Moved to tears, over Akademia best video award, Monica Swaida speaks passionately on new height

Still basking in euphoria of her historic triumph for  the best  video award for February 2016  by the prestigious Akademia Inc in far away United States of America, highly oxygenated performer, and insuance guru,Monica Omorodion Swaida,last night broke her silence on her true feelings

In a telephonic chat with CERUTTI Group CEO,the "African wordsmith" CERUTTI Osage, Lady  Swaida,whose  Work Monicanization Palava clinched the top prize,described her choice as act of God

"Am moved,the music was tagged world beat,yet was done in  pidgin,notwitstanding,  the Americans dimmed me fit for the prestigious award, am moved to tears, God is indeed able to satisfy all our needs

" When I was told I was nominated among thousands ,not in a million years did I suspect I will take home such honour, it is most touchy, Americans don't know how to hide their feelings, they love your music or work,they flaunt it, am honoured... Though short of words'

She advised youths to stay focus on their dream and never allow frustration or initial set back detail their dreams

* Big up Monicanization,courtesy Noah Ark

©Touch of  G.CERUTTI PR

Wsap:+234 8020937003


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