MEET The Late Irrepressible Ma BLESSING WARIBOKO FIYEMIEARI GEORGE -Special Untimely Death By Cerutti Media Group For The Georges Family

"The deep pain that is felt at the early death of every friendly soul arise from the feeling that there is in every individual something which is inexpressible, peculiar to him alone, and is, therefore, absolutely and irretrievably lost "
– Jermaine Jackson


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Part 1: intro

This mini profile work you are holding is not by accident, the families of late Chief Josiah George and late George Bereiweriso Okpu Perenge of the Dokube Royal War Canoe House, in the ruling Ado Royal Family of Okirika, Rivers State Government Area of Rivershave decided to put it together so that our mothers life can Forever be   mirror to the youths and the world to learn that there are still few good women to emulate

We are simply human beings because give or take we will all die one day for without the five letter word called death, we human beings could have been regarded as something else
So to put it succinctly, death remains that factor that defines our humanness and it is most pathetic that these days death surrounds us face to face and still remains our strange bed fellow, whispering sweet nothing to our ears even when we force ourselves to sleep

More than five decades ago, precisely 58 Years ago, a little baby girl  was born and named her BLESSING WARIBOKO FIYEMIEARI GEORGE into a deeply Christian   Anglican home

The Priest of then St. Andrew's Anglican Church of George Ama ( now George Ama Parish) according to the Anglican tradition sprinkled a few  drops of water and named her BLESSING WARIBOKO FIYEMIEARI GEORGE, and saved her soul, knowing that,  if death came before baptism, the child would be doomed to an eternity of pain, little did the priest that baptized her know that the parent of this Royal Daughter, wrapped in many folds, with Sparkling Bright Eyes, Filled with Life, knew she was a Great Mother.

She was not a supernatural origin. At Her Birth place were no celestial pyrotechnics. Her Mother Late Madam Buseindirima Christiana Josiah George and her Father, Late Fiyemieari Iweriso Perenge, both from the ruling Ado Royal Family of Okirika, had the Cheerful habit of Living this World.
However, she was confirmed according to the Anglican tradition at Adulthood, having accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Personal Saviour, Rt. The Honorable Bishop Elenwo of the Niger Delta Diocese in 1987. She dutifully, meticulously and religiously discharged all her duties as far as the Anglican Church was concerned.
Most importantly, she kept her creed, as she was a selfless    Member of the Women's Guide of the St. Andrew's Anglican Parish until she took ill, after attending the last Mother's Day activity, in the year 2003, same year she passed on.
Late Madam Blessing Wariboko George, was admitted at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital( UPTH) on 22nd April 2003 for Diabetic foot Ulcer. On the 29th of June, 2003 at exactly 4.20pm she passed on to the Realm of Glory, before her Children and brothers, the immediate cause of transition being Septic shock.
She left behind to Glorify, Seven Children, and Eleven Grandchildren, brothers, Nephews, Cousins, Neices In-laws and Numerous Loved ones. She became a Wonder and a Special Gift from God for her Family.
We still Miss Mama till date, but our consolation is that she is in heaven as she had lived a very noble life. MAY her soul RIP

We, the Georges family even in dead,  our church, still see it befitting to award her for her selfeless service to God and humanity in a ceremony to be held on 17th December 2017 this year, w are indeed delighted receiving this award on her behalf 


· “The prospect of an early death sits differently upon each person. In some it gifts maturity far outweighing their age and experience: calm acceptance blossoms into a beautiful nature and soft countenance. In others, however, it leads to the formation of a tiny ice flint in their heart. Ice that, though at times concealed, never  properly melts.

Rose, though she would have liked to be one of the former, knew herself deep down to be one of the latter.”
― Kate Morton, the Forgotten Garden
· “If your last words are somehow meant to encapsulate your entire existence, Liz finds um strangely appropriate. Um means nothing. Um is what you say while you're thinking of what you'll really say. Um suggests someone interrupted before they'd begun. Um is a fifteen-year-old girl who gets hit by a taxicab in front of a mall on the way to help pick out a prom dress for a prom she isn't even going to, for God's sake.”
― Gabrielle Zevin, Elsewhere
· “The tragedy of Tupac is that his untimely passing is representative of too many young black men in this country....If we had lost Oprah Winfrey at 25, we would have lost a relatively unknown, local market TV anchorwoman. If we had lost Malcolm X at 25, we would have lost a hustler named Detroit Red. And if I had left the world at 25, we would have lost a big-band trumpet player and aspiring composer--just a sliver of my eventual life potential.”
― Quincy Jones
· “In the last four days I have got the (results) given by Tantalum, Chromium, Manganese, Iron , Nickel, Cobalt and Copper ... The chief result is that ... the result for any metal (is) quite easy to guess from the results for the others. This shows that the insides of all the atoms are very much alike, and from these results it will be possible to find out something of what the insides are made up of.”
― Henry Moseley
· The deep pain that is felt at the early death of every friendly soul arise from the feeling that there is in every individual something which is inexpressible, peculiar to him alone, and is, therefore, absolutely and irretrievably lost – Jermaine Jackson


