INSPIRATIONAL : Adeboye’s 3 Recipe to Converting Your House to a Home That God Can Dwell In ~ Brought to you by Action Democratic Party (ADP)

Exclusive Inspiration Today

He needs little or no introduction before taking his place in hall of fame of worlds televangelist  and fearless speakers of GODS WORD .He is PA Enoch Adejare Adeboye, global General overseer Redeem Christian Church Of God, in this inspirational piece, the meek but highly respected man Of God speaks on  turning your house to a home that God  can dwell in, as captured by wordsmith Mike De Cerutti Osagie , enjoy the 3 point excerpt   ~Image result for ADP NIGERIA

° 1

The revered Oxford dictionary described contentment as>
the state or degree of beings contented happiness with  one's situation; satisfaction or experience of satisfaction and being at ease in one's situation, body, and/or mind.>antonyms
♦ Discontentment

And to have a great home, Pa Enoch Adeboye has picked the first law of happiness as having a contentment mindset

In his words " it is not the size of the house that counts, or the luxury cars or furniture's etc, what counts most is contentment, for even the word says ' Godliness and contentment is a great gain "

2: Peace

Peace can be defined as >

A state of tranquility, quiet, and harmony. For instance, a state free from civil disturbance. A state free of oppressive and unpleasant thoughts and emotions .Harmony in personal relations. A state free of war, in particular war between different countries. Synonyms
♦ (religious, Heathenry): firth

♦ Disruption
♦ War

So on the second requirement for happy home, Adeboye said the place of peace cannot be compromised for in his word “if we don't find peace in life, whatever else we do is but vain pursuit"

The globally respected man of God advised families to do all they can in life to maintain peace and order at home

He gave a perfect example " When I was growing up, I experienced a great deal of Peace in our home and I pledged to preach peace, for instance, even when we ate yam and red oil with no eggs or steaming stew with boiled meat, we ate it with satisfaction because there was peace at the home front and today I can confidently tell you that such is the home that God will want to dwell in " he highlighted

3: JOY

Joy is an uncountable word that gives one the feeling of happiness, extremes cheerfulness
The reverse can be termed as   infelicity, joylessness, unhappiness

It is based on this definition that Adeboye hinged his third recipes for a happy home

“The place of joy in a home cannot be overemphasized, joy is life, joy is hope and joy is all you need to have a happy home that God can dwell inside, it is not about fat bank account or societal prowess, what makes happy home are these three factors and all homes lacking it must make effort to posses it by asking God for it and more importantly making practical efforts to make it possible"

© This note is compiled by part time clergyman, author and international image management consultant, Mike De Ceruti Osagie

He can be contacted for all your advisory & mass media hitch via
E: or what sap + 234 7042631895

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