1964 and departed this life on the 7th Of November 2016 at exactly 11:07pm, she was preceded in death by her loving father late Chief Blessed Osagie Osaghae. She leaves to cherish her memory, a loving husband Arch Bishop Alli John Alli, three precious daughters Jochebed Alli Johnson, Jediael Alli and Jerahmeel Alli, her devoted son-in-law Hassan Johnson, her grandson Emmanuel S. Alli Johnson, her five wonderful brothers Phil Osagie, Charles Osagie, Sunny Osagie, Mike Osagie and Emmanuel Osagie and her two loving sisters Lucky Fashanu and Omo Queen Lawal. AND a Host of nieces, nephews, cousins and other loving relatives and friends. She was Immensely respected, loved and will be greatly missed by all of us.


“Death, a counterfeiting sleep”-William Shakespeare

It is amazing what the power of death can do. For example, the writing ability that flows freely in the Osagie dynasty-LIKE the waves of the gigantic ocean suddenly coming to a standstill-when we were told to write our tributes about our late sister/mother figure, Pastor Mrs. Grace Oseghae Ali, whose sad and untimely death occurred on the 7th November 2017 exactly by 11 07pm at the Broward Medical Centre, Florida in United State of America

Having been giving the herculean task to together the tributes from my other siblings and wire it down to America for the traditional burial rights/programmes-the task, though simple, turned out to be a most herculean session for me I wholeheartedly subscribe to this quote by Sir Roydon when he mused that “It is in the exceeding rapture of delight in the deepen search of knowledge, none knoweth better than thyself, sweet Mathew, that maketh men manfully indure th'extremes incident to that Herculean labor”

So why was the TASK A HERCULEAN TASK? For once, all my siblings simply found it hard to put their thoughts in pen and paper to describe their hard felt feelings to the just deceased Grace, even to do it via the simple SMS was a huge task for some On my part, writing an elaborate death tribute on my sister /mother figure, Grace Ali is not in any way a child play, the sudden and untimely death that took place in Florida reminds me of the ever green quote of leading light in the literary world, William Shakespeare who once described death as counterfeit sleep- till date, our entire family are still being consoled with the belief that our sisters death is a long sleep and that soon we will all reunite to part no more God alone is the one who has the ability to give and take life, so who can question him?

King David, the greatest King ever and the closest man after Gods heart was most categorical in his submission of God as final say in matters of life and death, when he wrote in Psalm 90 verse 1-4 that “Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. 2 before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. 3 You turn people back to dust, saying, “Return to dust, you mortals.” 4 A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night

In composing this tribute, I HAVE been wondering why on earth are the world’s best people easily called to land of great beyond at their early prime, and often time, the mortals who often practice evil are left behind in this cruel world?

My sister GRACE is a case study of good woman, she nursed no grudges with anyone, her role in the family and in the society-anywhere she found herself –IS TO PLAY THE ROLE OF A BRIDGE BUILDER, settling disputes and rather than bear grudges, seek peace and tranquility As I sat down to ponder over Grace’s sudden death, I was stricken by a position paper on lifespan of the average woman over her male counterpart.

In a survey tagged: LIVING TO HUNDRED TIPS ON BEING A WOMAN, it was stated that women live an average of five to 10 years longer than men in industrialized countries, and 85 percent of centenarians are female, longetivity researcher TOM Perls told TIME International that there is little conclusive evidence as to why, however, a recent study suggested it may be because women have more robust immune systems.

Other theories have ranged from men experiencing more stress to women choosing healthier habits indeed our sister, GRACE lived a very health conscious life and was regarded as one of the most health conscious freak around, yet death in words of Steve Jobs is inevitable He said in quote that “No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it.

And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new”. While wishing our sister and mother figure a perfect rest in peace, the consolation remains in the fact that she lived the better part of her life as pastor leading many to the good Lord MAY HER GENTLE SOUL REST IN PEACE

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old dying young quotes, dying young sayings, and dying young proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.

