Top Africa's Philantropist , politician & lawyer, Ned Nwoko vows not to relent on Fight Against Malaria

Still Baskin in the recent successful outing of the Prince Ned Nwoko Foundations just concluded  meeting with Sanaria Inc, a US biotech company based in Maryland, United States for collaboration on production of an effective malaria vaccine. 

Philantropist, politician, lawyer & business mogul Prince Dr Ned Nwoko has assured that he will never relent on his fight against Malaria

The Ned Nwoko Foundations recent America's exploit was spearheaded by  Project Coordinator of Ned Nwoko Malaria Project, Mr Chuks Anyaduba represented the foundation during the meeting in US and gave a presentation on the activities of the Prince Ned Nwoko Foundation thus far. He was taken on a tour of the Sanaria vaccine labs and other facilities. 

The President of Sanaria, Dr Stephen Hoffman during his presentation pointed out that there has been a breakthrough in their 3rd Generation malaria vaccine candidate known as PfSPZ LArC-2. This particular vaccine has shown significant efficacy upto 100% based on the clinical trials thus far. Thus a collaboration with Prince Ned Nwoko Foundation is imperative for an investment on further trials for a Malaria Vaccine that will end malaria for good.

Now weeks after ,Dr Ned Nwoko has revealed to Cerutti Media Humanitarian unit that 

"Malaria is not a curse to Africa, we are not born with It and we must reject It now

" Do you know, annually in Africa ,especially Nigeria, over 300.000 kids and old people die Of malaria?This is pathetic, in advanced Nation like USA, they will tag It worst than a Tsunami, so this is the time we must all stand up and fight it out of our midst' he posited 

• God bless maleria fighters globally

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