·    *A Cerutti Media + Books Inc. Exceptional Birthday Bonus Exclusively For All To Learn

On the occasion of the special birthday of the well known public relations strategist, and emerging global market advocate, Dr Phil Osagie today, (25th November) CERUTTI MEDIA + Books Inc, is enchanted to produce this deluxe, a MAGNUM OPUS (piece de resistance) for the souvenir of global youths and the old school in general on the need to always push hard in life and never give up on their dreams.
This is a mini book bonus, encompassing his compact advices via the BLEEDING WOMAN and words of wisdom, youths and the elderly must learn. Direct from the man who has touched many lives, like one of his beloved heroine, Mother Theresa

Renowned literary giant, late Professor Chinue Achebe was most categorical in clearing  the air,decades ago, over his massive incursion when accused of delving too much into political matters during his golden days on earth.
His defense was  that he can never leave his God giving platform to play politics, he mused: ‘Literature is my weapon’

Today, same can  aptly be said Of Dr Phil Osagie. He may be madly in love with mounting the pulpit to preach the good word; he may enjoy passing a special invitation to you anytime, to come worship in the International Church Of Christ (ICOC) in any part of the world you see him, but that is not his full time portfolio, big time Public Relations stage is where his weapon lies, just as that of the great Achebe strength lies in his literature addiction.

Most successful personalities and corporate organizations reach their peak and win public admiration due to the outcome of their actions and reports made on them. Behind the scene of those success stories are the image merchants who work out the script to fashion out their reputation.
Public relations practitioners play major roles towards creating positive perception of individuals and organizations whether in the public service or the private sector of the economy.
Nigeria has some of the best trained and talented PR practitioners and agencies who have successfully managed image of their principals and clients. The Nigeria Institute of Public Relations (NIPR) is a regulatory body for the practice in the country. One of its arms is the Public Relations Consultants Association of Nigeria (PRCAN), a prestigious group for agencies and firms responsible for laundering the image of corporate bodies and political groups.
Recently PRCAN held an election where it elected Dr. Phil Osagie as the new chairman. Apart from those in the Media/PR industry and to some extent major clients who could acknowledge the impact of this person and his PR agency in shaping PR practice in Nigeria, his name to others may be strange.
Born on November 25th, 1957, Dr. Phil Osagie is the Head Strategist for JSP Corporate Communications, the exclusive associate of Hill & Knowlton, one of the world’s largest PR consultancies. Before establishing JSP Communication in 1994, he was the pioneer Chief Executive of the Quadrant Company, the first fully fledged PR Consultancy in Nigeria. He has over the years developed strategies and successful PR campaigns for some of the world’s most admired brands such as NBC Coca-Cola, GSK, Cotecna, Intel, Microsoft,  FedEx/RedStar Express, Symantec, Notore, Africa-Re, etc.
A United Kingdom graduate of Communications, he holds a PG Diploma in marketing communications as well as a Doctorate in Business Management obtained at Washington International University. He has attended a number of professional courses and international seminars in Europe and America as well as given several trainings and facilitated numerous programmes on effective ways of Public Relations and branding to develop the industry.
He had working experiences in the public and private sectors. He was PRO Kano Sports Council 1981-1982; Special Correspondent Democrat Newspapers, Kaduna 1982-1985; PR Manager Insight Communications, Lagos 1985-1990 and General Manager/Executive Director, the Quadrant PR Company, Lagos 1990-1994 before he became CEO/Head Consultant of JSP Corporate Communications 1994 to date.
Dr. Osagie has distinguished himself in various places. A recipient of Marble Plaque of honor for outstanding work in the Children’s Ministry of Lagos Christian Church, he received best results in Communications Statistics in all High Institutions in Scotland UK 1980 and also an award for best employee at Aberdeen Holiday Inn, Scotland UK in 1982. For exhibiting exemplary leadership qualities in his chosen profession, he was honored by Newswatch Magazine as one of the top 40 Business leaders in Nigeria followed by that of Vanguard Newspaper in 1999. He has also received special invitations to global events. For instance he was the first African to undergo a month understudy of the Rowland PR Company London and the only African to attend the Leadership Forum organized by The Economist, London in 2003.
On personal recognition, President Olusegun Obasanjo in 2003 included him among the members in the Private Sector Special Committee against H.I.V. He has been a PR consultant to World Business Forum in New York and PR consultant to Academic Association for Surgeons, International Conference (AAS) among other notable institutions.
With him on the helm of affairs at JSP, the agency has developed capabilities to handle PR programmes in the West African, sub-region. The firm is also making plans to expand into North America with a specialist African offering.

