2019 Election Victory : The Significant & Key Lessons OF Captain Okunbo’s Letter to of Congratulations President Muhammadu Buhari

By Mike Cerutti Osagie 

 “The President of any Nation cannot make clouds to rain, he cannot make the corn grow, he cannot make business to be good" was a historical quote by the globally revered 27th USA President, Sir William Howard Taft
This statement is no doubt a heavy food for thought for all of us; it best paints the picture of Nigerians newly elected President, His Excellency president Muhammadu Buhari (PMB)
Indeed, he cannot make clouds to rain, he cannot make the corn grow, he cannot make business to be good, yet he is still well loved by vast majority of Nigerians globally
In the recently concluded 2019 Presidential  Elections, the final result released by INEC showed how well loved the President is, as the final result showed that Buhari got 15.2 million votes , ahead of his closest rival, Alhaji Abubakar Atiku of PDP who scored a total of 11.3 votes

It is indeed amazing that days after the official declaration of President Muhammadu Buhari as the official winner of the 2019 Presidential elections, tributes and letters of congratulations are still pouring in
Only recently, Edo born  based international  businessman, Captain (Dr )Hosa Okunbo  took a full page paid Newspapers advert in a National daily  to congratulate the newly elected President, it was no doubt an unconventional paid full page piece-the lessons to derive from that advert is worthy of a second look
In that epistle of sort, Captain Nosa began by painting a picture of the Presidents famous encounter with CNN's Christiana Amanpour four years ago, where Buhari was quoted as saying: 'If NIGERIA does not kill corruption, corruption will kill Nigeria"
In Captain Okunbo's frank submission, Buhari statement  was statement of fact, because without killing corruption, the real core value of Nation building will completely elude our children and we will never have a country to leave for our  children and generation yet unborn
Enumerating further, OKunbo was of the view that clearly, the good people of Nigeria believed in the President and have now giving him their mandate to help unite and build a corruption-free nation.
The business man and investor Okunbo went on to reemphasis that the President’s re-election in 2019 by a greater majority of Nigerians is a re-affirmation of trust the people have reposed on the incumbent President
But of very vital essence worthy of historical recordings, the Okunbo's congratulations letter to the President is not just one of the usual conventional praises upon praises, the Edo born industrialist went on to inform the Commander in chief that , as it is known to all and sundry, Nigeria of today, currently rests on a tripod and it will therefore bode well Buhari's administration in the next four years to actively strive to prove the nay-Sayers wrongly engendering policies that would impact lives across the length and breadth of the Country

On the future development of the Country, Okunbo appealed passionately on the newly elected President to come up with practical policies that will at the end of the day be useful to address the development of the Country's human capital which would ultimately  have a far- reaching developmental consequences on the well-being of the populace that will eventually help to put smile on the faces of the mass populace as well as cement the Presidents legacy as a foremost nationalist and nation builder.
It is indeed worthy of note , that while most congratulatory letters we see, often fails to forecast on the future of our great nation, the Captain Okunbo letter did just that by calling on the almighty God to reinvigorate the President with the  passion, vision, courage and knowledge to set Nigeria on a pathway to irreversible greatness for the entire nation to experience robust economical prosperity which should be naturally anchored on  the agricultural sector which can only be attainable  by total focus on agriculture and rural development, as a catalyst and  sine-qua-non of expanding  our economic frontiers with the  potentials of creating mass employment for our army of unemployed youths that will at the end of the day further complement the governments agenda of taking Nigeria to the next level
NO doubt, the Captain Dr Hosa Okunbo's letter is worthy of commendation, for its depth of facts and thought provoking advice and we implore the Presidents mammoth advisers to make sure that the newly re elected President View this message, not just a those conventional congratulations letter, but one of very pragmatic standings

* OSAGIE: An author, image management consultant and special adviser, wrote this piece from his Abuja base

He can be contacted via :chiefcerrutti@gmail.com /Whatsap line +234 7042631895


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