Efoski Record's drops Overload master hit "Personal Person" in grand style

A Cerutti media, impresario unit report
Fast rising international record label Efoski Inc hours ago formally announced the release of  her power gun artist, Eldorado' s new hit

In a press statement by the company, the new piece of fine art is non other that Eldorado  overload master tagged: " Personal Person "

No doubt loaded to the hilt, the well composed work may be another way for the young artist and his recording company to prove that this may truly be the 2face protege

Not so long ago Eldorado spoke to Cerutti media outlets and posited: "Many adore 2face for different reasons but I can tell you four things make me his protege, he is tireless with his works, always playing new music
° He is very humble, he invest a lot in new ventures and he has deep sense of style. Only few men globally combines these four qualities " Eldorado quipped

No doubt. Eldee is set to emulate two baba with the expected new release tagged " Personal person " which will be follow up to his debut work. ' Overload " under the label of Prince  James Efosa Aghedo' s Efoski label

Is this guy the much awaited prince of his calling?


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