Eminent Nigerians Greets COS Gambari @ 76......President Buhari , DR Walters Tags Him Global Civil Servant

THE globally revered -William Shakespeare posited in his epic work: Twelfth Night, Act 2, Scene 5 that “some  are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.’

• No doubt, Prof Ibrahim Agboola Gambari CFR has lived a combination of two or all the Angle's stated by lord Shakespeare


And in commending him on his birthday last night, President Muhammadu Buhari did not minced word when he described his Chief of Staff, Prof. Ibrahim Gambari, as "a remarkable public servant who has put his vast experience and knowledge to the service of the world."

In a statement sent to us by Presidential aide Mallam GARBA Shehu on the occasion of Prof. Gambari's 76th birthday anniversary, the President said that "I am proud of his accomplishments as a senior diplomat."

Extolling his Chief of Staff, President Buhari said:

"It's impossible to interact with Gambari without being impressed by his erudition and colossal experience in his chosen career.

"Having worked with Prof. Gambari during my time as a military Head of State, I am proud to testify that he is one of the most brilliant, dedicated, patient and humble public officials I have ever met."  

According to him, "Gambari's passion for service and patriotism is enviable and worthy of emulation by Nigerians who are seeking to excel in their chosen careers."

"Let me also put it on record that Gambari is not your typical textbook idealist. He is down to earth in his approach to issues and he is a team player, which are necessary ingredients for anyone seeking to succeed," the President added. 

"As you clock 76 on earth, may Allah grant you better health and longer life in order to serve Nigeria and humanity ever more. Your life is worth celebrating because you passionately love your country. I am proud of you and your accomplishments; don't rest on your oars," President Buhari enjoined Prof. Gambari.

Also, in a similar vein, business tycoon and property developer, Chief Dr Murphy Osuala Walters of MPL Property limited has congratulated the chief of staff to the President on his birthday.

In a statement issued by his Special adviser and media strategist, Chief Mike Cerutti Osagie, DR Walters   described Prof Gambari as a patriotic Nigerian whose contributions to national development transcended ethnic, political and religious boundaries. He also commended the COS for his years of dedication and services to the great Nigerian nation praying that “I and my entire family wishes our CO all the best and also wish our Good God GRANT HIM MORE SUCCESS AND LONG LIFE AHEAD”

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