Khadijah Kasim,CBN Head Of Consumer Education Sends Most Passionate Goodwill Message To World Youths As Curtain Of Global Money Week Falls

After a highly successful end of the much celebrated Global Money week,the head of consumer education unit of the top apex bank, CBN Hajia Khadijah Kasim has sent a goodwill message of hope  to the entire youths of the world

Speaking exclusively in a three series marathon interview with World Leaders online magazine, financial minded Hajia Kesim opined 

" The youths of Nigeria are blessed. God has placed them in a country with abundant resources and lots of opportunity to work hard and succeed. The problem is that of attitude. Youths today are lazy, want to get rich by all means and indulge in all sorts of anti-social and criminal acts.

"I believe our youths are great irrespective of the challenges they are facing if they are mentored they will great men and women that will lead our country prosperity and greatness. 

" Our youths must be told to   shun all acts that will destroy them and learn a trade if they don't wish to work after university... They must make the art of saving a lifestyle " motherly youths role model Hajia Kasim divulged

*Special report by Cerutti Media financial service unit 


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