“Some are bound to die young; by dying young a person stays young in people's memory. If he burns brightly before he dies, his brightness shines for all time     
“The idea is to die young as late as possible.
Ashley Montagu
“Death is a distant rumor to the young.
Andrew A. Rooney
“Live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse.
John Derek
“Only the young die good.
Oliver Herford
 “Those who love deeply never grow old; they may die of old age, but they die young.
Arthur Wing Pinero
 “It's not the good that die young, it's the lucky.     
Mark Twain
 “So many people die young. I'm hoping that's unintended.     
James Dye
“Live life to its fullest or it may seem like you died young.
James Wattersmith
“Grieve not that I die young. Is it not well to pass away ere life hath lost its brightness?
Lady Flora Hastings
“The good die young - because they see it's no use living if you've got to be good.
John Barrymore
“Each man carries within him the soul of a poet who died young.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Part 3
It is not boast, or sentimental saying, it is indeed a known fact that Grace Ali lived better part of her life as a very God FEARING and graceful sister, wife and mother

Many testified to this, during her life time and even in death, it motivated us to seek for the true meaning of Godly woman. Yes, or what does it mean to be godly wife? We asked? To be a godly wife, we must first consider what the word godly means; the Bible for example   uses the word in conjunction with being “peaceful,” “quiet,” and “dignified.” The Bible says the Spirit, who is in every believer, produces visible and invisible acts of godliness, “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness”
The decisive definition of godliness would be Christlike . Godliness involves a genuine striving to imitate Christ, to be like Him in thought and action these characteristics of a godly disposition apply to every believer, whether male or female. Fortunately, the Bible gives more specific qualifications as to what a godly woman—particularly, a godly wife—looks like.

The virtues of a godly wife have not changed, even over thousands of years. A godly wife is one who has the complete trust of her husband. He doesn’t have to worry she will be tempted by the wiles of another man, overcharge the credit cards, or spend all day watching soap operas. He knows she is dignified, wise, and devoted He is confident of her support and sincere love because she is not vindictive or critical. Her husband has a good reputation in the community, and his wife never speaks ill of him, never gossips about him. Rather, she is always lifting him up and giving him praise. She maintains the household thoroughly and is well respected herself we were told in proverbs and these are things I enjoyed in my late wife
She spends less time in front of the mirror than in sharing her goods with the poor and needy because she is selfless and benevolent But she doesn’t neglect herself; she keeps her body and spirit strong and in good health. Although she works hard and keeps long hours, she is not haggard; she cares about beautiful things to enhance herself and her family

Finally, a godly wife should be submissive to her husband what does a submissive wife look like? Simple, a submissive wife is not less valuable as a human being; her role is not less important—but it is different. Christians know that Christ is every bit as divine as the Father (and the Holy Spirit), but each plays a different role in redemption. In the same way, men and women each play a different part in marriage. So, for a wife to be submissive to her husband as Christ is submissive to the Father means she willingly allows her husband to lead. Know there is no such thing as human perfection). But as a wife grows more intimate in her relationship with Christ, she will grow increasingly godly in her marriage. I can go on and on, but in summary I met in my sister, Grace a true woman in which the Bible says is a true noble woman in truth, we will all miss her Godly nature so much

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My sister has always been fascinated by her choice of name and she is strong collector of few quotes on GRACE. I was privileged to glance a few of her Grace quotes and she toyed with idea of publishing it one day, her untimely death has cut that ambition to size but God knows best

Here is a few of her best GRACE QUOTES
* Amazing grace! (How sweet the sound)
That sav'd a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
-John Newton
* “Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.” –Bible, Galatians 5:4
*“Grace is given to heal the spiritually sick, not to decorate spiritual heroes” –Martin Luther
*“Grace is but glory begun, and glory is but grace perfected.” –Jonathan Edwards
*“God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things that can be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other”
-Reinhold Niebuhr (American theologian, 1892-1971)
*“Grace is available for each of us every day - our spiritual daily bread - but we've got to remember to ask for it with a grateful heart and not worry about whether there will be enough for tomorrow.” - Sarah Ban Breathnach
*“We're all stumbling towards the light with varying degrees of grace at any given moment.” -Bo Lozoff
*“Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.” -Christian Bible
*“Grace is free sovereign favor to the ill-deserving.” -Benjamin B. Warfield
* The grace of the spirit comes only from heaven, and lights up the whole bodily presence. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon


