HISTORY MADE............. AS Zinox Group Lands Konga Plum deal

Chief Dr Leo Stan Ekeh is no doubt , a firm believer that no one is destined to be poor in this knowledgeable 21st century

And that has been the main drive behind his passion for digital knowledge Democracy in Africa-where Dr. Ekeh as Chairman of the Zinox Group believes one of his legacies is to alter positively the destiny of many poor Nigerians through his knowledge democracy platforms-I.T
It is thus a big news that after months of negotiation , The Zinox Group, an integrated Information Communication Technology (ICT) solutions conglomerate and Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), has finally landed   the acquisition of e-commerce giant, Konga in a move that is expected to raise the profile of e-commerce in the country
CERUTTI CORPORATIONS can reveal today  that  the transaction had been approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

In addition, the move is expected to see Zinox make a bold return to an industry it pioneered in Nigeria with the launch of BuyRight Africa.com which was challenged by the absence of credit card and e-payment infrastructure when it was launched over 12 years ago.
Speaking on this historic landmark, the Head of Corporate Communications, Zinox Group, Mr. Gideon Ayogu confirmed the development.
According to details of the deal, Zinox Group, one of Africa’s biggest technology group would assume ownership of the e-commerce platform, Konga.com which remains as one of the biggest players in the sector; KOS-Express, the world class logistics arm of the business and KongaPay, the company’s integrated mobile money payment channel with over 100,000 subscribers. 
This development, coming at a time when global e-commerce spending is expected to top previously unheralded levels, is widely expected to reposition Konga for a greater share of the e-commerce purse in Nigeria and beyond. 
Also some industry analysts estimated that the acquisition could lead to the integration of Konga and Yudala, which is owned by Ekeh’s son, to wade off competition and make it one of biggest e-Commerce companies in Africa.
In 2017, retail e-commerce sales worldwide amounted to 2.829 trillion US dollars while e-retail revenues are projected to grow to 4.48 trillion US dollars in 2021.
Furthermore, the source explained that the acquisition was expected to create employment opportunities for over 750 Nigerians, both at home and in the Diaspora, saying that many erstwhile employees of the company laid off in the restructuring process may be recalled.
Commenting on the transaction, Ayogu said: “We have always had an interest in Konga and another big one you know very well but our priority was Konga first because of her integrated nature of four quality companies in one.
 “Konga is a world-class, professionally-run company whose landmark strides in the sector has gone a long way in ushering millions of Nigerians into the ease and convenience of online shopping and boosting the conduct of e-commerce in the country.”
He added: “Today, many Nigerians can attribute their first experience of e-commerce to Konga.com and we are excited to be a part of this remarkable story. 
“Many shoppers can also attest to the speed and efficiency in delivery that characterizes Kos-Express, the company’s logistics arm, which is arguably the best in the sector at the moment.
“Our ambition is to up the tempo by revolutionising e-commerce on the African continent, with Konga at the fore-front of this initiative. In addition to positioning the business on a path of profitability in the short term, our long term plans are focused around seeing Konga well established in other African capitals.
“Furthermore, we will be unveiling a lot of new initiatives soon and we advise shoppers and merchants alike to look out for these innovations which will radically reshape the average customer experience of e-commerce in Nigeria and on the continent.” 
Konga recently announced a shift to a prepay-only model, essentially putting a stop to Pay on Delivery (PoD) –  a significant decision which formed part of an internal restructuring aimed at putting the business on a sound footing in the market. 
This move, coupled with the new investment, were expected to spark an up-turn in the company’s fortunes which will see Konga assume a more significant share of the e-commerce market.
Led by serial digital entrepreneur, Ekeh, the Zinox Group has grown from a position of strength to become one of the biggest names on the African technology scene. 
With its headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria and branches all over the country in addition to hubs in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East; the Zinox Group boasts a 360-degree spectrum orientation as an integrated ICT solutions group with advanced competencies in manufacturing, distribution, retail and after-sales support, among others.

Was it not the great and extremely charismatic Reverend Jesse Jackson, the onetime black American presidential candidate with the Democratic Party that once mused thus-

Mr Leo Stan EKEH

‘All of us are not born giants, with silver spoons in our mouth and gold slippers on our feet. Some of us are born short of hopes, short of opportunity, abandoned, neglected, homeless, motherless, teeth crooked, eyes tangled, dream busted, but somebody has got to measure their greatness not by leaping up but by reaching back and reaching out and loving and caring and sharing’’

History books is jammed packed with stories of men who rose from grass to grace of their chosen profession, they ideally fit the tag of rag to riches stories and of of such is the African computer whiz,Leonard Stanley Nnamdi Ekeh,but better known around the globe as LEO STAN EKEH.

Nonetheless, those who are very close to him and the people in his village are at home when they call his sobriquet title: IYI, (that is stream)

Ekeh could be said to be like ocean of sort; he is like a stream of water to his people, always at home building churches, schools, constructing roads for his people…indeed his money is like deep Blue Ocean that never ceases flowing

His story is case book analyses, which quickly reminds one of the age old fact that the future belongs to those who believe in the beaut of their dream, Leo Stan stands tall here

His father was not rated among the first class Igbo (A business minded tribe of Eastern Nigeria) As a young boy growing up in a middle class setting, he was not all that handsome or had all he craved as kid; neither did he poses an outstanding talent, but he has always been blessed with a shrewd head on his shoulder and armed with plenty of push.

