of Nobel Character’
By Cerutti Osagie
• The author, Cerutti Osagie has been described in the superlatives in the noble world of pen pushing profession, where he now berths as a premium luxury writer. He writes regularly on people, luxury, motivation, class and business for Business people by BUSINESS WORLD, Nigeria’s frontline business magazine and his two online blogs: www.worldindustryleaders.blogspot.com/ www .cerutticlassicalcollection.blogspot.com
Copyright @ CERUTTI MEDIA GROUP 2014
All right reserved. No part of this publication may be recorded, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publisher
Finally, a godly wife should be submissive to her husband What does a submissive wife look like?simple, a submissive wife is not less valuable as a human being; her role is not less important—but it is different. Christians know that Christ is every bit as divine as the Father (and the Holy Spirit), but each plays a different role in redemption. In the same way, men and women each play a different part in marriage. So, for a wife to be submissive to her husband as Christ is submissive to the Father means she willingly allows her husband to lead. know there is no such thing as human perfection). But as a wife grows more intimate in her relationship with Christ, she will grow increasingly godly in her marriage. I can go on and on, but in summary I met in her what Bible says of a true wife, I will miss her Godly nature so much
By Cerutti Osagie
• The author, Cerutti Osagie has been described in the superlatives in the noble world of pen pushing profession, where he now berths as a premium luxury writer. He writes regularly on people, luxury, motivation, class and business for Business people by BUSINESS WORLD, Nigeria’s frontline business magazine and his two online blogs: www.worldindustryleaders.blogspot.com/ www .cerutticlassicalcollection.blogspot.com
He can be contacted on roaming
number + 234 7042631895 or youngchief@yahoo.com
Copyright @ CERUTTI MEDIA GROUP 2014
All right reserved. No part of this publication may be recorded, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publisher
‘ Why I commissioned Cerutti
Media to do my late wife book'
This book you are
holding is not by accident, I have decided to get the young African Shakespeare to carry my
thoughts on my late wife for the world to learn that there are still few good women on earth
We are simply human beings because give or take we will all die one day for without the five
letter word called death,we human beings could have been regarded as something
So to put it succinctly, death remains that factor that defines our humanness, and it is most pathetic that these days death surrounds me face to face and still remains my strange bed fellow, whispering sweet nothing to my ears even when I force myself to sleep
Six weeks ago, precisely on 7th June, I had the misfortune of losing one of the most influential, most prized, most affectionate and most precious person in my life, my wife and best friend Ibukun- Oluwa Eno,in what can be customarily described in the usual ‘ after a brief illness’’, but in my opinion, that phrase diminishes the awesomeness of death a necessary evil and and prevents one from coming to term with the deep sorrow that death brings
As I wallow in this deep sorrow called death, I am once again reminded of the truth in William Shakespeare song on death* “Come away, come away, death”
(from Twelfth Night)
Come away, come away, death,
And in sad cypress let me be laid.
Fly away, fly away, breath;
I am slain by a fair cruel maid.
My shroud of white, stuck all with yew,
O, prepare it!
My part of death, no one so true
Did share it.
Not a flower, not a flower sweet,
On my black coffin let there be strown.
Not a friend, not a friend greet
My poor corpse, where my bones shall be thrown.
A thousand thousand sighs to save,
Lay me, O, where
Sad true lover never find my grave,
To weep there!
On sighting this poem, I Suddenly had one prayer in my mind, and that is may God unmask this sorrow called death and show us laughter from this well of tears, this is my greatest wish in this trying times as I mourn my beloved wife and friend
The dark day of June 7th is still a days whose memories still linger in my heart, as that was the day I lost my wife and the best friend a man could ever hope for
Thus passed the worst morning of my life. The only word to describe what we, the family, were feeling was desolation. I always thought we’d had a pact, Ibukun-Oluwa and I, that I would die first, but I should have known she’d have the last word. She usually did, sometimes because I let her, often because she insisted on it. We meet in Abuja in 2008 January and.
We were married a few months later and it was the best thing that ever happened to me.