 A Loving Tribute
A million times, we’ve needed you, A million times you were there, we've cried and if love
Alone could have saved you - You never would have died. In life we loved you dearly, in
Death we love you still. In our hearts you hold a place NO ONE else can ever fill. It broke our
Hearts to lose you but you didn't go alone Part of us went with you the day God called you
- Your “Favorite Daughter” Jediael.
You made everything better, especially when it was at its worst. You loved deeply and
Greatly, you blessed highly and favorably, you prayed strongly and faithfully. You'll continue
To live because one could never forget an angel, you'll continue to shine because you put a
Light in all of us. You wore a crown that we couldn't see but we're all glad to have been
Blessed by thee.
- Dr. daughter (Jam)
You being gone seem extremely unreal! It still hasn't sunk in yet and although I might not
Understand your early departure; I know somehow “its working together for my good”. Lord
Knows you were my rock, my counselor, my advisor, my teacher, my therapist, my guardian
Angle, my voice of reasoning, my best friend and so much more but most importantly MY
MOTHER! The best mother a girl could ever ask for and if I do say so myself; you did a
Fantastic job raising three of the most amazing girls I know, each unique and special in their
Own way! Thanks for blessing this world with your presence and I'm sorry you had to leave
Us so soon. I'm really really going to miss you but no worries, because you'll live eternally, in
Our hearts!
Your one and only,
Ma'am there will never be another woman like you, your grace, mercy and loving kindness
Passes all understanding and I count myself blessed to ever have met you, may you forever
Rest in the ever loving arms of our lord and savior Jesus Christ
Your Son,
Hassan J Johnson
“HONEY”, as I’ve known and called you for these three decades, if I can say with words
Or quantify with English who you are or what you have meant and how you changed my
Lives I will hardly on this earth find one word except for multiple words. You have been the
Only friend, sister and mother I know, but God knows best. Even in your home going you
Changed mine, our girls and grandsons’ life forever. A precious jewel I will eternally miss
You and my life can never be the same. May your soul rest in peace. Amen.
Your Loving Husband,
ArchBishop Alli, John Alli.
  A Loving Tribute
My big sister Grace, your departure is shocking, am speechless, your heart of comfort, giving
And hospitality has no have taken the last step on your journey home and
Although you may be will never be forgotten. In the tomorrows still to come you
Will walk beside us in the sunshine and the rain; we will speak your name often...and we will
Close our eyes and smile...because you lived!
Lucky O. Fashanu
WHAT can I say, Odegua my lovely sister gone at her prime, thank God you led me to Christ
At young age, I will miss your smiles. We will always look back on our time with you and us
Will always think of you with love, friendship, courage and admiration! And today as we sit
In the silence, we feel you still, ever near. As we sit here, we miss you - but not with a
Burdened heart and a bowed head. We miss you for the laughter we shared; we miss you for
Friendships forged; we miss you in the defiant moments when you stood your ground -
Resolute in your faith and purpose...and we miss you, each of us in our own personal ways,
For all the special intangible ways that your touched our hearts - ways that cannot be defined
By words.
Sunny Osagie
Yesterday, my dear GRACE, We shared our lives for many years and we will always hold
Your memory as a keepsake in our heart. As we look back at the yesterdays that we shared
With you - we remember with gratitude; we remember with a saddened yet happy heart. We
Remember you for there are no word to describe your shocking death.
Charles Osagie
My dearest “sister G”.
It is said that no man is truly great who is great only in his lifetime. The test of greatness is
The page of history. As we all mourn your sad passing away, I take comfort in the fact that
Many can testify that you left a very special mark in their hearts, and you were an ambassador
For God in a very special way. So history will always have a special place for you. Thanks for
the salt you added to the earth and the light you added to the world.
May heaven receive you with wide open arms.
Phil Osagie
My Grace, my Odegua, my wonderful wonderful daughter. Your departure has put pepper in
my eyes and torment to my heart. The tears have not stopped falling from my eyes. I cannot
Promise that I will soon stop crying. But I promise you, that I will always remember your
Beauty and your goodness. I will always love you.
Your mum
Love, Your “Bundle of Joy”,
Emmanuel Seymour Alli Johnson.
    A Loving Tribute
My mama GEE, I am short of words, you are gone so soon, you came, touched lives, gave
Sacrificially and left, your simplicity is amazing, I adore that in you and you weren’t even
Capable of hurting a fly, we will ever miss you.
Emmanuel Osagie
My sister you lead me to Lord at early age now you are gone to meet the lord, for though
We do not understand we place it in God’s hands, knowing that He will work all things for
Good for those who believe, I will miss your motherly love and advice.
Queen O. Lawal
My best friend, my sister, my confidant,
From the very beginning when we met 40 years ago, it was evident God had given me
a special gift by bringing us together. You have been there for me in good times and through
Difficult times, you have been my friend for all seasons, a friend in need and a friend indeed.
Your unconditional love, loyalty, generosity and deep commitment to my wellbeing never
Waned even after four decades. With you I could always be myself there was nothing too hard
To share with you, you have remained such an integral part of my life all through the years.
Even as my heart is filled with so much pain, you have left me with such beautiful memories
That I would hold on to forever. Your light will always be there in my heart. I am very grateful
To God for the life he gave you, with you there was no dull moment, you shined everywhere
You went and you lived your life completely devoted to God. Sometimes it's not how long we
Spend on Earth but how well we live our lives. My dearest, you lived a beautiful great life,
You lived your life to the fullest in service to God and humanity. I praise God for your life
And the privilege of all we shared together.
Yours truly,
Stella Osagie
Words cannot express what you meant to All Grace Ministries. Your smiling face and
Peaceful presence can lighten any room. Your belief in "This God", encouraging words of
Wisdom and ability to make us all feel individually special has giving us strength to
Continue. We will cherish every moment spent with you and forever be thankful for the gift
Of love you have left us all. Our only regret is you time with us was fleeting but we hang on
To the hope that we will one day meet again in Glory. All Grace will never be the same
Without you but one memory we all shared is your timeless beauty and loving heart which
Will be with us forever.
Yours Sincerely,
Member of ALL GRACE MINISTRIES, Inc. Fort Lauderdale.
 A Loving Tribute
My Dear aunt…. every moment spent with you was filled with smiles, laughter and
Positivity, you are the true definition of one in a million. You taught me so many things just
By your lifestyle, and even though it hurts that you have left, it is comforting to know that
You are in a place worthy of you. It was a privilege to have known you and spent time with
You. You can never be forgotten and your memories are treasured.
Your fondest,
Ofure Osagie.
“Mrs. Grace Alli” is what most of you know her as, to us she was mama J, or simply
Aunty, she had a smile that could light up the heavens and a voice that turned the white
Angels green with envy and that’s what most people would remember about her, for some of
Us, what we’d remember the most was how she casually dished out sound advice when we
Were in trouble, how she was the aunt who we could talk to about the most random and
Unconventional things, she was full of life, zest and vigor. I haven’t met anyone more aptly
Named, she conducted herself even at her last moments on this earth with Grace, we
Celebrate her life not because it’s the right thing to do, but because if ever there was a life
Well lived and deserving to be celebrated, its hers, every second spent with her was a
Priceless gift, and now they’re even more precious. We’ll miss you, and a day won’t go by
Were we don’t think about you but we’ll be eternally thankful for the love you showed, the
Life you lived and the legacy you left.
Your Dearest Nephew,
Reflections of J Boys,
Reflections of J Boys,