Saddled with the great responsibility of early motherhood, she took to Trading with the Energy of her Nature and every faculty of her mind and excelled exceptionally. Most importantly, she gave the best years of her Wondrous Life to succor her Children, Relations and all those who came in contact with her in course of her sojourn on earth... In fact, she was a Rare Gem, a True and beloved mother and a sister par excellence, whose Milk of Kindness flowed like a boundless ocean.
“Indeed, a Beloved great Mother and most wonderful sister have passed on" A Great Mother Because Greatness is not a Gift for the majorities, it cannot be thrust upon man, and men cannot give it to another. they can give place and Power, but not Greatness.
Late Madam Blessing Wariboko Fiyemieari George, gave to her Family  new Islands and new Continents to the domain of care, new Constellation to the Firmament of Love, as she does not seek applause or place but truly a torch in the Darkness., a Beacon in Superstitious night, an Inspiration and a Prophecy.
Even Though, we give the Glory to the creator as prescribed in the Holy Bible for the Dreamless  drapery of eternal peace,  OUR "SISY" was the Greatest genius of Our Life, as she left in our minds the RICHEST LEGACY OF " VALHALLA" - The Greatest  Treasures of the rarest soul that ever lived.
Frankly, it is hard to overstate the debt we owe this beloved great Mother. because take from our Family , what she has given and all the niches empty. Our Dearest Mother and Sister though called to higher glory of Service, was too great a theme for the Family, we feel the moment as though endeavoring to grasp a globe so large that, the hands obtain no hold.  He/ She who would Speak or write about her should speak or write about her should be inspired by “a muse of fire that should ascend the Brightest Heaven of Invention" and should in fact have “a Kingdom for Stage and Monarchs to behold the swelling scene."
Late Blessing Wariboko Fiyemieari George,  was an Epitome of Love,  Humility, Genius, Purity, rectitude, Nature, Sensibility because she was dependable, forthright, Honest, Truthful, a Perfection indeed with an Eagle Sweep of Vision and Harmony.
It is pertinent to illuminate some of her Sterling qualities for the benefit of people who may not know her too well. These Virtues are so many.
There are a lot to be learned from her, by the Younger generation.
Her life was like a mirror, what you see in the mirror is the truth. There is no make - belief. For the purpose of emphasis, one is tempted to sum her attributes in Generosity, Righteous, Humility, Love, Sincerity, Reliability, Forthrightness and Dependability.
These qualities or attributes cannot be hidden because those who do not have them cannot pretend to have them for long, before their own attitudes and behavior will show people around them, their true colors.  We make bold to state that she was too generous to a fault because she can sacrifice her own personal comfort, to make others happy. She was a stickler for Righteousness and Forthrightness and expects people around her to be so. She was reliable and dependable because, she honors her word and stands by her promise any day.
You cannot be disappointed, when you trust her, unless it was a situation over which herself has no control. She was an Epitome of Humility because; she treats people that come her Way, young and old respect and Compassion.
Our late mother and Sister, would not side with whatever was unjust, as she would tell the home truth, bitter as it may be, without mincing words, because it was her believe that, the truth will always prevail..
Being mortal, she was a strong - willed character, though she could be persuaded by Superior reasoning, as she believes that people learn new things and more about life every day, no matter how old they are.


Chief Mrs. Caroline Onyedikachi
Mrs Kalaine Fiberesima
Mrs Margaret  Douglas Sekibo
Miss Emily S.   George
Miss Victoria Boma S. George
Master Tubotamuno P. George
Miss Gloria Onyedikachi
Miss Uchechi Onyedikachi
Miss Cecilia     Onyedikachi
Miss Chiamaka Onyedikachi
Master James   Onyedikachi
Miss Roseline      Fred
Master Kingsley A.
Miss Ibinabo Orupabo
Master Destiny Dikeh
Miss Confidence Dikeh
Dianella Sekibo
David      Sekibo
Elder Hector Fiyemieari George
Mr Belema Peace George
Hon. Idango         George
Madam Glorianah Peace George
Madam Charity    Dako
Chief Rufus Ada George
Captain Happiness Peace George
Mrs Irene Belema Peace George
Mr Secondus Peace George
Mr Noble Ikiriko George
Mr Minayon        George
Engr. Tamunokuro Luke George
Mr Tamkuro       George
Chief Francis          Karibo
HON.   Sunny            Karibo
Engr.  Abiye             Karibo
Engr.  Tamunolobo Luke George
Mrs  Iwotifama        Erasmos
Master Tekena          George
Master Powel  Belema Peace George
Madam Asikiye     Alagoga  George
Miss Mariam     Belema Peace George
Mrs Ibianga                               George
Dr Okusimieka                          George
Hon. Nengiye                            George
Mr   Aron                                  George
Mrs Bapakaye                        Kalio
Miss Opekere                          Ogan
Miss   Salome                          Ogan
Miss   Ibitein                           George
And a host of other Numerous Relatives, in laws, friends too numerous to Mention.


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