She was beautiful, witty, highly intelligent, quirky, VERY Godly and always immense fun to be with. She was a devoted wife, mother and godmother to many and she was also — this is not just my opinion — one of the most gifted intellectual or novelists around.
Under her married name, Ibukun-Oluwa Eno Shidi-Spiff in a resume which she handed to me before her untimely death, the summary read
· A graduate professional with an eye o the future with great potential
· A good team player who can work under pressure
· A highly motivated and intelligent individual with strong analytical skill
· A business oriented and hardworking person who gains personal satisfaction in meeting corporate goals
Indeed, her focus in the last couple of years has been on identifying business opportunities in the public sector backed by an immense understanding of the Nigeria and global business environment
Ibukun-Oluwa was born on October 22 1975, and from her early days has always been a focused in her academic pursuit, and that attention to her school details was chief reason why she was never seen participating in sports or some Night club or parties habit like most student of today will do
She had her nursery and primary education at Corona nursery and primary school, Gbagada, Lagos from 1981- 1986, and her secondary education in FGGC, Sagamu, Ogun State from 1986-1992 before proceeding to the Ondo State university, Ado Ekiti for her Bchelor of science(B.Sc) Industrial and Organizational Psychology 1994-1998, which she was to cap with a Masters degree in International LAW/Diplomacy in 2000-2001
She was a better writer and reader than me — and that’s not easy for a woman who have the home front and children to look after But it was true, though sometimes she found it difficult to believe that she was any good at all.
As I embrace the torturous sorrow of my wife death, the thoughts of our years together-though shot but eventful, thev thoughts of those years bring to my heart William Shaekpears poem and I agree the writer was rigfht
May I say, if there is anything I will miss so much about my wife is her calm nature, love for GOD, her teachable heart, how she sees me as not just a father figure but as friend, and for sure her dress sense is perhaps a factor that will forever knock me down for the rest of my life
Her daily routine is another thing I will miss so badly for it was regimented and there was nothing I could do to make her deviate from it.She had time for her morning prayers and Bible studies and often urge me to join her, she had time to drink water daily, a time to drink juice or at some rare occasion black coffee or her favorite fruit paw-paw
Anything that interfered with this daily routine offended her immensely and the activities on her daily routine she liked to perform personally , not minding the house-helps at home
I can go on and on and on, but in summary, this is the legacy of my beloved wife , whose death on JUNE 7TH 2014, I regard as a night's sleep. For as Mahatma Gandhi put it “Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.”
For if wishes were horses, I will hope for an Ibikun-Oluwa rebirth. But as promised in the Holy Book, my wife will arise again and shall be fresh and strong
I love you eternally, from your beloved husband, Ebi Shidi-Spiff
So to put it succinctly, death remains that factor that defines our humanness, and it is most pathetic that these days death surrounds me face to face and still remains my strange bed fellow, whispering sweet nothing to my ears even when I force myself to sleep
Six weeks ago, precisely on 7th June, I had the misfortune of losing one of the most influential, most prized, most affectionate and most precious person in my life, my wife and best friend Ibukun- Oluwa Eno,in what can be customarily described in the usual ‘ after a brief illness’’, but in my opinion, that phrase diminishes the awesomeness of death a necessary evil and and prevents one from coming to term with the deep sorrow that death brings
As I wallow in this deep sorrow called death, I am once again reminded of the truth in William Shakespeare song on death* “Come away, come away, death”
(from Twelfth Night)
Come away, come away, death,
And in sad cypress let me be laid.
Fly away, fly away, breath;
I am slain by a fair cruel maid.
My shroud of white, stuck all with yew,
O, prepare it!
My part of death, no one so true
Did share it.
Not a flower, not a flower sweet,
On my black coffin let there be strown.
Not a friend, not a friend greet
My poor corpse, where my bones shall be thrown.
A thousand thousand sighs to save,
Lay me, O, where
Sad true lover never find my grave,
To weep there!