52 years ago, an amazing person was born
We have lost an angel 
We have lost a jewel
Many things come to mind when we think of aunty Grace
But the one thing that stands out is her smile.
That genuine, warm smile.
We will never forget her light-hearted nature.
The way she always seemed to be having a great day.
We will never ever forget
A mother she was.
A friend she was.
A daughter she was.
Our family she will forever be
We are overjoyed that she lived to see a grand child
We are glad she lived to see a loving family
52 years ago a jewel was born,
And we are honored to have known her.
Love your nephews,
Jordan, Judah and Josiah
*“Mrs. Grace Alli” is what most of you know her as, to us she was mama J, or simply aunty, she had a smile that could light up the heavens and a voice that turned the white angels green with envy and that’s what most people would remember about her, for some of us, what we’d remember the most was how she casually dished out sound advice when we were in trouble, how she was the aunt who we could talk to about the most random and unconventional things, she was full of life, zest and vigor. I haven’t met anyone more aptly named, she conducted herself even at her last moments on this earth with Grace, we celebrate her life not because it’s the right thing to do, but because if ever there was a life well lived and deserving to be celebrated, its hers, every second spent with her was a priceless gift, and now they’re even more precious.  We’ll miss you, and a day won’t go by were we don’t think about you but we’ll be eternally thankful for the love you showed, the life you lived and the legacy you left.
Your Dearest Nephew,
My Dear aunt…. every moment spent with you were filled with smiles, laughter and positivity; you are the true definition of one in a million. You taught me so many things just by your lifestyle, and even though it hurts that you have left, it is comforting to know that you are in a place worthy of you. It was a privilege to have known you and spent time with you. You can never be forgotten and your memories are treasured.
                                      Your fondest,
Ofure Osagie.

