An Exclusive Tribute By Barr. Mary Oyibocha-Agbajoh (pnm)

She played a different role in all our
lives, a mother, a sister, and a
grandmother, no matter what the love
we have for her is one, ask anyone
they'll tell you the same, she brought
us joy when we had pain , the strength
and love of one women held all of us
together even more now then ever, she
isn't physically here but we still
feel her near in every step we take
and every move we make, what she's
giving to us no one can ever replace. 

I hardly pay Tribute to Heroes  just because everybody is doing so. but on DORA Nkem Akunyili, I can recall 2007 when we started the GOODLUCK INITIATIVES (GI07) then as Director NAFDAC we sent in Our LETTER of Introduction and like what she was known for, she happily replied the letter same day and what struck me most was the reason she gave,

“It’s not about the content of the Letter alone, but the presentation and packaging moved me" she said,

And yes, thereafter we had a steady relationship in communicating. And when the popular RE-BRANDING NIGERIA started, she also called and asked for my own view and whilst in her Hotel Room in Sheraton Ikeja, I said to her,  “Ma, what about RE-BRANDING THE CONTENT BEFORE THE CONTAINER...” and she said,  “WOOW Mary bring it On...”

My thoughts on Prof Dora is simple; she was a WOMAN who sees and rate you by your content and strength of character, unlike others who hate their fellow women for no just reason. Prof Dora redefined the Nigerian dream in our hearts with every project she embarked upon whilst in public service. Prof Dora was a channel of inspiration to me with her uncommon "valorous" disposition, love and acceptance of everyone.

She was COURAGEOUS and full of energy and I learnt that from Her also especially her Cry for justice in favour of Dr. Goodluck Jonathan during the Yar'Adua em pass.

Nigeria did not only lose An AMAZON but a FIRE-BRAND reformer!

REST IN PEACE Prof. DORA Nkem Akunyili till We  meet Again!!!

*About Barr. Mary Oyibocha-Agbajoh (pnm)

 Mary Oyibocha Agbajoh, is a business class Person, Politician, Media consultant Political Strategist and event planner par-excellence, was born on the 6th of February, 1972 in Delta State, Nigeria. A passionate Nationalists and an advocate of Good Governance in Nigeria using several medium to support and encourage citizens’ participation in government; and a successful politician, Golfer and women leader with long standing integrity in the national and international scene for excellence and determination of purpose. she is also   the Chairman/National Coordinator of the GOODLUCK Initiatives (GI07), Niger Delta Women & Youth Support Jonathan, Special Assistance (SPECIAL DUTIES) to the governor of Delta State, Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan; Deputy Head of Social Media, Presidential Amnesty Programme, Nigeria and Senior Special Assistance, SSA, (SPECIAL DUTIES) to Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan of Delta State. It is worthy of note not also highlight that Agbajoh is a practitioner member of the Association of Professional Negotiator’s and Mediators (APNM).


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