On sighting this poem, I Suddenly had one prayer in my mind, and that is may God unmask this sorrow called death and show us laughter from this well of tears, this is my greatest wish in this trying times as I mourn my beloved wife and friend
The dark day of June 7th is still a days whose memories still linger in my heart, as that was the day I lost my wife and the best friend a man could ever hope for
Thus passed the worst morning of my life. The only word to describe what we, the family, were feeling was desolation. I always thought we’d had a pact, Ibukun-Oluwa and I, that I would die first, but I should have known she’d have the last word. She usually did, sometimes because I let her, often because she insisted on it. We meet in Abuja in 2008 January and.
We were married a few months later and it was the best thing that ever happened to me.
She was beautiful, witty, highly intelligent, quirky, VERY Godly and always immense fun to be with. She was a devoted wife, mother and godmother to many and she was also — this is not just my opinion — one of the most gifted intellectual or novelists around.
Under her married name, Ibukun-Oluwa Eno Shidi-Spiff in a resume which she handed to me before her untimely death, the summary read
· A graduate professional with an eye o the future with great potential
· A good team player who can work under pressure
· A highly motivated and intelligent individual with strong analytical skill
· A business oriented and hardworking person who gains personal satisfaction in meeting corporate goals
Indeed, her focus in the last couple of years has been on identifying business opportunities in the public sector backed by an immense understanding of the Nigeria and global business environment
Ibukun-Oluwa was born on October 22 1975, and from her early days has always been a focused in her academic pursuit, and that attention to her school details was chief reason why she was never seen participating in sports or some Night club or parties habit like most student of today will do
She had her nursery and primary education at Corona nursery and primary school, Gbagada, Lagos from 1981- 1986, and her secondary education in FGGC, Sagamu, Ogun State from 1986-1992 before proceeding to the Ondo State university, Ado Ekiti for her Bchelor of science(B.Sc) Industrial and Organizational Psychology 1994-1998, which she was to cap with a Masters degree in International LAW/Diplomacy in 2000-2001
She was a better writer and reader than me — and that’s not easy for a woman who have the home front and children to look after But it was true, though sometimes she found it difficult to believe that she was any good at all.
As I embrace the torturous sorrow of my wife death, the thoughts of our years together-though shot but eventful, thev thoughts of those years bring to my heart William Shaekpears poem and I agree the writer was rigfht
May I say, if there is anything I will miss so much about my wife is her calm nature, love for GOD, her teachable heart, how she sees me as not just a father figure but as friend, and for sure her dress sense is perhaps a factor that will forever knock me down for the rest of my life
Her daily routine is another thing I will miss so badly for it was regimented and there was nothing I could do to make her deviate from it.She had time for her morning prayers and Bible studies and often urge me to join her, she had time to drink water daily, a time to drink juice or at some rare occasion black coffee or her favorite fruit paw-paw
Anything that interfered with this daily routine offended her immensely and the activities on her daily routine she liked to perform personally , not minding the house-helps at home
I can go on and on and on, but in summary, this is the legacy of my beloved wife , whose death on JUNE 7TH 2014, I regard as a night's sleep. For as Mahatma Gandhi put it “Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.”
For if wishes were horses, I will hope for an Ibikun-Oluwa rebirth. But as promised in the Holy Book, my wife will arise again and shall be fresh and strong
I love you eternally, from your beloved husband, Ebi Shidi-Spiff
“The prospect of an early death sits differently
upon each person. In some it gifts maturity far outweighing their age and
experience: calm acceptance blossoms into a beautiful nature and soft
countenance. In others, however, it leads to the formation of a tiny ice flint
in their heart. Ice that, though at times concealed, never properly melts.
Rose, though she would have liked to be one of the former, knew herself deep down to be one of the latter.”
― Kate Morton, The Forgotten Garden
Rose, though she would have liked to be one of the former, knew herself deep down to be one of the latter.”
― Kate Morton, The Forgotten Garden
“If your last words are somehow meant to
encapsulate your entire existence, Liz finds um strangely
appropriate. Um means nothing. Um is what you say while you're
thinking of what you'll really say. Um suggests
someone interrupted before they'd begun. Um is a
fifteen-year-old girl who gets hit by a taxicab in front of a mall on the way
to help pick out a prom dress for a prom she isn't even going to, for God's
― Gabrielle Zevin,Elsewhere
― Gabrielle Zevin,Elsewhere
“The tragedy of Tupac is that his
untimely passing is representative of too many young black men in this
country....If we had lost Oprah Winfrey at 25, we would have lost a relatively
unknown, local market TV anchorwoman. If we had lost Malcolm X at 25, we would
have lost a hustler named Detroit Red. And if I had left the world at 25, we
would have lost a big-band trumpet player and aspiring composer--just a sliver
of my eventual life potential.”
