"THE Good Life Segment " .........CHOOSING A GOOD HOTEL IS BEYOND BEAUTY AND FOOD- Abayomi Alao CEO ,Maria's Suits Jos
Opting to choose a decent hotel for relaxation or work levels is not an easy task, a lot of factors must be considered , a top flight hotel Chief has revealed to Cerutti Corporation, "Good life segment" Speaking to us last night, Prince Abayomi Alao CEO MARIA'S boutique hotel, Jos has postulated that " Choosing a good hotel is not about beauty, you must consider neatness, good customer service, fresh food and total security "No responsible man will want to stay in a dignity smelling hotel not cloths in white, it is not just about loud beauty, it is bout self dignity and self respect" he stated * CHECK OUT MARIA'S @ 1 GREY GARDEN JOS,PLATEAU STATE NIGERIA -A Cerutti Corpoartion "GOOD LIFE SEGMENT " REPORT Contact us today via Publisher and Group Leader @ http://worldindustryleaders.blogspot.com.ng / www.ceruttimediaandbooks.wordpress.com E:chiefcerrutti@gmail.com CLOSING QUOTE "Peace b