Special Tribute....Eze David Onuegwunwoke , of Akwakuma-Uratta ancient Kingdom @ 50 : Africa's international Designer- in USA & A loyal childhood friend, Dhabri khenchy Pays Glowing Homage

• It is not always you will find  a  friend so loyal and true who is so completely genuine and trustworthy, to be openly paying homage to a fellow friend 

Such friends are always  thankful that the stars aligned and  their paths crossed, starting a friendship that would blossom into something so much more. 

Such is the story of Eze David Onuegwunwoke.  The Newly enthroned Son of one of Nigeria most respected Dynasty the Onuegwunwoke Dynasty of Akwakuma- Uratta ancient Kingdom who just turned 50yrs and his  child hood  friend , the  imo.state born International fashion designer Dhabri khenchy felt it worthwhile to pay him public Tribute

In a specially packaged good will message,Via Cerutti Media subsidiary platform World Industry Leaders Magazine; the Nigerian born international Designer-in USA stated..

" Dear HRH,king David...happy golden jubilee Celebration and I want you to know today as ever that you remain my trusted ally and brother who never doubted my creative potential right from our childhood days

" Our fraternity stemmed right from our fathers who were distinguished alumni of the prestigious st. Patrick's college, Calabar. 

"Little did you and I realize that that connection existed yet we bonded so well  even before we met up close.

"I recall with great nostalgia when my late mum brought me to the palatial edifice that house the Onuegwunwoke royal dynasty for an attestation/endorsement as regards my undergraduate scholarship status,a milk of benevolence extended to my family by late chief nnanna ukaegbu, a renowned elder statesman and educationist who was also a st Patrick's alumni.on that visit still,your dad HRH eze onuegwunwoke,after listening to my mum with rapt attention, beckoned on you to fetch his fountain pen for him to append his signature on the attestation sought.you obliged him with so much humility and honestly that day,I saw in you that unreserved desire to serve.

"I boldly state today that that attestation  was my foray into imo state university  to study the fine arts with a major bias in painting. 

"Thus my late father's wish to see me excel in the creative parameters was a dream come true and I owe your family a double as regards that.enyi ka nwanne,

"HRH,king Dave,as you celebrate your birthday, my wish is for you to soar high an ì ga-achi ka nkaa(you will reign till old age)in your domain which in turn positions itself as the biggest, brightest and most prospective kingdom in igboland. 

"May you continue to exhume love,interest and honesty as is ever evident in your humane persona worldwide. May your reign remain examplary for years to come.congratulations and a happy birthday HRH.


Amb.kelechi Maclean Emenyonu,(msna)

Dhabri kenchy USA

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28th January 2023


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