Luxury.....Princess Edith Duru Speaks Passionately About Her Life in The Beautiful World & The Upcoming Miss Millennium Pageant


She is a lady of many parts . She is called Princess Edith Duru. We caught up with her to tell us her story and plans for her upcoming event Miss Millennium

* On how it all began 

"As a growing up child right from my primary school,I have always seen myself as s super star and want to be that. Star in different field of my life because I am very good at so many things,I love sports,I love acting and modeling and always want to be a star in life and to carry people along by giving back to the society.

* On what she started with?

" FIRST I started with sports and still very good at it till date before I joined  entertainment (modelling and acting with Nollywood),I was always in the four front of  most sport activities in my school winning medals and prizes and going to other schools to compete/contest in their spots and was also in a group in my school called Literary & Debating Society club which I  also help my school to win prizes and medals,this comprises of Debating, Fashion show,quiz and Beauty pageant contest)and my school was always winning because of my hard work and synargy I always put in.Like I said I started with sports and getting to the end of secondary school,I joined a football club and started with then every evening after school hours,as I was  schooling & playing football from different sports clubs to another.

* On who discovered her

" I was  discovered by Mr Tony Eke the youths form President then and was invited to National Camp from Kakanfo Queen's FC

Then I made it to super Falcon to play for Nigeria my country,and this I was playing and didn't loose focus on my acting and modeling,I always watch them on TV and always practice on my own telling myself I can do it and always seeing myself slamming it on stage and always going for Nollywood jobs and casting and was getting some jobs to do,this this story was what motivated me most into modelling,I instantly and aurthomatically became a super model the first time I was forced to join the models for runway casting job at Disable Advertising Agency at ikeja,I was still playing my full time football as a football star and I had this super model friend of mine called Rita Queen she's now in the USA,she invited me to excort her to her modelling run way casting at ikeja and I accepted and escorted her down there,then when the organizers of the fashion show saw me they urged me to be part of it 

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* On her beauty business

" Yes.. I also run a beauty pageant called Miss Millennium Nigeria that we host every year here in Nigeria and right now from this 2024 we are taking it to a greater hight,to an international level,we are hosting our World Edition this 2024 called WORLD MISS MILLENNIUM BEAUTY PAGEANT 2024 LIFE IN USA @sheraton silver Spring Hotel   8777 Geogia Avenue Maryland USA.Its taking place on the 30th of November 2024.

Red carpet starts 5pm

Tickets from 100dollars and above

Our forms are available on our website but each form for 50Dollars each

•Winners prizes

Winner:5,000 Dollars,a brand new car and a trip to Canada and 1yr Designer clothing.

1st Runner up,goes home with 2,000 Dollars,1yr modelling contract,1yr Designer clothing and gift items.

2nd Runner-up goes home with 1,000 Dollars,1yr modelling contract and gift prizes.

Our press briefing will be coming up on the 17th of July 2024

* Is this the first international edition?

" Yes this is our first international world Edition and apart from my USA partners that has promised to solidify there own end to see that this event become s the best in the world,were still talking to sponsors, Telling them to be part of our sponsors and supporters,we still waiting and expecting to hear or get something from them.we pray for even some we haven't approach to come to our AIDS

* On what would be sponsors will benefit

" Yes all sponsors would be  getting massive media coverage for the event from here to the USA,on TV, Radio,Bill Boards,posters, Magazines,calenders, handbills,Flyers,on tea shirts, Brochures ,Awards and more,the sponsors will be given space to show case their products on stage of the event  from Nigeria here wherever were having any of our event,the winner of this Pageant world miss millennium beauty pageant will automatically be the  brand ambassador to all our sponsors company,the queen can go with you to any event you want her to go with you to represent your company and more.

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