As a kid, his ambition then was to own the biggest transport company In Nigeria, for he was fascinated the way transportation business in Nigeria then was bustling and the money flowing and spinning like milk and honey

Today, many decades after, he may not be singing from the same song sheet among today’s top three transporter, but he is already enjoying fame and glory as one of Africa’s biggest information technology player

Billionaire Leo Stan is President and chairperson of Zinox Technologies Limited. In addition to Zinox, he has been involved with companies Task Systems, Technology Distributions Limited, ICT Brokers, TD Plus, ICT Connect and Buyright AFRICA Dotcom.

Is this not simply amazing? That a man that was born and raised from a not to reach home...by a middle-class family with three brothers and two sisters. His mother was a dietician, his father was a Nurse, now living in the big stage, now having the power, wealth and confidence to walk and talk to any top leader in the world and he listens?

No doubt , Leo Stan’s place in history is totally assured, he has lived the test of time and the recognition and accolades bestowed on him over the last few decades is a perfect testimony that Leo is not a run of the mill business personality you can find in today’s’ aggressively competitive business world

How many business moguls in the world can we see that boast of over 50 awards in medals and certificates?

Leo Stan, the Iyi man has no doubt done well for himself with all these awards, we will name only but few


*over 60 LEO STAN awards uncovered

Awards and recognition to any mortal is no doubt a sign that they have contributed one thing or the other to the society

Sir Richard T Pascal and Anthony G Athos in their epic book: ART OF JAPANESE MANAGEMENT quotes ‘Three forms of reward exist in the today’s dynamic world, remunerations, promotion and recognition. Of the three, the first two are less flexible than the third in the everyday schemes of life’’

A few are listed below -

• Icon of Hope (President Olusegun Obasanjo) 1 October 2002 • Officer of the Order of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, OFR • Fellow of the Nigerian Computer Society, FNCS • ICT personality of the Year • Doctor of Business Administration (Honoris Causa) Imo State University, Owerri • Doctor of Business Administration (Honoris Causa) Federal University of Agric, Makurdi • Doctor of Technology (Honoris Causa) Federal University of Technology, Owerri. • Doctor of Science (Honorary) University of Jos • Corporate Citizen of the Year Award 2002/2003, Newspaper Proprietors Association of Nigeria. • Information Technology Personality of the Year 2002 Award (IT & Telecom Digest)

• Fellow of the Lagos State Polytechnic, Lagos.

• Fellow of the Federal Polytechnic, Idah.

• Fellow of the Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, Owerri, Imo State

• Distinguished Fellow of the Nigeria Law School

• One time prestigious Nigerian Science and Technology Achiever of the Year

• Life Membership, Nigerian Institute of International Affairs, amongst others


From the word go, Leo Stan has always been on the wings of adventure, little wonder his choice of higher education destination , did not come as surprise to many. He chose to go and school in India at a time not many people had faith in the world’s most densely populated Country

He opted for India for his university education, where he received a bachelor's of science degree in economics from Punjab University Ekeh believes that studying in India was “a great turning point in my life because I found the economy of India a realistic economy”.

After his university education in India, Ekeh opted to study at the Cork City University, Ireland, and later transferred to Nottingham University, UK, earning a degree in risk management.


A self made and magnanimous man, Ekeh has always been at the hub of new development and discoveries, little wonder …. In addition to Zinox, he has been involved with companies Task Systems, Technology Distributions Limited, ICT Brokers, TD Plus, ICT Connect and Buyright AFRICA Dotcom.

Ekeh amazingly has always been a man of firsts, through his company Task Systems Limited; he pioneered Desktop Publishing and Computer Graphics in Nigeria. He computerized 95% of the Print Media, Publishing Houses and Advertising Agencies in Nigeria. Task Systems Limited, his first company has consistently won outstanding industry Awards as Best Partner Award for Compaq, HP, Microsoft, American Power Solution, APC, etc. for 20 years.

Leo Stan Ekeh also pioneered IT Solutions in West Africa through his company ITEC Solutions Limited through which he has delivered the largest IT Solutions ever, from an indigenous firm, to the Nigerian Corporate Market.

Mr. Ekeh also pioneered IT Distribution in West Africa through Technology Distributions Limited, TD, which has emerged the Number 1 ICT distribution company in West Africa. TD has consistently won for ten years the highest industry Awards and recognitions for market penetration, revenue, and preferred partner status to become the most decorated ICT Distributor in West Africa.

Leo Stan Ekeh scored another first in 2001 when he set up Zinox Technologies Limited to manufacture Zinox Computers, Nigeria’s First Internationally Certified Branded Computers Leo Stan’s Zinox Computer has some innovative features, which include - the Naira sign, and a Power Supply designed to contain the erratic nature of electric power in Nigeria. He ensured that at launch Zinox Computers already had the WHQL certification, the first in sub-Saharan Africa, consolidated 5 years later with the attainment of the NIS ISO 2000: 9001 QMS Certification.

Leo Stan Ekeh has a record of incisive entrepreneurship and his vision to Computerize Nigeria has rewritten the history of Information Technology in the Third World


Leo Stan, a firm believer that no one is destined to be poor in this knowledge century has been the main driver of digital knowledge Democracy in Africa Mr. Ekeh as Chairman of the Zinox Group believes one of his legacies is to alter positively the destiny of many poor Nigerians through his knowledge democracy platforms.

The most integrated Information Technology Group in the whole of Africa, the Zinox Group has shown multiple competencies in manufacturing, solutions delivery and logistics.

The Group salvaged the 2006 Voters’ registration exercise by delivering 12,000 systems to INEC in 3 weeks. Again in 2011, under his leadership, the Group has been responsible for the technology backbone for the 2011 voters’ registration through the supply of 80,000 DDC Machines in 35 days, an awesome accomplishment for an indigenous firm in Nigeria or anywhere in the world.


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