Special 2020 Thanksgiving : Ambassador Nwachukwu, founder of Two NGO's Out With Thank You Position Paper Of Gratitude

 It’s so easy to get caught up in our busy lives of late, both individually and corporately

From visions, fresh idea's of rebranding to meet Global set standards, higher targets to meet etc— life can come and go as quickly as the seasons.


That’s why it’s so important to pause, reflect, and feel gratitude for all the blessings we have in our lives.

In that spirit, the Cerutti Media Group subsidiary platform ,World Industry leaders international magazine will be  using the next few day's/ weeks of December to celebrate individuals and organizations that offered thanks

And in the words of Jackey Kennedy Onasis ( RIP..

" Those who thanks but with the lips Thanks but in part; The full, the true Thanksgiving Comes from the heart..a heart that fail to thank God and people who served ,is incomplete heart"

• Today we present the gratitude story of  Amb.Mercy Ifeanyi Nwachukwu, the Lady behind two NGOs :Women Centre For The Family INTL and Mercy Youth Assembly Nigeria 

In a position paper made available to us, the organization stated categorically why they are offering Thanksgiving

OUR Story..

We started this year with the mission to meet our vision and objectives of reaching out to the needy,poor,sick,widows,orpgans,lonely,vulnerable, imprisoned and less PRIVILEGED amongst us, we set our targets and wishes but God disposed what he preferred we do and today we thank God for his guidance and directions as we actually have come to the end of our humanity and charity works for the years with some works of collaborations with other NGOs left to round up by december ending, we urge you our followers and well wishes to watch out for the remaining charity works as we work towards making it worth doing to reach the vulnerable amongst us.

•ON WORKS OF Humanity's..

We started our humanity work this year from January and till date we are still working as this year is the toughest year of call to charity we have ever done, we were able to work during the COVID-19 peak period till date, we mentored and counselled people from COVID-19 effects and also supported the poor,sick,less PRIVILEGED and the needy, we went as far as providing mental,physiological, phychological, emotional, financial and physical support to people of various status and classes not minding their belief,locations, tribe or group.

• ON PRISON Outreaches

We visited the prison,the hospitals,the destitute,the homeless,the hungry,the heartbroken and bed ridden, we shared PARLIATIVES,cloths,shoes,cash,free skill acquisition,free medical support, free gifts and free counselling and mentoring to people.

We did all these by Gods grace and mercy we give all glory to God in return and hope as we wish to do more next year and also pray for great collaborations and government involvement and support to our NGOs and ministry we look forward also to cooperate organisations and wealthy individuals of good heart to support our NGOs so that we can reach more people and expand the work of charity and humanity for the needy and poor amongst us. 

We also urge churches and other NGOs with great passion for humanity to support our works and reach out to those in need as we pledge utmost sincerity and integrity to efficient and effective service. 

• ON Mentoring..

We treated via our mentoring section our last theme for the year which we tagged FRIENDSHIP( A Friend in need and deed) here we went deep into mentoring and advise of us to thread carefully when choosing friends and relating with people as alot of heartbreaks and issues today sprung up from problems gotten from breakdown of friendship and the effects of disagreements and conflicts from friendship, how we can manage friendship and also know when to quit friendship without having issues 

We proferred some solutions and prevention of issues arising from failed friendships and relationships. 

We also stated the goodness and advantages in friendship relating  how thru great frienship we can make great things happen to us and others involved .

• ON Gratitude

No man is an island and we cannot exist alone we must at all times relate with others and also lean on someone when the need arises to make things go well with us.

Conclusively we draw the curtain on this and we urge us all to stay safe and play safe as the year round up to usher us into a new year 2021 with great expectations and Hope's for better tomorrow and future for us all and to our great country Nigeria we pray our leaders have Gods grace to lead us well and create great leadership qualities and deliveries on their mandates and mission for growth and development of Nigeria.

We salute specially Cerutti Media Group and Their Leaders,Chief Mike Cerutti Osagie for their constant push,and support of our Works and NGOs may God expand your office and media status, we salute other partners ,sponsors,individuals,followers,members ,volunteers and team players of our NGOs may God bless all such efforts and reward you mightily for good Amen.


© Cerutti Media Group

E: chiefcerrutti@gmail.com

T: @CeruttiOsagie

S: www.worldindustryleaders.com


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