Muky Igwe Speaks Candidly On Her Dream TV Audience & Adoration For Oprah Winfrey

Meet The Lady  & Her Gigantic TV Dreams

° A weekend special delight @ De Ceruti

It is often said that in life , the journey of a thousand miles begins with just a step and that each step of movement takes us to the next
While many dream big dreams and wait for miracle from heaven, the ones that are bold to put their thoughts to action have seen their dreams turn to reality
Now talking of big dreams, we recently encountered lady Muky Igwe, a strong advocate of women standing for God and a television episode popular air personality, who as part of her birthday special tribute obliged us this classical chat up. Enjoy the excerpt

Please tell us how you feel on your special day ?
° oh I feel very happy and grateful to God that I am hale and fit, many are in hospital bed you know? We that are splendid must bless God
What is your biggest source of joy
° THE word of GOD is my joy and strength in times of stiff moments, it has solutions to all things we worry about
How can u described God love in your life? Amazing wonderful .. The word of God can't lie, it says am wonderfully made, what other prove do one want to be joyful?
Is your gospel & women forum ministry a way to pay God back ?
° I can't pay God, no one can pay God rather its a way to fulfil God's purpose and appreciate HIM in my life, praises is what we owe God
Tell us of your much publicised TV program & focus
° Thank you , presently am working on my TV talk show( Tantvee )and my focus is on the youths by this I mean youths at heart not by age ,many confuses the term youths to mean very young folks, no..youths can be mature adult too, it is state of mind, and such are my key targets
What are some of the challenges independent producer's like you face?
° Principally financial challenge is key issue, in advanced world if you have good vision , sponsor's will court you the reverse is the case and again independent producers are often faced with issues of
Recognition/Acceptance at the early stage by clients and company's for sponsorship of their program, but with resilience this can be overcome
Are u into political and government relationship or reverse?
° Am versed, I do not discriminate, am all round, my target is what interest the youths and how I can help better their future
Tell us about your love for Oprah Winfrey in an old interview you spoke highly of her

° Oprah is like mother figure to me, I have large collection of her books, magazines, TV episodes and life tips, you can't go wrong with Oprah.. A rare breed made by God
love Oprah because of her experience/history/journey and if only our youths will take time to connect to her movement and vision, there is whole lot they can grab from her just as I have done

How do u unwind and what are your hobbies ?
° Am human so I must slow down, many of my team members say I work so fast for a lady.. But am human and I cherish listening to praise and worship gospel music, I love a goose dance too . I love to relax by studying life and biography of the Rich and famous, it is good lifestyle, then I love to go on cruise with my lovely kids after clearing my table and home, which strangely to me is a hobby ( loud laughter)
That is the elegant woman of God & TV episodes Muky Emelda Igwe for you
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