A Celebration Of Honesty In Business : GTB Cashier, Olatunde Olufunmi Abiodun Returns Over paid Money To Client

"Truth exalt a Nation "


World famous personality, Zig Ziglar was point-blank right when he mused thus " The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty"
Such is how one can vividly say of this young lady banker of Guarantee Trust Bank ( GTB) called Olatunde Olufunmi  

 Abiodun of the famous Marina street Lagos branch
In a country where efforts of majority of our bankers are not giving open accolades for their hard work in a most tension soaked duty post
Miss Abiodun sure deserves some encomium, only last week, a customer went to her branch to pay in some money into the ARM money market fund and the money was over paid
Where most bankers may just keep mute, Olatunde Olufunmi   Abiodun , the young banker who read computer science before opting to be a banker, kept on calling the client who overpaid the original deposit
At the end of the day, the client , so impressed ordered her to keep the excess money
This typical case study of honesty at work, the case was reported to De WORLD LEADERS and we felt she deserves some ovations and even promotion by her bank management, Gtb
Indeed *Goodness is about character - integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity, moral courage, and the like. More than anything else, it is about how we treat other people.
Big ups to this GTB banker
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