Global watch:Europe Destruction Of Commonwealth Nations Championed By British Govt' -Prof Alexia Thomas, Chairman, TCLP United Kingdom

-Prof Alexia Thomas, Chairman, TCLP United KingdomKingdom,speaks on sundary global issues

* '500Million Commonwealth Citizens to Die of Famine, Starvation in 15
Years from Today'
* 'I Am an Oracle and My Words are Alive'

*QUOTES:“The Irish famine of 1846 killed more 1million people, but it
killed poor devils. To the wealth of the country it did not the slightest
damage”-Karl Marx

*“Consider the problem of over-population. Rapidly mounting human numbers
are pressing even more heavily on natural resources. What is to be
done?...The annual increase of numbers should be reduced. But how? We are
given two choices-famine, pestilence and war on the one hand, birth
control on the other. Most of us choose birth control”-Aldous Huxley

PROFESSOR Alexia Thomas, Chairman, The Commonwealth Liberation Party, TCLP
United Kingdom (UK), Chairman of Alliance Treaty Commission and President,
Independent Diplomat Commission (IDC) in this interview reveals her Oracle
status with a third-eye into the future, as she exposed sequence of danger
and disaster that awaits Commonwealth nations, even as 500million citizens
of Commonwealth nations would become victims of massacre 15 years from
now as being orchestrated and led by the British Government against the
coloured people.


Q: Tell us how you were able to transit into the future in your latest
revelation as an Oracle?

A: Well, first of all, I knew that I am an oracle. I am a living god, a
god that will die. It is sad. And I have always said that my death will
lead to scientific discovery of the medicine that will see human dies no
more, but that would see human longevity. But before such invention and
medicine will come to my side to keep me alive, it would have come to me
late. And I said that my death will lead to where the world will mourn.
They will see the mountain, nature will mourn for my death. And in  nature
mourning for my death will lead to man to go into the deepest discovery of
the sea-bed to know what answers that can bring human longevity, but
before such would be discovered it would be late for me. Now I am an
oracle. My words are living, my words are life. I have been singing as
loud as the whales in the sea. Whale is the biggest fish in the ocean. The
breath of the whale when its take water is so deep, so also the tears of
the whale, the sound can bring deafness to the ears. If human does not
understand the mystery of why the whale will always shed tears because the
whale will hardly shed tears. I have been shedding tears and opening to
the people of the Commonwealth, I have done my teachings through the
video, different videos on YouTube; different videos on websites, I have
done my teachings through the medium.

But the white people have taken up the wrath of destruction upon the black
nation. The black nation-the people of the coloured nation, it is sad that
God failed them when creation was made. If the world can go back to all my
press statements in the news release and they can read all the words-the
advice, doctrines, teachings, realities, you would understand that the
world for the first time wants to fail themselves. Human destruction will
come in enormous, 15million Jews died but 500million Commonwealth
(citizens) deaths will be recorded. And I saw it very clearly.

Q: When is the 500million Commonwealth citizens' death coming up?

A: It is coming up 15 years from today. So, 15 years from today the death
recording will start taking its eminent, recognition in the sense that
people will just start dying, but withing three years the wrath of death
will sweep through the nations of the Commonwealth and 500million will be
massacred. Half of the Commonwealth nations' generation will die of famine
and starvation. So basically, Europe has brought destruction upon the
people of Commonwealth. It is a disaster, it is a destruction that
humanity will never recover from in the next 1,000 years. United Kingdom
government is championing the destruction of  the Commonwealth. This is a
mastermind of Angela Merkel and the whole European Union (EU) in
generality. The EU people feared the Commonwealth people will be the
biggest nation in the continent that will take over the world because the
called Americans are the bastards who are of the black nation; who has
left the shores. America as a nation belongs to nobody, it does not even
belong to the white man. So the likes of Donald Trump, Black American who
think that they are an island without the black nation, they don't even
know that the great nation of America today is the offspring of the black
brothers, the  coloured brothers who were stolen away as slaves  that make
that nation great. The future of the Commonwealth nations' greatness has
been seen. The world wants to bring destruction upon humanity which is
called Apocalypse of Judaism. So,  Apocalypse of Judaism will see
500million Commonwealth people massacred to death. They will die of famine
and starvation. These are the layers of destruction upon the Commonwealth

