Special Tribute: Woman of Substance: Ugochi Set to Celebrate Her Golden Jubilee in Grand Style... Speaks of her beautiful voyage in USA

Celebrating the day and sending positive thoughts for the future is a can’t-go-wrong choice for anyone turning 50.

For Ugochi K Onyekwere(née Ogwuma). Who will be hitting  the golden jubilee age of 50 by this coming 7th January, 2023; the occasion calls for big celebration. The Cerutti RichList Magazine caught up with her recently for an exclusive chat, enjoy the excerpt√ 


      My name is Ugochi K Onyekwere(née Ogwuma). I am turning the golden jubilee age of 50 by this coming 7th January, 2023. I hail from Abia State in Nigeria and I’ve been residing in New Jersey, USA  for 22 years. I am a wife to a handsome and caring husband, a mother to 4 lovely children, a family-oriented daughter and sister and lastly a registered nurse in America. 

*HOW Long have you been in the Health sector

I have been in the health care system for 29 years, I’ve practiced as a nurse in USA for 14 years. Currently, I am pursuing to further my nursing career through an online graduate school for Doctorate in Nursing Practice (DNP) program, Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) track.


       Oh well, yes I have. I’ve always had a thing for fashion and modeling for as long as I can remember. Decades ago(1992 precisely), growing up in Nigeria, I won the contest for Ms. Nigeria  in Imo state, it was made possible due to my smartness, intellectual capability, body building and coordinated walks.

        Furthermore, upon relocation to USA . As far back as 2002, I was approached and picked to model for an organization that wanted us to work together but my focus at that point in time was on pursuing my nursing career so I had to turn down the offer.

         More so, in 2005 I was chosen by my university (SETON HALL) as the cover page in the school brochure. As a matter of fact, I won it.

       This has been the journey so far as regards modeling. It is something I have so much passion for and I do it effortlessly, age isn’t even a factor that can quench that part of me. Need I mention that it’s hereditary? My kids too have interest in modeling, my son Ikenna (Elevated Ike) on YouTube working on his brand, my daughter Oluoma modeled for her school (Cornell University), my second son Lawrence Is into fitness modeling and the list goes on, so one way or the other modeling seems to be that one thing we have in-built….


            As expected of every human, we all have these sides aforementioned. My hobbies include, striking poses and taking loads of pictures, making short video clips of my pretty self, dressing up, making friends and maintaining a great circle (you can call me a social butterfly. I just want everyone to have the right vibes and energy when they’re around me.

      Nevertheless, my weakness lies in the fact that I am not usually calm when upset ( impulsive maybe) but I try to let it out and let it go so that way I can’t, I won’t and I don’t bear grudges. I have a distinct voice that can be totally misunderstood but with time people around me get conversant with it. 

      Finally, my strength! I am a giver in every sense of the word, I can give my very last and go broke than watch someone wallow in need. It’s a rare kind of heart I have and I’m grateful to God for it even though sometimes it can be overwhelming but I’d rather be the giver and helper.


           Wow, I guess this is the part where I’m allowed to blow my own trumpet. Those around me, family friends and those whose paths have crossed with mine can generally attest to the fact I’m about stating. I have the kind of personality that screams so much elegance, class,poise, charisma. Behind the glamorous face and appearance, you have that woman who spreads love, kindness and positivity. I love family! The idea and concept of family so I don’t joke with anyone I call family. I love to carry everyone along, I’m that kind of woman who always lends a shoulder to those who genuinely needs one. I am a go getter, I set and crush goals. I simply believe there’s no limit to what I can achieve once I set my heart to do it. Most importantly I love God because he’s the reason I am where I am today and whatever I am I owe it all to him. I remember vividly the ordeal I had to go through sometime in April, 2019 where I was kidnapped when I visited Nigeria, that was an incident capable of pushing anyone into depression and a case of stigma. I make bold to say I am a typical instance of the proverbial “Rose that grew from thorns” yet God alone came through for me by giving me a second chance at life. I survived only because of God’s grace and mercy.


         Asides God, the very next thing that I remain eternally grateful for is the gift and blessing in the person of my husband. He’s one of the major reasons I made it this far. He’s been readily supportive in our marriage, the journey has been somewhat seamless because of his understanding personality, I can say today that he gave me the wings to soar because he’s been nothing but a pillar of strength and encouragement. My win is his win! Exactly why I call him my “NWANNE” because he’s a brother, a friend and my husband all in one. Thank You sir for standing by me…. I love you 

      I’m also grateful to God for my kids who keep making me a proud mother at every given chance. I appreciate my  late father ( Mr. Sampson Ogwuma) for a great foundation, my late uncle (Mr. Chukwuemeka Nwadibia, a one-time treasurer in Abia state, Nigeria) who brought to life my dream of becoming a nurse, this journey that began way back in Arochukwu local government in Nigeria, where I first gained a scholarship to study community health. I appreciate my mother( Mrs. Uloma M. Ogwuma) and my siblings for being in my life too, all of them put together make life fun and worth living….kisses!

      In conclusion, I’m grateful for the privilege and beautiful opportunity of sharing part of my story with the world. Shout out to acclaimed Africa designer Dhabrikhenchy for his indebth discovery of the hidden potentials in me and giving me a push to limelight, also to Chief Mike Cerutti who is the publisher of the Cerutti RichList Magazine & other titles …..Keep up the good work!

* To the golden jubilee lady , we say congrats and many happy returns of the day and God's abiding blessings

And speaking of the grand coming golden jubilee celebration, the Nigerian born American domiciled ,Dhabri-khenchy……. The Creative prodigy, and the main Force @ dhabri- khenchy Clothing brand and Garment promotions company Nigeria/USA stated when contacted that


” I have lived here for a long while. I have mixed up with many Nigerians in diaspora, but I can tell you that Ugochi Onyekwere is a pride of womanhood

” Hardworking, compassionate, sacrificial and God loving, we pray the good Lord keep expanding her Mammoth coast and grant her grace for exploit ” he told us exclusively


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