To my dearest family, some things I'd like to say,
But first of all to let you know that I arrived okay.
I'm writing this from Heaven, where I dwell with God above,
where there are no tears or sadness, there is just eternal Love.

Please do not be unhappy, just because I'm out of sight,
Remember that I'm with you, every morning, noon and night.
That day I had to leave you, when my life on earth was through,
God picked me up and hugged me, and said, ' I welcome you'.

'It's good to have you back again.
You were missed while you were gone.
As for your dearest family, they'll be here later on.
I need you here so badly as part of my big plan.
There's so much that we have to do, to help our mortal man'.

Then God gave me a list of things he wished for me to do.
And foremost on that list of mine, is to watch and care for you.
I will be beside you, every day of the week and year,
and when you're sad I'm standing there, to wipe away the tear.

And when you lie in bed at night, the day's chores put to flight,
God and I are closest to you in the middle of the night.
When you think of my life on Earth, and all those loving years,
because you're only human, there's bound to be some tears.

One thing is for certain, though my life on Earth is over,
I am closer to you now than I ever was before.
And to my many friends, trust God knows what is best.
I am not far away from you; I'm just beyond the crest.

There are rocky roads ahead for you and many hills to climb,
Together we can do it, taking one day at a time.
It was my philosophy and please I'd like for you,
to give unto the world, so the world will give to you.

If you can help someone who's in sorrow or in pain,
then you can say to God at night, my day was not in vain.
And now I am contented that my life it was worthwhile,
Knowing as I passed along the way, I made somebody smile.

When you're walking down the street and I am on your mind,
I'm walking in your footsteps, only half a step behind.
And when you feel a gentle breeze of wind upon your face,
that’s me giving you a great big hug, or just as of embrace.

When it's time for you to go from that body to be free,
Remember you are not going, you are coming home to me.
I will always love you, from that place way up above,
I will be in touch again soon.
P.S. God sends his love.
- For our beautiful Mama


 Published by CERUTTI MEDIA & BOOKS Inc.

 About the Author  
Also known as the‘THE AFRICAN WORDSMITH” is the very definition of a "grass to grace" brand of success stories writer. Originally a sports' Writer, he was dramatically converted by Africa’s foremost publisher, Chief Nduka obaigbena, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of THISDAY newspapers to a people and life style writer. Mike Cerutti Osagie has since expanded his talent to deeper areas of writing from style, to branding, to business, to inspirational, to politics and is today carving out a niche as a premier luxury /Secret of Rich and famous people writer
  A well-travelled showman, Mike has been on the wings from the word go  and is the current award winning best style writer, best celebrity prolific writer and only recently voted as teens favorite young charity personality of the year. This is on account of his tireless efforts of bringing the world's attention to the plight of the blind and orphans in society.
An avid reader and prolific writer, Ceruti Osagie remains one of the few pen pushers who regularly writes about the rich and famous globally, and what they passed on way to top. He has written on a large number of famous people over the last few years on his online blogs: , and today has over 7 books to his credit, including the highly controversial and globally accepted Donald Trump Book: GOOD, BAD AND GODLY SIDE OF TRUMP

·         He can be contacted on roaming number + 234 7042631895 or for any important media/books commissioning project

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