It starts with propaganda whereby the people are mad enemies before the
people whom they know. The propaganda simply means the Europe has set up
an excavation. Excavation will mean the depth root of the Commonwealth
people which has been a burg in them. The Commonwealth nations were not
known to these people called Europe. The Europe people went to harness
them. And in the harnessization of them, they had been in the European
existence as a burg. For the first time, the European nations want to
evacuate them from their lives and their settlement. From 2016, the
evacuation of Commonwealth citizens from Europe will begin. It has already
started taking effect because it has come in the layers of mass
deportation. So all Europe nations will begin to excavate the Commonwealth
nations. They will excavate them: there will be no mercy, it will be the
bed of destruction. So from 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022,
deportation of Commonwealth nations from Europe will continue. For six
years, they have to complete the first phase of Commonwealth destruction.

For six years, Commonwealth nations will be evacuated from Europe. Those
who do not have papers will be told they have to go. From 2023 to another
seven years, by that time the Commonwealth citizens who are now resident
in Europe from their generic foundation, the mixed-race will also be
evacuated  and dumped in land they don't even know.

The next evacuation will be the revocation of residents. It will be called
Generic Extermination of the coloured inter-relationship. The coloured who
are not the pure race will be deported back to Africa. Africa will be the
dumping ground. The pure white race that Hitler called the 'White Breed'
are going to be excavated. They will also deport those who have their
residence, who have their papers. It is a shame because human does not
know that injustice to one is injustice to all. They will say: “it is none
of my business, I have my papers”, because African man has been buttered
to be selfish to themselves. They only like themselves and they don't
bother about their brothers. From next seven years starting from 2023, all
those with Permanent Residence will be evacuated, excavated, deported,
deployed and transferred to a land. Africa is currently called the Dungeon
of Hell. It is called the Dungeon of Hell because it is only a breeding
ground to harness gold and diamond. Once gold and diamond has been
harnessed there is nothing interesting again in the land. The white man is
not interested about the beauty and development of the African nation,
other than for themselves. As we go into he phases of 2030, Europeanism
will now kill the economy of the Commonwealth nations.

They will kill their economy by devaluating their currency, because the
economy is a ghostly operation where you hear $1billion, $3billion. It's
all pieces of paper. One person sits down, the Europe Zone decides. Have
you asked yourself who decides what the valuation of money will be?
Nigeria owes America $1billion that does not mean anything. $1billon
simply means Nigeria needs to generate 1 million slaves to work harder to
generate resources for America. Nigeria (foreign exchange market)
valuation is N420 to One pound sterling. Have you asked yourself who
determines the money ration, money equilibrium? How do you know today
Naira (in foreign exchange market) is N429 to One pound sterling? Have you
asked yourself who determines the ratio? But because the black man is not
wise, Nigerian currency like N500 going to One dollar? Have you asked
yourself, what that simply means is that the master decides the buying,
selling capacity at the valuation of buying and selling. It is like an

What you see right now is: the European zone has masterminded a plot which
the Jews called the 'Holocaust'. But what will happen on the destruction
of commonwealth nation is called the 'Grandocaust'. The Jews suffered the
Holocaust, the Commonwealth people will suffer the Grandocaust. In
Grandocaust, 500million Commonwealth nations' citizens will be destroyed.
The destruction has started already because their currency is being
devalued everyday. Essence of the devaluation of their currency is to kill
their civilization, exploration since every time the Commonwealth nations
come abroad, their to harness knowledge. They don't want them to harness
knowledge anymore, they increase the currency to devalue the currency. If
N500 is to One Dollar, what that simply would mean is that Commonwealth
nations would not be able to buy, would not be able to sell. The
Commonwealth nation has been busy dealing on crude oil. They have
forgotten that there is nothing like crude oil. Crude oil is a European,
developmental  schemology to be able to empower their industry.  They
found similar resources in Africa which is related to their industry. They
have so much suppress the African government to continue to drill oil for
them to take to their land. So when Nigeria
sell 1 million barrel of crude oil, American give them a billion dollar.
That is a billion piece of paper. Have you asked them the oil you give
them what do they use it for? To develop their own industry, but you sell
your resources to them at the cost of piece of paper.  It makes no sense.

