Turning Passion To Business:..... Meet Hyginus Nwaka : The Young Industrious Nigerian born Visionary Photographer Making Waves In USA


Most people will have probably connected photography to fashion shows in the fashion industry and that is not wrong at all.

 Photography has been playing a very important part in the fashion industry for years and its contributions are many.

Photography has a lot to offer to fashion and it can not only help portray it in its most natural moments but it can also give it a way to spread and grow. Here are some of the ways in which photography has affected and impacted the fashion industry.

And no doubt,the  Impact of Photography on the Fashion Industry cannot be overemphasized 

Photography was the very first thing that offered fashion designers a way to make their creations known all over the world.

On top of that, it allowed people to have a direct look at their work and be able to have an opinion on the new trends.

In the past, when social media platforms were not present, people didn’t always have the ability to have a peek at the fashion trends of their times and there wasn’t an easy way to get involved.

Today we are delighted to present the story of a young Nigerian born photographic genuise based in The USA

We recently caught up with him to tell us his story. Enjoy it

* Q: Please can you tell us a bit about your life in USA?

*A : Thank you so much for your interstate..my  name is Hyginus Nwaka, I’m a happy hearted photographer in the New Jersey/New York area. I love everything to do with nature, adventure and taking photos..this inspired my decision to take photography as my full time business and today I am a total professional in my beat 

*Q: When did you turned full time

( professional) photographer?

*A: I have been along this awesome journey for the last 6 years! It’s quite a bumpy ride especially teaching yourself everything about the photography business and what make a good photographer. 

"Q : How was your early days?

*A: When I started I did photo shoots for all events, families, newborn shoots and others.

But in the recent years, I have fallen in love with events photography more than others

*Q: What is your secrets of success ?

*A: I will say it is God and also I always  strive to put my best into my work.  I realize and accept that I am not as crafty as others in the worlds of photography and that suits me just fine.  There is an old adage that goes, “practice makes perfect.”  Respectfully, I disagree with this.  Perfection is unattainable; we will receive praise for our works just as we will receive negative criticism.  Don’t get me wrong - practice is a key element to refinement of our art, but we should never expect to be “perfect.”  I am constantly and unashamedly learning and relearning my crafts, whether it’s by adapting to the discovery of new techniques or through refining of older ones. 

* Q: What is your business philosophies?

* A: Just as I explained earlier.. It is my philosophy that we gain mastery by allowing ourselves to keep our mindset as beginners:  stay in love with what  you do what you do will make or mar you , and never stop growing during your journey.

Secondly..in our daily works, there are many important elements that I feel we should integrate into our work ethics, there are at least two I believe that are paramount as a photographer patience, and acceptance.  The first of these is a crucial element.  

*Q: You dwell alot on perfection, can you tell us more on that ?

* A: We have to accept honestly that we are not perfect, and that even the greatest people of our craft(s) have experienced failures.  I have shot probably thousands of pictures only to yield maybe a handful of “useful” images.  Never forgetting the *why* of doing what I do is helpful, but keeping patient in knowing that I am capable of producing a beautiful outcome is an important resource for growth.

The second element is acceptance.  As a photographer, it is essential  that you understand that not everyone will enjoy your work, but you have to absorb that into your psyche.  We live in a world of yin and yang, where positivity’s nemesis is negativity, and as a photographer, you will be criticized.  I have experienced a spectrum of criticism on works I have created, from polite comments to harshly negative words.  At first, I had wondered if I should even continue to do what I love because it brought about such negativity, until I realized that I had, in essence, answered my own question:  “do what I love.”  In order to keep doing what I truly love, then I have to find a way to overcome all forms of negativity and allow myself to keep moving forward.  What has helped me is to accept that a photographer work will *never* be appreciated by everyone, and that’s ok. 

To stem into this thought of acceptance, I realize how tempting it is to fire back at those who criticize me, whether their words were harsh or not.  

*Q : Did what people say motivate or

discourage you ?

*A: Good...I tell you today, Marcus Aurelius once said, “the best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.”  No truer words have ever been spoken.

I do support knowledge as an element to one’s artistic journey.  It is unavoidable that we will gain knowledge of whatever craft we are practicing.  Perhaps it’s just my opinion, but placing knowledge in front of the care and love for what we do is a displacement of the *why* we set out to do what we love.  Be open and kind toward all, always remember why you love to do what you do, and keep moving forward.  There is no better recipe for success than this.

~ That the Young Africa's photography genuise Nwaka for you today

More on him later

©Exclusively Published by  world industry leaders Magazine


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