― Quincy Jones
― Quincy Jones
“In the last four days I have got the (results)
given by Tantalum, Chromium, Manganese, Iron , Nickel, Cobalt and Copper ...
The chief result is that ... the result for any metal (is) quite easy to guess
from the results for the others. This shews that the insides of all the atoms
are very much alike, and from these results it will be possible to find out
something of what the insides are made up of.”
― Henry Moseley
― Henry Moseley
The deep pain that is felt at the early death of
every friendly soul arise from the feeling that there is in every individual
something which is inexpressible, peculiar to him alone, and is, therefore, absolutely
and irretrievably lost – Jermaine Jackson
In his frank view,King Ebi Shidi Spiff told us five
qualities that made him went head over hill for his late wife and what all men
must look for ina wife
have never seen a lady like my late wife, the King told us. And what does it
mean to be godly wife? We asked? To be a godly wife, we must first consider
what the word godly means,the Bible for example uses
the word in conjunction with being “peaceful,” “quiet,” and “dignified.” The
Bible says the Spirit, who is in every believer, produces visible and invisible
acts of godliness, “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness”
decisive definition of godliness would be Christlike . Godliness
involves a genuine striving to imitate Christ, to be like Him in thought and
action These characteristics of a godly disposition apply to every believer,
whether male or female. Fortunately, the Bible gives more specific
qualifications as to what a godly woman—particularly, a godly wife—looks like.
The virtues of a godly wife have not changed, even over thousands of years. A godly wife is one who has the complete trust of her husband. He doesn’t have to worry she will be tempted by the wiles of another man, overcharge the credit cards, or spend all day watching soap operas. He knows she is dignified, wise, and devoted He is confident of her support and sincere love because she is not vindictive or critical. Her husband has a good reputation in the community, and his wife never speaks ill of him, never gossips about him. Rather, she is always lifting him up and giving him praise. She maintains the household thoroughly and is well respected herself we wehe told in proverbs and these are things I enjoyed in my late wife
She spends less time in front of the mirror than in sharing her goods with the poor and needy because she is selfless and benevolent But she doesn’t neglect herself; she keeps her body and spirit strong and in good health. Although she works hard and keeps long hours, she is not haggard; she cares about beautiful things to enhance herself and her family
The virtues of a godly wife have not changed, even over thousands of years. A godly wife is one who has the complete trust of her husband. He doesn’t have to worry she will be tempted by the wiles of another man, overcharge the credit cards, or spend all day watching soap operas. He knows she is dignified, wise, and devoted He is confident of her support and sincere love because she is not vindictive or critical. Her husband has a good reputation in the community, and his wife never speaks ill of him, never gossips about him. Rather, she is always lifting him up and giving him praise. She maintains the household thoroughly and is well respected herself we wehe told in proverbs and these are things I enjoyed in my late wife
She spends less time in front of the mirror than in sharing her goods with the poor and needy because she is selfless and benevolent But she doesn’t neglect herself; she keeps her body and spirit strong and in good health. Although she works hard and keeps long hours, she is not haggard; she cares about beautiful things to enhance herself and her family
Finally, a godly wife should be submissive to her husband What does a submissive wife look like?simple, a submissive wife is not less valuable as a human being; her role is not less important—but it is different. Christians know that Christ is every bit as divine as the Father (and the Holy Spirit), but each plays a different role in redemption. In the same way, men and women each play a different part in marriage. So, for a wife to be submissive to her husband as Christ is submissive to the Father means she willingly allows her husband to lead. know there is no such thing as human perfection). But as a wife grows more intimate in her relationship with Christ, she will grow increasingly godly in her marriage. I can go on and on, but in summary I met in her what Bible says of a true wife, I will miss her Godly nature so much
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