The Nigerian and the Commonwealth nations, I advised them today to start
preparing their soil for fertilization because there will be famine and
starvation 15 years from today. And if they don't start preparing the land
for fertilization, they will die in massism  famine and starvation because
Europe zone wants to destroy the Commonwealth nations.

It would be sad that 500million lives would vanish from the face of the
earth. It is happening already. Our coloured brother should look at Sudan
farming. Have you asked yourself why is there farming in Sudan. There is
farming in Sudan because Sudan, people have a generic trait, they are like
camels, they have a generic diamond in them They are unique breed of
Africans. They are actually the wisest species of the African race. They
are like camels they never tired. You can  work them for seven days
without water. So the white man saw this great gift of God creating these
people with that uniqueness. To kill them, they will firstly stampede
their economy. How could you tell me that in the civilized 21st century,
1998 people are dying? Go to the You Tube to watch Sudan's starvation.
People died. Their coloured brothers did not even know why they are dying.
It is all the masterminded of the Europe zone to bring destruction upon
the commonwealth nation.

Q: You talked about plans to extinct the coloured people of Commonwealth
and devalue their currencies...

A: Commonwealth governments have no brain. Have you asked yourself what
they mean by 'Freeze peoples money'? They have frozen Iran's money, as
such Iran cannot buy or sell? There is nothing like money. Every economy
can sustain on themselves, what is American, what is London? Every nation
should begin to work their ways into independence. Nigeria as a nation can
survive without America. Ghana can survive without America. Ghana does not
need to do business with America, Nigeria does not need to do business
with America: they should sustain their own economy. The reason for
business relationship is called 'Knowledge-Exploration.' Nigeria wants to
build bridges, America has a talent to build bridges for them. They do
what is called 'Money-Equilibrium'. America will bring 100 civil engineers
labour force, Nigeria will bring 1000 labour force. What America does not
need, what America needs from Nigeria, Nigeria supply in terms of human
labour. But the truth is that, there would be Apocalypse of Judaism which
is the destruction of the Commonwealth race.  The dragon of hell has
possessed the body of men. There would be Apocalypse of Judaism. I called
on the nations of Commonwealth today, to start preparing storage and
reservation. They need to create storage just like it was said in the
Bible where Joseph translated the dream, and the king stored for seven
years, because the famine lasted for seven years.

There will be serious famine in Africa. And because this destruction will
come upon the Commonwealth nations, Nigeria right now should start
learning to be an island of its own, so that should this catastrophe come
upon them, they can survive without crying to America. If Nigeria whose
population is 180million and 90million dies, then Nigeria will perish. It
is a per-meditated master plan. The Commonwealth nations' government has
not created sustenance for their citizens because the white man gave them
independence and taught them the lost of life. Lost of life means
everybody wants to build house, everybody wants to build mansion,
everybody wants to steal money to America. Every politics of the
Commonwealth nations have no ideology.: Democracy death and art of
politics birth. I am using this opportunity to tell the Commonwealth
nations to go and  watch the video of 'Democracy Death and Art of Politics
Birth' on You tube. We need to give up Democracy and begin to practice Art
of Politics. The sad reality is that Commonwealth nations are
producing...the greatest nation is a nation that have enough Marxism.
When the population is densely, what normally would happen is that that
nation is blessed. But if the Commonwealth nation cannot sustain their
citizens, I think they should start sterilizing their wives and sons, so
that they do not lead to densely populated human race. The Commonwealth
race is leading to densely populated human race and they cannot cater for
themselves. And because they cannot cater for themselves, the white
European masters want to now reduce the race  by causing famine and
starvation. That is the easiest way to kill all of them. They died in
their own waste. So when they are now dying of famine and starvation,
nobody bears the brunch, nobody carries the cross.  It would-be like they
cannot feed themselves, there is no food.  How can there not be food?