Married with three children, Osagie, believes that the key in managing reputation is to first ensure the organization is sincere and value driven. According to him communicators must first do well before they can communicate it because, as he says: “you can only carve fine art out of good wood.”


If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed (Mark 5:28). That's what she told herself, this nameless, bleeding woman who'd traveled 30 miles, fueled by nothing but faith.
It was a daring plan. According to Mosaic Law, women who were ceremonially unclean weren't allowed to touch anyone, let alone the Son of God. But desperate women do desperate things. For 12 long years blood had flowed from her body, making her physically sick and socially unacceptable.

Desperation and Determination

The physicians of her time were unable to relieve her suffering. She "spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse". Some of us have been there, dealing with a prolonged illness or stubborn medical condition. It's frustrating, even embarrassing, to keep going to the doctor, only to return home with an expensive prescription, yet little hope.
The true miracle in this story is what remained healthy: her faith. Her willingness to believe she could be well again, despite all evidence to the contrary. When she heard about a man who'd "healed many who had various diseases", she made a beeline for Capernaum.
After a 30-mile journey, I would have thrown myself in his path, begging him to help me. Instead our bleeding sister quietly "came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak"
By law, her touch would have made him unclean. By grace, just the opposite happened. "Immediately her bleeding stopped”. Without a word, a look, or a touch from Jesus, she was made whole simply by believing he could heal her—and daring to act on that belief.

A Stolen Miracle

When her faith was rewarded, she wasn't the only one who noticed. "He turned around in the crowd and asked, 'Who touched my clothes?'“. How her heart must have pounded. She'd just stolen a miracle!
When the disciples pointed out that many in the crowded street were touching him, "Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it”. He wasn't looking to accuse but to affirm.
The same faith that empowered her to stretch out her hand now gave her the strength to step forward. She "fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth”.
She risked everything—public humiliation, if not punishment—to make her confession of faith, explaining to the crowd "why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed"


