UK Based Businessman & Showbiz Mogul, Bishop James tells his story from grass to Acme Heights

" Fortune favours the Brave"

It is the beginning of a new dawn via a new year and many business men and woman have been taking stock of the bygone year 2022 and are set to be and to give their best in the new year...

For Prince Bishop James Aghedo, the new year surely holds a lot of hope and positive vibes.

The Edo born,  British citizen,  showbiz Mogul , businessman and public affairs analyst was our guest over the yuletide period where he reverted to our several enquiries; enjoy the excerpts...

Q1: Tell us what led you into showbiz in the first place?

Ans: I love entertainment, entertainment has been a part of me from childhood, I once played football but not on the professional level. 

In 2014 I was watching entertainment news so I thought to myself that I can do it with the little I have; the intention to  help the upcoming ones who are good but don't have money to finance themselves arose in me, so from London I had to start traveling to Nigeria searching for good Artistes, today I thank God we are heading somewhere great in the Nigeria Music Industry and in Europe.

 Q2. When did you arrive at the UK..& why the UK?

Ans: Yeah! it is everyone's dream to travel to the UK.

 I've been in the UK for so many years.

 I was very young when I first arrived the UK.

Q3.When and how was your first show abroad?

Ans: My first shot was in 2013 at Manchester, I was still working with someone and noticed then I had not sorted out my personal issues was just as if I was learning from the best.

 What I was doing then was to bring artists and comedians from Nigeria and bring them to tour round the UK, many had not seen mega shows like this, we made them happy and it was huge success.  

So after that we did AY live shows which is still one of the biggest shows in the UK.

So it was a successful show and then afterwards I thought to myself that it was high time to do my own show because I had already recruited some artist then. 

So my first show was titled the chronicles of Ushbaby with Mr Eazi it was a successful show in fact all the tickets were sold out. 

So my second show was AY LIVE titled "Fusion Varieties" , it was my biggest show then because the first one was more like a test running before I invested only on AY and it was sold out, IYANYA, FLAVOR and other Big Artists from Nigeria and Uk Artists performed in that show. It was no doubt a very big event and people really enjoyed the show and that is what gave me an edge and that is how people got to know me, that I can survive in this ruthlessly competitive business.

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Q4. We heard you work  every day and push your money into showbiz,


Ans: Yes of course I work everyday and night just to meet up because I have a lot to put money into most especially my showbiz... I'm also self-employed I have my own personal business and I'm also employed because I need more money to put into my business so I have to work everyday, round the clock.

I also work with those promoters I told you earlier about because this show business is not a one man business, it's a business that you need to keep upgrading yourself day in and out. I worked with them to a certain level of understanding the nitty gritty of the business. 

Q5: What do you have to say of Nigerian youths, especially the young artists?

Ans: The Nigeria music industry for now is at its peak, our music is everywhere in the world, our artists travel to perform all over the world and our music industry is great. Nigeria artistes are great and presently I can see that they are given more rooms for the upcoming artists, Nigeria artists are the best. However the young upcoming Stars must always be humble and should stay away from all negative and evil frivolous lifestyle.

Q6. Tell us about your next big show:

Ans: My next show is the European Tour for Graham D which is going to be within February/ March. We are going to tour him in the different Countries in Europe and within all the cities, we already have a booking for him in most cities in Italy, Sold out in Germany also some cities in France. We are also working on more Countries in Europe also we are also planning something big in Liverpool for Valentine and I'm assuring you that it's going to be a very big show also. 

Q: We learnt you are rooting for Peter obi in the coming presidential elections...


Ans:  Yes of course I'm rooting for Peter Obi because I know he is the one that can change Nigeria. Nigeria is in a very big mess at the moment, so we need a leader, a guru, a knowledgeable person, an advocate for people who can change this country.

The Major problem in Nigeria is electricity and where there's electricity businesses will  boom, good business running and more investors will be coming into the country.

Nigeria today is in 77% darkness and where there is darkness there can be no light and where there is no light good things can't be found there.

Where there is light more investors will come in. Most companies in Nigeria  depend on Generators, large or small scale businesses in Nigeria  all depend on generators and if there's electricity I believe they will get more income than using generator to power their businesses. 

I believe Peter Obi can change this country most especially in the issue of electricity, also, we all know we have the problem of insecurity in Nigeria and when there is electricity we can easily solve the problem of insecurity when everywhere is lit-up and nobody will hide under the grass under the flower or beside one house to kidnap or to kill anybody, everyone will be safe by solving the problem of ELECTRICITY. I believe Peter Obi can do that for us. 

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Q8: Your advice for this present govt and youths come 2023? 

Ans: With the little time we have left, they can still change this country, they should try to create one country, one Nigeria, one nation.There's no need to divide ourselves.


They should have the heart to feel for people not for themselves, they should create more employment, more opportunities for people and this coming election they should allow everyone to vote for the candidate of their choice. This is democracy, they shouldn't be forced to vote by force for one party, they should allow everybody to vote for their favourite candidate. 

As for the upcoming youths,  they should not cultivate the habit of the old ones, I mean the old politicians. 

They should rule for the future by creating more opportunities and more employment.

We are going to need youth politicians than the old ones because I think the youth can do it, the youths can think even more than the old ones..this is our moment of decision for our youths.

That is the UK based Bishop James for you today ..we thank him for this rare audience.

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