To till a land for fertilization, can take like six months getting the
land ready to crop seed, to be able to seed. And crop is the germination
of the seed. The Commonwealth nations right now not prepared for this
catastrophe that is coming. They are not settled, all they want is the
best things of life. American government is deceiving them to sell their
crude oil. Grinding their eyes with the big coin of the money, $10billin,
$11billion. They don't even know themselves anymore. As earlier said, this
famine and destruction will hit the world in next 15 years. Lagos State is
a big city. Have you asked yourself, the food that sustain the people in
Lagos, where does the farmer get it from? The Nigerian economy cannot
sustain their nation, because they did not produce enough for them to feed
themselves. Nigerians are eating crumbs from abroad. If you now tell me
that N500 is One United States dollar, what does that say to you? It only
shows that the Nigerian economy cannot sustain because they cannot even
eat, buy, sell and trade. It is a per-meditated ploy to destroy the nation
of Commonwealth. There is nothing like One United States dollar is 500
Naira, or Naira is 429 to One pound sterling. Who decided the money
valuation? One person sits in his bedroom controlling the money economy.

Nigerians cannot fight back since it is a white man's idea. If the white
man tells them today, N500 is going to be One United States dollar, they
cannot do anything because they are not the economists, they are not the
one who decides who buys and who sells. It is very sad, There would be
destruction. The Commonwealth nations right now should know that the
brothers that are deported, the shamefulness on one brother is a shame on
you. When they are deporting your brother, you are thinking...ohhh. But
they criminalize the phases of their action, you don't have a reason to
see that they are playing a propaganda.

They will start deporting those people they say they have no papers to the
ones who have papers and relaxed. They will begin to deport the people
that have papers, and nations of Commonwealth are relaxed. Then they begin
to devalue the Naira, so nobody would be able to travel out of Nigeria
anymore. By that time, those who will be able to travel to Europe will
only be the Billionaires. And the Billionaires family members cannot begin
to travel as they used to travel before because the Naira by then will
become N5000 to One United States Dollar or N5000 to One pound sterling.
What is that? That just tells you that that is the master plan now. The
only way now to stop them is not to come abroad because they don't need
the African nations any more, they have finished exploiting their
resources. The nations of Africa, if they cannot manage their citizens'
productive rate and multiplication of human race, they should sterilize
themselves and stop having more babies. The more you have more babies, you
should be able to find a scheme because productivity and multiplication is
a gift to nature. Every nature that have human being is the biggest
nation. America right now is putting people to death because it does not
know the vale of human. Who decides which man dies or which man lives?

I was watching the American court system, in the American high court of
justice they have two sittings. They have the two parties having judges.
How could that be? They are going to kill a prisoner, you could hear the
politics in America. One of the political parties in the High Court
agrees, the other disagrees. The justice system in America is politicized.
How should that be? Why should High Court of Justice in America have two
political parties with four judges in there? It is madness. It is

I think the Commonwealth nation should start working to be the island of
their own. They need to start getting their land ready for fertilization
because their would be Apocalypse of Judaism. If they can stand in unity
now, they can fight the white man's decoy. They should not find themselves
happiness. They should stop selling their mineral resources. They should
now use it to develop themselves and sustain their human race, their race
as a nation because there will be  Apocalypse of Judaism 500million
Commonwealth citizens will perish. There will be serious famine and
starvation. The famine and starvation in Commonwealth nations will lasts
for 10 years, so we are actually looking at 2030 to 2040. If the famine
lasts for 40 years, ¾ of the nations are all dead. Even the rich people
that would have stored food, after awhile the food will also finish. This
is an eclipse of human destruction. It is sad.

