Enter The Exclusive Joseph Agboli​​ 7 powerful Benefits of Laughter God desires From you

Global exclusive by Cerutti Osagie, best selling writer

Quote "  A feast is made for laughter and money answereth everything, " - source: Proverbs
.. Respected man of God, Apostle Joseph Dominic Agboli​​ could perhaps also be best described as a philosopher of sort
He speaks, advice and lectures on the ills  of lack all the time, little wonder he has been tagged as man called to liberate the people of poverty of the mind
Last Sunday. He was at his usual element when he came up with a new strategy on how the average man on rise can attain high speed victory of the evil called lack
In a most thought provoking message titled : " Laughter, the secret weapon of  Heaven "Agboli​​, the man of God gave few tips on how success can be quickly attained by applying laughter and merriment to ones life
Best selling word smith, young chief Cerutti Osagie, CEO of  Cerutti Media, inspiration magazine unit was there to as usual take the minute details in bulletin point for benefit of those who seek emancipation in their lives. Enjoy the Excerpts
° Laughter provokes the Heavens and guarantees instant victory and breakthrough
°To laugh in life even in midst of  some storm is to be merry and to be merry   and full of joy means  the greater your chance of victory before God and before man for laughter is the easiest way of expressing your faith in your creator
°If an attack from the devil is immanent or  if you are facing some challenges begin to laugh because laughter is the secret weapon of heavenheaven
°The bitter truth many men do not know about laughter is that it gives you more  long life and make you more handsome. You can be 75 and a life of continuous laughter will make you look 35 and sadly if you don't laugh you will end  up looking like boko haram
°Sarah was medically expired to have a baby but when the Lord say she will have a baby at old age she laughed aloud, had she doubted and not laughed Isaac will not come. She has thus proved that laughter and loud praises to God is the only way we can enjoy our breakthrough on earth
-,Many are in the dark but the day you decide to turn your pain and weeping to joy ,laughter and advance  praises to God that is when you will see the " Light "
° Likewise, if you keep winning, bitterly complaining and asking God why you?  And rarely give thanks to your Creator, the day you stop lamenting and replace it with laughter and advance thanksgiving, that is the day you will see  your light °
So wouldn't you rather laugh than whine,?

© Cerutti Osage can be reached  via Wasap line +234 8020937003 for very serious project work of this magnitude


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