·        Your moment of freedom from whatever time chronic problem will come to an end the day- the very day- you are ready to honestly take your problem to The Lord, Jesus Christ, with a form believe, that Him, and Him, alone can save you
·        Using the biblical bleeding woman as a case study, Dr Osagie warned: ‘’ We must be weary of the dangers of crowd, in whatever we are doing, many for fear of what the crowd or the world will save over each and every step they wish to take, have lost great opportunities to be whom they are destined to be
·        The biblical bleeding woman never cared about the crowd that was waiting to hear the teachings of Christ, ‘having heard about Jesus’ says the Bible ‘ the bleeding women pushed her way in the intense crowd from behind and touched Jesus robe, with a firm reckon in  her heart that: If she can only touch His robe she will be well’’
·        Using that woman story as a typical life story lesson, Dr Phil postulated: ‘It is pathetic today, the world over, many think of crowd, crowd and swam. They  base their work with God on crowd, they are making huge mistake cause in open day light, many can see you in church working hard, coming to church every Sunday on time, but alas, coming to church or serving God is not about Sunday Sunday business, it is what take place  in the closet, you and your God that truly counts’
·        So taking a huge cue from the Biblical bleeding woman, the P.R cum big stage conference  speaker warned: ‘ We must move against the crowd mentality, we must aimed to be world class by standing out of the crowd, for there is a  saying I love so much: anyone that wants to lead the orchestra must not face the crowd.
·        Yet another, Dr Phil was able to deduce from the story of the bleeding woman  that can be used in our day to day story is the fact that, despite the many challenges we are faced with in life, we must never ever lose sight that God can heal us and can deliver us from all our needs, if only we have faith
·        The bleeding woman is not different from a lot of us today, she is human and had man y challenges
·        Her chief of all challenges was that she had deep financial crises, having spend all her savings going from one medical Doctor to the next to stop or find a way that her endless bleeding can come to an end, all to no avail, until she encountered Christ by her faith
·        Her next big challenge was her physical challenges, for she  was so weak and frail in view of the fact that she had been bleeding nonstop for 12 good years, that no doubt must have taken near all the strength she has inside her, but her faith told her….If Only I can touch His Robe
·        But what could be one of her biggest challenge more than all what she had went through remain the emotional stress she carries on her shoulder. As a nonstop woman, she can be regarded as nothing but an unclean woman, that nobody  was allowed to come near, because she was defiled
·        But beyond the three mentioned challenges she faced, there lies the peak of the last one, which is spiritual challenge, having suffered for good 12 years, she has the option to call it quit serving  or looking to the Almighty for any more hope, but she did not
·       PART FOUR:

With a single word from Jesus, 12 years of pain and isolation were swept away: "Daughter … " . In no other gospel account does Jesus use this term of endearment and respect. She was a member of the family now, restored to her community, setting an example for others who "begged him to let them touch even the edge of his cloak, and all who touched him were healed”.
This woman literally put feet to her faith: traveling to Capernaum, reaching out to touch Jesus' garment, and walking forward at his invitation. By faith, we too can go first in our families, in our workplaces, and in our circles of influence, stepping forward to proclaim, "There is a balm in Gilead to make the wounded whole."
*So the conclusion that Dr Phil came up with is this: ‘In life, despite all challenges we must be facing in our road to the top, we must never lose our focus or our trust in God. Our art to think of bigger positive picture must never depart from our thoughts, no matter what we are facing or passing through, our focus must never depart from the facts that, He and only He alone, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the King of Kings that can save us, only by the strength of our faith’

Dr Phil's favorites

Favorite colors- pink and yellow
Fave Bestseller- Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
Favorite persons - wife and mother
Favorite all time book- The Bible
Favorite quote-
"We ourselves may feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop"
- Mother Teresa


CERUTTI MIKE OSAGIE , ‘The African wordsmith’ is the very definition of a grass to grace successful people /renaissance or modern day luxury writer, who is continually setting standards for global youths on need to apply massive work ethics, excellence and dedication to their various filed of calling.

Originally a sport writer, before being converted by Africa’s foremost publisher, Chief Nduka obaigbena, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of THISDAY newspaper, to a people/life style writer, Cerutti  Osagie has since expanded his talent to deeper area of writing from style, to branding, to business, inspirational, to politics and is today carving a niche as a premier luxury wordsmith.

A well travel connoisseur of successful brands, from the word go is has been in the wings and is the current award winning best style writer, best celebrity prolific writer and teens favorite young charity personality of the year on account of his tireless effort of bring world attention on plight of the blind and orphanages in the society.

An avid reader and prolific writer, he, remains one of the few success stories writers of the rich and famous globally and has written on a large number of them over the last few years, his online blogs: www.worldindsutryleaders.blogspot.com/www.cerutticlassicalcollection.blogspot.com and http.//brandcerutti.wordpress.com are highly oxygenated reference point for those who wish to read on the world famous brand names/product. Daily, manifold people from all over the world go to his site to see what is new in the beautiful world of luxury.

He can be reached on for speaking engagement or advisory role via:+27 7O42631895 /08161628925 /08096322636 youngchief@yahoo.com/photoscerutti@gmail.com



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