Q: What are the immediate expectations of Commonwealth nations from your
revelation and what proactive steps can they take to avert this pending

A: What the Commonwealth nations should do right now is we need to summon
the Europe zone and the American economists who determine the money
equilibrium into a round table. Nigeria will no longer accept the
devaluation of their Naira, Africa does not owe the Europe zone. The
Europe zone of saying Nigeria is indebted is a premeditated decoy to
suppress them to slavery. You don't owe the Europe. There is nothing like
they owe you money, we write off your debts: it actually means nothing.
Every time you hear Nigeria is owing America money, it only means  helping
Nigeria to generate more slaves to do America's free labour. America could
say we want 100 barrels of crude oil, Nigeria you owe me money. And then
Nigeria begins to get men from their homes. The economic system is a
ghostly operation. It is just money from the printing paper, printing
machine being printed. It is sad that if other race do not like you, for
instance in the animal kingdom, you are not going to see the cat fish
moving with the snake fish. You are not going to see the tiger fish moving
with the tilapia fish. All fish look the same, fish that look alike, move
alike. The nations of the Commonwealth is not going to force themselves on
the white man. The white man had been very premeditated in their decoy. If
you go and watch the Commonwealth citizens' doom and re-birth on You tube,
you will see the white man destruction had been very obvious. The black
man have suffered for years, and they are still suffering. The only black
coloured brothers who could have been able to fight for the beauty of the
black had been catapulted to be bastards. The blacks in America are like
bastards because they don't know their roots. So if they don't know their
roots, the unity to fight for their brothers is not there.

The nations of the Commonwealth should start preparing for the famine and
starvation in 15  years from now which will lasts for 10 years. Now that
they know this revelation, I call myself an Oracle, as I am actually an
Oracle. The world should know that I am a living god, that will die. It is
sad that I am going to die. This human-god called Professor Alexia Thomas
Her Knowledgeable is going to die one day. I am happy that I have been
able to stop the human destruction, I have seen with the third eye. The
eyes that sees with the wind, cries with the wind. And I am revealing what
I am seeing. I think the Commonwealth nation has neglected my voice. I
think they commonize me in their minds  I am not in power, I am not the
one that run the economy, but they don't even understand the economy
themselves. They are the most idiotic leaders in the world I have ever
seen. How could they be deporting your citizens? I told the world
Nigerians were going to be deported January 26th. What did Nigerian
government do? What did the Commonwealth nation do? Nothing. They still
managed to take some of them to the airport. This destruction is on-going,
it is a matter above the Prime Minister of United Kingdom. He is the
headship of the destruction, because UK is championing the destruction of
the Commonwealth. They are the Commonwealth colonial masters. They are put
in front to excavate them, to take them to their country of destruction to
take them to destroy them.

But the end product like I said are three layers of destruction: the first
layer are those without papers will be evacuated in six years, those with
residence status will be revoked in seven years. As those without papers
are being deported you can see the Naira being devalued so much. The
Nigerian Central Bank I don't know how people are kept there, they call
themselves the Governor of Central Bank. They have no brains. They never
asked themselves how could a white man turning your currency is now N429
to One pound sterling, and you are still there. Where are the economists?
Where are the professor of economy? Economist is nothing but because they
are not wise. Have you asked yourself how is it rated? Who decides what
should be what? It is just one person sitting in Buckingham Palace or
somewhere controlling the money supply.

Q: In saner climes, don't you think someone like Governor of Central Bank
of Nigeria should have been fired for facilitating Naira devaluation,
creating inflation through his economic policies?

A: How will you know when you are still a slave? The Commonwealth nations
did not have independence, they only have sovereignty. They have no
economy. The white man determines their economy. That is why the famine
will sweep away 500million people of the nations of Commonwealth.  If they
become economists being able to lead their nations without interference of
international involvement, then they will be able to be wise and protect
their nation. Like I said, if they cannot manage their multiplication and
production of their children, they should sterilize themselves, so that
they don't make more babies. The more they make more babies, and they are
not intelligent enough to sustain their people, the white man is planning
a destruction that is above their own desire. Imagine out of 180 million
Nigerians, 150 million dies. What do you say to that? All those lands
would now turn to empty vegetation, which is what the white man wants, so
he can come back and take the land and rebuild their own city. The more
the people die, the more there are no people to fight for the land
ownerships. The land becomes their free land to harness gold again. Their
own population is getting bigger and bigger. They don't even have lands in
their own country. The more ¾ of Nigerians or Commonwealth nations die and
exterminate because of famine and starvation, they are happy to comeback
and take those lands again. When ¾ dies from 2030 to 2040, Nigeria will no
longer be a nation to comeback under the management of the white man
again. That means the nation has destroyed herself because she  never
prepares for her independence. Her independence is the ability to feed and
sustain her people.

The movement of exodus of the Commonwealth nation started from them not
been able to feed themselves going abroad to work like slaves. The Europe
zone have had enough of the slaves now and the slaves are becoming wise.
They (Europe zone) have refused to give them papers. Everybody want to go
abroad. Nobody wants to live abroad. Everybody want to be sure they can
come and go easily. By the white man's decoy, he knows that when the
Commonwealth people are going, they are stealing their knowledge away,
they deny them access not to have papers.

And they become afraid, because they want to be sure they can come and
go. Before you know, all the best brains in Commonwealth nations are
abroad working like slaves. They thought that they have worked, there is
a future, unfortunately, the white man sees the fear of the Commonwealth
nations becoming the biggest continent of the world, because they continue
to produce more babies, they cannot look after, that is why I
said they should sterilize themselves. Rather than the white man bringing
a premeditated decoy to bring famine and starvation. Until the
Commonwealth nation begin to manage their economy, until they begin to
control their economy, until the Commonwealth nations can begin to
sustain themselves without United Kingdom or America; they should stop
thinking oil is the means of money making. Our money making is oil. Are
you going to eat oil? Americans are buying oil from you because they want
to build their lands. The building of America today started 60 years ago.
Since 60 years they have been tilling your oil.  You have no sense selling
them your oil.

Now they don't need your oil anymore, because they have stored enough
reserves. What they now need  to do is kill your economy, because they
can no longer sustain your people, your people were only sustained by them
since they needed them for labour. Now that they have built their 21st
Century City, you can see the invention of America building atomic bombs,
building missiles because human has gone mad. Even the destruction of the
Commonwealth nation is the American ideology by selling them weapons. How
could you be developing weapons to destroy humanity? It is madness.

Q: Eritrea is a nation that broke away from Ethiopia. Eritrea's Prime
Minister made an announcement that Eritrea men are short in supply. As
such it is now compulsory for Eritrea men to marry a minimum of two wives,
if not they go to jail. Same jail awaits Eritrea married women who will
not allow their husbands to marry more wives. What is your take on this?

A: As an Oracle, the president of Eritrea has gone mad. If you look deep
into his ideology, the human enactment of love energy, the humans are
jealous. They cannot force a man that he must marry two wives. What it
simply means is that the conceptology or the visionology of the Eritrean
president means that they want to begin to build an economy of themselves,
and they realized that they are less populated. So, to expand the race for
a new 21st Century Eritrea, that would compete with other neighbouring
Commonwealth civilization and nations they need to make more babies. It is
like me saying the Commonwealth nations should begin to sterilize
themselves so that they don't build more, because the more they have more
(babies) the more the white man is feeling troubled.  How do you give
birth to 15 children and you cannot look after them? How can Nigeria not
be creative to feed the people. Nigeria right now, even the fertilizers
and manure they use in the farm, they have to import them. That is what it
is: if you look at the deeper conceptology of that man, I think he has a
future. You could see as he said the men there are not much. He's actually
seeing them extincting away. He  is trying to balance the race because if
a man marries two wives: one wife can produce two children, two wives
should be able to produce six children. What the guy is trying to do is a
culture, it is futuristic  perception of Eritrea to solidly develop in an
equation if Eritrea were a million people, in the next 30 years, they
could be like 50 million people. It is just a conceptology. People have
freedom of free opinion to express what it is. I don't think he has rights
to enact it into law. It is totally unacceptable.

*QUOTE: “The Eyes that sees the Wind, cries with the Wind”-Prof. Alexia


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